FZ6N tank


Iced coffee fiend
Elite Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Hi guys,

My first post, probably not my last :Flash:

Anyway, recently (under 2 weeks) bought a new yellow FZ6N after getting a run around with some second hand encumbered bikes... ugh...

Unfortunately for me I wasn't all that keen on yellow but beggars cannot be choosers when it's the last one available...

Anyway I have been looking to replace the tank and picked one up on ebay on the weekend but today have been informed that they "cannot find it" ...

So the crux of my post is... what FZ tanks would be compatible with the FZ6N (09)? Can I pickup a tank from a Fazer/FZ6R/some other crazy overseas designation... ?

Going to respray whatever I buy but don't want to do the simple option of respraying my existing tank. :D

Any insight would be most welcome :D

Also only stumbled onto a thread here the other day that let me know that my newly ordered fender eliminator isn't legal. Sad panda. :( Would that I had checked sooner!

While we're at it... carbon front fender... legal... right? Tell me that is... :eek: Also what's the go with some of those custom lights I've seen on FZ6's? They ok to do in Qld? So many questions :Flash:

Thanks again - my google-fu failed me with the tank issue.
The only tanks that fit the FZ6, are the FZ6 ones :BLAA:
It doesn't matter which year ('04 and up), they should all fit (I guess, if not.... :spank:)


So an FZ6 of any variety is the same as an FZ6 N? Some of then mountings on various tanks I've looked at on ebay within the FZ6 category seem to vary.
So an FZ6 of any variety is the same as an FZ6 N? Some of then mountings on various tanks I've looked at on ebay within the FZ6 category seem to vary.

The only one that wont fit is the fz6r tank I believe

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First of all :welcome: to the forum :thumbup:

All FZ6N & FZ6S tanks from '04 on will fit , carbon fibre front fenders are perfectly legal in Qld & as for the lights , which sort are you talking about ??
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

As for headlights, not one in particular... just noticed the few interesting mods in the forums here. With gixxer lights and such, as a previous gixxer owner that tickled my fancy somewhat, altho I haven't settled on one yet...

Thought the new duke headlight looked alright too...
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Was more of an in general question, assuming one was using an existing road bike approved light of course. Just am not sure as to the legality of lifting a light off another make/model and dropping it on my bike.

I'm assuming that my bar end mirrors wont be an issue either... or hoping so at least.