FZ1inNH is getting OLDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all!!! Awesome!

So, let me see if I can cover all the bases here...

Daniel, please have TWO for me! I never can remember the first one!

Thus far, it IS a really great day!

I'm running out of fingers so I had to unzip my fly to get this decade in! :eek:

I'll ride until I cannot keep a bike upright and then, I'll get a Spyder to KEEP riding!

Eric.... ummmm wait.... what? Who's birthday? Where's my ginko....? ;)

Cliff and Michael, you didn't miss it at all, our good mates in Oz just celebrate 12 hours earlier than the U.S. so they've had their fill of pints before I've gotten my first one!

Brenda, that video was COOL! Thank you!!

Travis, she got me exactly what I wanted! I got the cobalt blue lower cowl for the FZ1. She still spoils me! Granddaughter will give me a bunch of smiles tonight!

Doc, today marks the 45th time that these wishes come my way.

I have a 25 yr old mind trapped in a 45 year old body that is unwilling to participate in the mind's activities!

May your right hand always be stretched out in friendship but never in want.
It sounds like you have had a wonderful birthday already!! Here's to enjoying your evening as well. :iconbeer:
Thanks Daniel! Well, I managed to kill off 6 Sam Winter soldiers. :D It was a VERY good day and I sincerely appreciate all of you for helping to make it that way!