Got Pulled Over Yesterday...

Below are the results that usually come from running from the cops.

1. Get away....your just too good & too fast. Radio, Helicopter, no prob.
2. Crash......not just going to jail, but hospital too, that's if you survive.
3. Run out of first line, simply; you're not that good.
Tonight on the way home from work on the 5 freeway in Burbank. Pass some cages clogging up the fast lane. Hit about 85+ merge back into the fast lane still doing close to 80. Next thing I know I feel something pulling up on me. I look over and it's a CHP bike officer. Quick off the throttle he paces me for a moment then pulls away. As he does so he raises his left hand and runs it back and forth across the top of his helmet. Kinda like saying cop ahead and it will be me. I was totally busted but he let it go. He just kinda put me in my place and I'll take that any day over a ticket.
Well, okay, but now I don't want to read that DefyIntertia is laughing off how he chumped everybody. Now, take my last ticket: I'm in my van in a 7'ish morning residential area and come up to a 4 way stop sign. Landscaping truck/trailer combo with 3 in cab (Hispanics) are in front of me just sitting there for what seemed like hours while there's NO other traffic at all at the intersection. You know how it is, right, you're saying to yourself "GO! Get the F going, what are you waiting for?". Then, truck/trailer combo start MOVING, but only about 2-3 feet and then STOP.(Remember, there's NO other traffic waiting at the 4-way). Then, truck/trailer combo moves again but STOPS again after a few more feet. Then, FINALLY truck/trailer combo rolls across the intersection. Well, by this time, I'm miffed and so I just slowly roll across the intersection since I've ALREADY been at the stop sign behind the truck/trailer (with lawn mowers, etc.). TICKET! A CHP was parked half block down the side street just WAITING to ticket a stop sign violation. And, cop saw what happened---the truck/trailer hesitating, stopping, hesitating, stopping, hestitating, etc., in front of me. DO I GET OFF? NOOOOOOO!

Your last ticket?.... :eek: How many do you get? :D
dude i been there b4 and dont it feel good? me and a buddy of mine were riding a back road home from work one day and we put an easy 100 - 200 yard gap between us and the cars ahead of us and we do a few wheelies then call it all fun and games well these cars ahead of us tell a cop at a 4way stop up the road about our actions and he pulls us over. he told us the "this is wat could happin if we seen ya" speech then let us go oh my god we were stoked... now believe it or not wat he said stuck and im alot more carefull where i do my dumb **** "if ur gona be dumb be smart about it" now i love cops like that. but ive also had my cops that pull me over and ticket me for 65 in a 60 when i was behind a car for the last mile wtf is that lol but ive learned just dont be a punk. make their job as easy as possible and u might not make it out ticket free but they will hook u up...

Your last ticket?.... :eek: How many do you get? :D
Hey, that's been the only (I hate saying this---you know what happens when you start bragging) ticket in, I don't know, last 23 years or so. Now, that I'm on the subject again, has anyone noticed how some states/muncipalities are getting obscene with money-generating traffic ticketing? Take these red light cameras, for example. Around here they even take your video if you don't make a total and complete stop before turning right at traffic light intersection. And, if you get knicked, do you know how much the fine is? It's the SAME fine as if one blows through an intersection red light and will run, not your "normal" (failure to stop at a stop sign ticket of $160) but a whopping $460.00. People around here are outraged. It's so obvious that local governments are not concerned about "safety" but about CASH. This corruption is worse than Mexico/Russia or some other slip-cash-into-officer's-hands scene. How come you're asking me how many tickets I've gotten? You sound like a cop.
This run-in with the law has significantly slowed me down. I def don't wanna put myself in this kinda situation again because I know I can't be this lucky twice. I've been watching my speed in my car as well. This was def an eye-opener!
Not to revive a long since dead thread, but I found myself having to decide whether to run, or go to jail. Long story short, I was out tooling around. Nothing serious, except the DMV suspended my license for not returning plates after selling a car. They suspended me for bringing them in 6 months after I sold the car. Truth be told, I actually forgot all about it and misplaced them. As I was packing to move I found them and decided to do the right thing, only to be told my license has been suspended. Now mind you I have a spotless driving record. Not that I obey the speed limits, just that I don't get caught. Well, yesterday I went through a yellow a wee bit late and sure enough there was a Nissan Altima sitting on the corner waiting for people to run the light. I kept going and before he pulled into traffic, I had five cars between him and me. I made a left down a one way street (wrong way mind you) and pulled the bike into an underground garage. Stripped off my gear and walked up to the street to find not one but three cop cars circling the block looking for me. Now I am not saying you should try this at home, but when in doubt, park it somewhere out of sight, ditch your gear and walk away. It's worked every time. Again, do not try this at home.
Dude you are very very lucky guy :eek: , if you did that here in Queensland , Australia it is instant loss of licence for 6 months and your bike would be impounded for 3 months........ Ohh and dont bother buying a lottery ticket , you've used all your luck up :D

