Got Hit by a Deer Today!

Poor bambi my rear! lol When I was chatting with the dude that stopped, he said "The deer made it off the road too!". I was still a bit shaken, and I thought to myself, "I don't give a dang about the stupid dear right now! In fact, I hope it's bleeding out right now." :Flip:

I was going over and over the incident in my head, and I know realize that the plastic-crunching sound I heard as it hit must've been the deer smacking the fairing. I think it tried to turn at the last second, and I must've clipped the side of it as far as I can figure. Ugh, I still can't believe it happened. Oh well, at least it was a small one, so I had the weight advantage, and didn't go down. Hopefully it learned it's lesson! But I doubt it. Never underestimate the stupidity of deer. I'm now fairly certain goats and cows rank higher than deer on the intelligence scale. :rolleyes:

Ride safe out there, and watch for deer!