Gel seat under 80$


Dec 19, 2010
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This is a thread to show how you can customize your seat to have a comfort gel seat. I also address the issue of the gel holding heat/cold.
First here is a thread that will show you how to take apart your seat and shave it down. Here is the thread You will want to take at least 1/8" off the entire seat.

Once you have got your seat shaved down, draw an outline for the gel insert on your seat.
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When you have that cut out you can use 60 grit sand paper to smooth the surfaces. Use a spray adhesive to lightly tack down the foam to the seats shell.
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You will also want to spray the insert area for the gel, even thought the gel is sticky.
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This is SHOCKtec Air2Gel. It will help to disperse heat/cold out of the gel as well as create a smooth seamless finish.
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Use spray adhesive and tape to hold it in place while it dries. You may have to cut reliefs in it depending on your shape.
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Hopefully this is what it looks like when you take off the tape.
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Pull your cover back over the seat. Up to you whether you want to use adhesive.
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I got the gel and the SHOCKtec Air2Gel foam SHOCKtec Gel & Air2Gel HOMEPAGE
The gel is the motorcycle seat insert Standard (12"x18") $34.95
I got the 1/8" SHOCKtec Air2Gel full roll $33.20

The customer service for this company was outstanding. I initially contacted Tom Pierce, he more than answered my questions about what I wanted to do, I placed my order online. I received an e-mail with invoice and tracking information. I also got a follow up email to make sure that I got the products and that they were what I was looking for all from Tom Pierce. Like I said, great customer service.
Due to the weather here in Michigan I have not had an opportunity to go on a long ride. I got another stock seat off flea bay that I used to do the mod. I paid 20$. So I still have my stock seat. Just going for a short ride about 15 miles with both seats to compare the feel, I liked the feel of the gel in the seat. It feels just as firm at first. After a min on it though you feel how it gives in places like your tail bone to level out the weight distribution. Basically, even on a short ride my butt voted for the modded seat.
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Ive only got 800ks up on the bike so far so I need to see how the seat "beds" in. But I like the idea of the gel insert. I might have to see if I can locate another seat to play with, but thanks for the idea and great pics
Update: went for a nice long ride yesterday with this new seat.When you first get on the bike you notice an increase in the comfort level vs stock. However, part of this is probably due to reshaping the seat. The real joy came after I was on the bike for a little bit. As the ride went on the gel must have warmed up. It felt like my seat was giving my a$$ a hug. Not just any hug, but the kind that feels so good you don't want it to stop, because she is so cute, but she just wants to be friends. OH, wait never mind. I like my new seat.
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sorry to bring up old threads but in one pic it looks like you have a yellow gel, then the blue shocktec gel overtop.

are there 2 gel layers in there?
Can u please post more pics of your bike? I plan to may be paint my bike in the future and yellow is on my list!