FZ6 Fuel Economy

Let us know what you get, once you fill up!! I am very interested to see if all that helps or not.

Will probably need a few tanks to get an average, but clicking on my sig will show you my last few tanks.

I remember my TDM900 got 4.10L/100kms (57.4MPG US, 68.9MPG Imp) riding two up most of the time.

Now sure, I know I can't expect that, the TDM wasn't as highly strung, revved lower at speed etc - but 4.5L/100kms (52.27/62.77) would suit me nicely!

I know, I'm dreaming, but I can hope for the best!

Well, that's a bit disappointing.

The first tank after the service (albeit with some hard riding) was 5.5L/100kms

The second tank, as near as I can tell as good as any I've done (with regards to efficiency) is 5.3L/100kms.

Sh*t! That's worse!
On my last 2500 mile trip, I got max of 62, average of about 59-60, with a strength in a strong headwind at 80 on the freeway that dropped my mileage down to 50. That was with me, saddle bags, and a duffel back tied on the back. Around town I'm looking at the low 40's. This is on with a 06.
My mileage may be hard to believe, but I more "cruise" - I have fun in twisties, but I don't hammer it - mostly foothills and into the mountains here in northern Calif. You get too aggressive on those roads and the only thing that will find you is a bear.....
Anyway, I have gotten up to 60 MPG, and average mid 50's. I don't worry about the stop-n-go mileage as that will be in the high 20's to low 30's I am sure.
I ride the bike pretty much everyday. With about 25% hwy the last few fill ups I was averaging about 47mpgs. On the last tank however I haven't rode hwy at all and I got ~38mpgs. It is a short commute(5min max) from my house to school/work and I'm not exactly easy on the throttle. But it's still way better than ~12mpg in my truck
I've regularly been getting 53mpg and that's even flogging the bike..........

You guys got E0 gas out in Utah or something?

I think my best is right around there, but it ain't flogging it around, that usually gets me mid to high 40's.
Well I can give you a very good estimate, I just came back from a 1000miles ride, 500 each day and I was averaging about 46mpg and keep in mind I was averaging about 80mph with wind and carrying fully loaded saddles bags so thats about 200lbs give or take including myself.

I was running regular 87 octane the whole time. Before I was running Premium 93 octane and I got about 43mpg.

I hope this helps

My Fazer is a 2005 model
I'm not sure there is anything special about our gas here, what I can tell you though is that I was and am equally surprised at the MPG's this bike gets..
Hey I am a bronco as well!... i get about 45 mpg and if i cruise the same speed on the highway ive seen as high as 55, i would highly recommend this bike I love it, I put about 9000 miles on it this year already
I got 40mpg with 95% city driving, less than 5 miles per day.

My office is 1.2 miles away from my home, I start the cold engine, warm it up from 2000rpm to 1300, drive the 1.2 mile, leave the bike for 8 hrs at work, start again, 2k to 1300, ride back home.
Over the weekends, I drive around 100 miles on highway, but most of the time, 70-95mph at ~8000rpm, Its been only 3 fuel-ups and 700 miles in 2 months, so, i don't judge my bike so soon.