Give a noob some pointers!


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Jul 18, 2008
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I am new here and have read alot of posts and not sure if I should ask this but i will anyway. I haven't owned a street bike in 16 years and that was an RZ350 now I want an FZ6 BAD!
I am a hardcore Yamaha lover and love that bike and have for a while but I don't know much of their track record or if there is anything I should look for when bying one. I am haveing a hard time finding them new in dealers in my area but they do sell well so I'm not surprized. So here are my questions.

Should I stay away from a used bike and just try to locate one new?

What problems should I look for when bying one used? By year.

What is the average cost in maintanance? Oil changes and such and do they have to be done at the dealer for the warrenty?
I know that this may sound like some pretty stupid stuff to ask but I'd rather ask owners then the dealer because their just going to feed me what ever it takes to get the sale. Thanks for you help.
New or used it is a great bike. There is a difference between some models. The Euro's have a slight advantage over the states in that they have security and ABS options. There is performance difference between the 06 and 07. The 07 and 08 models also have a few styling changes a new swing arm design and more power (the performance part yada yada yada) and the blacked out motor is a lot nicer looking. If you can find a 07 used I would buy that one or just go ahead and buy a new 08. The Cobalt Blue is beautiful!!! Hopefully this was some help. Ohh yeah welcome:welcome:
If/When you buy your FZ6, I would try to do as much as the work on the bike as you can yourself. You can read threads on here about people getting shatty jobs done by the dealers. Plus, you can find a thread on just about anything on how to work on your bike step by step on here if you arent that mechanically inclined. Plus everyone on this forum rocks, and is very nice and helpful
New or used is good. I picked up a new (leftover) '07 a few weeks ago. There's a new, leftover '06 at the dealer in Jackson Michigan (2 hours from you) that's been sitting there forever and could likely be had cheap if you're interested. I wanted the newer version, so I sought out an 07. There was also a used '06 for sale at the Triumph dealer in Kalamazoo and a used one for sale at a dealer in Toledo last time I checked.

If it's used, check the chain first. If it looks good, chances are the bike has been maintained. Check the tires too - if they're worn, immediately subtract 200-300 from the asking price. The used one I saw in Kalamazoo was not in the best shape so I stayed away. They did let me take a test ride though ;)

This is certainly a bike you can work on yourself. It's much easier than other bikes I've owned, and having a centerstand is awesome. Well built too.

Insurance is typically done by displacement. It was much cheaper for the FZ6 than my old 750 cruiser (despite having >2x the HP!)
I would like to know the name of that dealer with the '06. As far as the differance between the '06 and '07, I don't see enough to make me go one way or the other but is their somewhere to direct me as where to find some specs on the older models? It would be nice to go with some knowledge and not get ripped off because of not beign "upto date" with the particulars of the bike.
I am new here and have read alot of posts and not sure if I should ask this but i will anyway. I haven't owned a street bike in 16 years and that was an RZ350 now I want an FZ6 BAD!
I am a hardcore Yamaha lover and love that bike and have for a while but I don't know much of their track record or if there is anything I should look for when bying one. I am haveing a hard time finding them new in dealers in my area but they do sell well so I'm not surprized. So here are my questions.

Should I stay away from a used bike and just try to locate one new?

What problems should I look for when bying one used? By year.

What is the average cost in maintanance? Oil changes and such and do they have to be done at the dealer for the warrenty?
I know that this may sound like some pretty stupid stuff to ask but I'd rather ask owners then the dealer because their just going to feed me what ever it takes to get the sale. Thanks for you help.
I bought a left over 2006 at a dealer for a good price. Shop around. It's a good bike new or used , save some bucks. Have you tried Detroits Craigs List? Here are some that have had some goodies added.

classifieds - craigslist
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This is my 05, as you can see the engine is a lighter color. Engine specs are roughly the same as the newer ones. The suspention is better on the newer ones thou.
I bought a left over 2006 at a dealer for a good price. Shop around. It's a good bike new or used , save some bucks. Have you tried Detroits Craigs List? Here are some that have had some goodies added.

classifieds - craigslist

I've been looking at those but the one I like the guy has no contact info... must not want to sell it that bad. What did you pay for the left over '06? would like to know what you paid as not to pay to much myself.
Just remember to check to see if the recall work has been done on the pre'07 should you buy one of those models. (TPS and front sprocket washer). The dealer can tell you based on serial number if it is needed or not.

If you're looking for a tool, get a used one. If you're looking for a toy, get a new one. Used, you'll be able to beat on without worrying about the breakin or first scratch. New, you'll be so worried about all this, the first 1k miles aren't a whole lot of fun (unless you do them in the first week! ;) )
Toy first but tool second I guess. I'm selling my current trail rig, a 90 Suzuki Samurai, to finance the deal. I want something to ride and enjoy but that won't kill my pocket and that a stand to be on for at least 50mi oneway ride to work. I have a problem with the way you have to lean over so far on a "clamp-on" style bike, they make my fingers numb because of a past accident.
Toy first but tool second I guess. I'm selling my current trail rig, a 90 Suzuki Samurai, to finance the deal. I want something to ride and enjoy but that won't kill my pocket and that a stand to be on for at least 50mi oneway ride to work. I have a problem with the way you have to lean over so far on a "clamp-on" style bike, they make my fingers numb because of a past accident.

How tall are you? What's your reach? Taller people have less issues with the FZ6 but when you get under the 5' 10" mark, the slight lean forward, without keeping your elbows bent and arms loose, will cause numbness. SW Tech makes a great set of bar-backs that lift the bars 1" and set them back 1". Couple that with rotating the bars for the best angle/grip and you should be styling! Key though is never put your weight on your arms and transfer that all to the grips. :thumbup:
I'm 5'9" on a good day. Mostly it's tha angle of a "clamp-on" that is tha problem but the pressure is more as well. The FZ6, the Zuki SV650 and the Ninja all have a real handle bar setup but the FZ is what I like the best. I've sat on all of those and I can tell that there might be some fine tuning but for the most part there good to go right out of the box as far as the numbness goes.
I've been looking at those but the one I like the guy has no contact info... must not want to sell it that bad. What did you pay for the left over '06? would like to know what you paid as not to pay to much myself.
$5400 out the door but I added 2 more years warranty so it was $5800 total.
I would like to know the name of that dealer with the '06. As far as the differance between the '06 and '07, I don't see enough to make me go one way or the other but is their somewhere to direct me as where to find some specs on the older models? It would be nice to go with some knowledge and not get ripped off because of not beign "upto date" with the particulars of the bike.

Dealer with the "new" 06 is in Jackson. It's Holiday Powersports (take I-94 East to 127 South - it's a few miles South on 127 - get off at Page Avenue and go East a couple of miles). I haven't bought anything from them other than chain lube, so I don't know what they're like to work with. They don't seem to move bikes very fast though and they know NOTHING about them (every time I go in the salespeople are new and know very, very little about their products). They had an '07 earlier this summer which sold, but the '06 was still there a couple of weeks ago. It's blue.
I will look them up on the web or call them tommorrow. I did find two at a dealer nearby, a red one on the floor and a black still in the crate. I likey that "Raven" if I'm correct on the name. We'll see how the next couple of weeks go with the sale of my Samurai and hopefully I'll be back here talking crap in the other threads!:rockon::sinister: