FZ6 in da house,,,,well, the garage...


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May 9, 2009
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Just got this 2007 FZ6 and it is TOO quiet !!! I'm of the belief that LOUD PIPES SAVE LIFES !!! The problem ........I don't want to spend ANY $$$ for a new exhaust. So, how do I fix this problem? Any way to drill the baffles or something?
Thanks guys !
You can search on that topic and you'll find it. I don't know how much louder it will become but from what I have seen in the threads it makes it deeper.

Don't know if it's true or not but isn't all the sound behind you and isn't most of the threats/hazards mostly in front. So, with that being said, will louder pipes really make a difference.

Just asking.
You can drill the baffles, replace the cat with straight pipe and all will improve the sound a little....emphasis on the little part. I did mine before I got a great deal on some Arrows. It got me by for a while the biggest change in sound is at idle though.
Don't know if it's true or not but isn't all the sound behind you and isn't most of the threats/hazards mostly in front. So, with that being said, will louder pipes really make a difference.

Just asking.

I'm of the same opinion as the OP... Loud Pipes save lives.

I rode my FZ for 2.5 years before adding a set of Leo's to it, and in those 2.5 years, I would average out the amount of people in cars coming into my lane on top of me at 1 per day. Since fitting the Leo Vince pipes, not 1 car has ventured into my lane-space.

So, to answer your question... "will louder pipes really make a difference?".. YES, they do.

Just got this 2007 FZ6 and it is TOO quiet !!! I'm of the belief that LOUD PIPES SAVE LIFES !!! The problem ........I don't want to spend ANY $$$ for a new exhaust. So, how do I fix this problem? Any way to drill the baffles or something?
Thanks guys !

Congrats on the new bike, I hope it brings you many happy, safe adventures.

Yea I've just fitted a set of leo's this week and cant reccomend them enough! They are expensive but they make a real difference on the road, people just seem to keep out of your way. And maybe due to the cat ellim pipe there is plenty more engine noise to so its not all behind you.

Not sure drilling your exhaust will give the desired effect? Good luck.
to the OP... congrats. you made a wise choice.

to ryan
Don't know if it's true or not but isn't all the sound behind you and isn't most of the threats/hazards mostly in front. So, with that being said, will louder pipes really make a difference.

Just asking.
i'm of the opinion that they don't. for the very reasons you mention. i don't hear a bike until it is past/infront of me. i went on a ride with some friends of mine and they were saying, "just be happy ______ isn't here. whoever rode BEHIND him last time we rode just about went deaf." none of them who road in front of him had any problems.

IMO, loud pipes annoy neighbors. i'm happy to have a quiet bike. i make sure i'm not in blind spots and i try not to ride next to cars for very long. i usually ride next to them just long enough to pass them. plus, cars are getting much better at blocking out noise from the outside. and whatever noise is coming in is blocked by a radio or a phone.

the only loud thing i plan on adding in the future is a stebel horn. even with that, i know of someone who blew that three times at someone who didn't even blink at them (coming into the bikers lane) until he kicked her door. i don't count on anyone seeing or hearing me.
I'm with Dean and the OP. With the OP in that they make some difference, but with Dean because they don't save lives as much as your own defensive driving skills and awareness does. It's annoying to fellow (following) riders, it's annoying to others on the street and it is very annoying to yourself just about halfway through that long-arse trip as you start to wonder "Why did I put such louad pipes on this bike?" ;)

You want to be heard? Throw on a Stebel and give a honk just as you start your pass. They WILL look then.
With my TBR exhaust (no DB killers) my g/f will sometimes stand outside and watch me pull into the garage.

The first time she did this I said to her, "Have you been waiting long for me?"

She said, "No, I heard you from inside so I just came outside to see you."

She estimated I was at the traffic signal about ~1/8 mile from my apt because she heard me downshift and slow to a stop and then speed back up.

So while I dont simply rely on my Loud pipes to save my life, they are plently loud enough to be heard by surrounding vehicles whether in front or behind. And for me any added attention I can grab aids in the aggresively defensive driving strategy I already use.

+1 on the Stebul horn, the stock one might as well be a bicycle bell.