And if it were a female copper, give it up - she'll look upon you with utter disdain, as someone would look upon a ****roach, and lecture you ad nauseum about being an irresponsible motorist, and how dare you put others lives in danger, and how dare you even be alive to take another breath, using oxygen SHE might have wanted etc....

In Oz, there is no compassion shown by the Police during traffic stops - they are under too much pressure to add to the gubbermints coffers.

They use no discretionary powers, but drill you for as much as they can. (and most moving violations can/do have parallel 'offences' that increases their quota)

My experiences anyway.....

In Oz, there is no compassion shown by the Police during traffic stops - they are under too much pressure to add to the gubbermints coffers.

They use no discretionary powers, but drill you for as much as they can. (and most moving violations can/do have parallel 'offences' that increases their quota)

same damn thing in Georgia. they just piss me off, no wonder most people dislike them here.
I hear ya. Except I was facing jail time if I got caught. Please, I know it was stupid to be out on the bike with a suspended license, but the weather was just too beautiful.

Funniest part, as I am standing around (this neighborhood is primarily low income black, so people just stand around a lot) bull****ting with three other riders I know, (who ride in full gear, as I usually do) an undercover pulls up and asks if we've seen anyone new in the neighborhood driving recklessly. No sir, us boys ain't seen nobody fittin' that thir' disription. It was classic. Anyway, I am not proud to say this, ok maybe a little proud, but this is now the sixth time they haven't caught me.

Key to getting away. Know thy neighborhood. Know where the white police dare not go i.e. East New York to look for a speeder. Just ain't worth it to them.

And I also knew shift change was less than ten minutes away, so I was good.

PS. I am sure glad I went down one in the front. Proud member of
gstephen70, you need to stop riding without a licence. Not fair to other people on the road that have licence insurance etc. Don't know how it works in the US, but if you injured someone here with no licence/insurance, you'd be doing instant time.....

And Mave2911, you've got it wrong about female cops. ANY cop can have that attitude. I've had good cops stop me and chat about the bike etc, and I've had bad cops stop me who think that every rider is a "bikie" or a "hoon". Ya saying women don't like bikes? Few female members on this forum might disagree :D Just saying ;)
Kazaa, I hear what you are saying, however, I cannot accept the fact that I should be penalized for bringing in the plates in goodwill. I asked to pay a fine instead of having the license suspended. No go. I never had a ticket in almost ten years. To suspend my license for something like this is an example of the DMV exerting their "big brother" control over the average motorist.

Remember, tickets are simply a way to fund certain programs. My 68 year old mother was ticketed because she "according to the cop" didn't come to a full stop before making the right on red. C'mon.

As an aside, I am going into DMV tomorrow with my attorney to get my driving privileges reinstated. It ain't worth going to the clink.

And once I am legal, look out world. JK:eek:
They have that law in Perth too. Actually, a lot of fine defaulters are in prison. THIS is a joke. I don't pay parking tickets and they can send me to jail, with criminals! Hardly a "crime". I'm sure they could get the $ out of me by force, somehow. BTW, this is theoretical, I don't actually have any outstandings :)

And yep, BIG BROTHER scares me too. George Orwell - he knew what was going on :eek: