Frame Sliders Work!!!! Part II


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Mar 31, 2008
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West of Boston
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I do believe me and the FZ need to come to an understanding on the need to stay upright. Now I can assure everyone that I am not a hooligan, but I can also tell everyone (especially beginners) that sport/Sport Tourer bikes do not tolerate anything less than 100% attention and will bite you if you do not respect this rule. I GOT BIT TODAY!! :spank:

I had just visited my wifes grave for the first time (it's been 8 months) and as I was leaving down this very nice country road I came upon an almost 75 degree right curve at about 25mph. Unfortunately I was already into my lean when I realized the entire curve was covered in sand.
Before I knew it the rear tire was sliding out. It all happened so fast I'm not positive exactly what happened next, but I believe I felt the tire hit the other lane which didn't have sand and grab some traction, unfortunately this just threw the bike back to the turn and I think I high sided and the bike went down on it's left side.

We all came to a nice sliding stop about 30-40ft down the road. A woman ran out of her house and a car coming the other direction stopped and both made sure I was OK, which I was. We picked the bike up before another car came around the blind curve and moved it into her driveway.

A quick survey of me and the bike revealed that the gear did it's job.
The Fieldsheer mesh jacket shredded a bit more than I would like to see, but did not tear through the inner mesh liner. My helmet hit a slight bit on the chin bar, but the shield took a fair amount of scratching. I will never wear anything but a full face helmet with shield!! That would have been my chin
and cheek scraping the street. I was wearing regular jeans and they held up. The only thing that ripped was the right front pocket and that was because I had my car key fob in the pocket. The fob was slightly scratched. BUT, upon getting home and checking further, both knees sustained some road rash from the inside of the jeans even though they didn't tear. The left knee has a burn about the size of a silver dollar the right about the size of a nickle and the right forearm got the same from the inside of the jacket. Again it did not rip through but caused abrasion. All were washed out with anti-microbial soap and covered with sterile bandages.

And the frame slider ( the same one that saved the bike when I dropped it in the driveway), did the job again. It's pretty much scraped down to the screw now, but I have the new ones ready to go on. The bike sustained absolutely the most minor of scratches to the right mirror and right saddlebag.

So a new jacket and a new shield for the helmet are on order. The morals of this story are, I SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN RIDING knowing I was going to go to the cemetery and would not have my head 100% into riding, ATGATT works, sand even at low speeds can reduce your traction to zero in an instant AND, YEAH FOR FRAME SLIDERS!!
well i guess i will be orderin some sliders,i was movin my bike from back yard to front some how as i was ridin slow with feet on the ground,well the grass is hilly went to put foot down and well no ground to reach so bike fell. Got lucky because the grass saved the bike just some dirt in some bolts.
Me and mine went down this weekend too. My lay down story.... I wish I had installed frame sliders. The consensus is that I would have avoided the majority of the damage with them on.
Glad to hear you're okay with no major injuries.
Don't just replace your face shield... any impact of that magnitude calls for a NEW helmet.

There could be unseen damage to the chin area of your existing helmet that could potentially fail during (god forbid) the next crash.
Sorry to hear about your crash, but glad to hear that you and your bike are fixable!

Too bad about the textile jacket too. Will you go with leather this time around?
Thank God you are OK! To come up relatively clean on a high-side is a very lucky situation!

Regarding the mesh, that gear is meant for a single use, no matter what the off is. If you hit with mesh, it will have to be replaced. You get a single protection from it and nothing more. It did its job. Thank it, bless it and put it to rest. :D

Very sorry it happened but ever so glad to know it's not any worse than what you've told! Take care!
Thanks all. I will rethink the helmet. I do believe that it was 95% the shield I slid on but I'll check it again. The jacket and helmet together wouldn't cover the deductible on the insurance and with no real damage to the bike I'm not even going to involve the insurance company.

I've always been cautious of sand and gravel, especially with this bike that puts so much power to the rear wheel, but this was a blind corner and the entire lane had sand in it. I know I could have gone in slower, but without knowing it was there it would have been tough to put any speed or lean into the corner without the potential to slide. Not sure what I would have done differently, other than being 100% focused.

I feel bad and angry with myself that I went down, (and I'll probably feel worse in the morning), but I have to say there is a sense of relief that I've now had my first real "crash" and walked away. The gear did pretty much what it was supposed to do, I'm not so old and fragile that I break easily, and I was not afraid to get back on and ride the rest of the way home. I was surprised at how much abrasion you can get without actually putting flesh on asphalt. But it reminded me of being a kid again, I think the last time I had skinned knees was also on two wheels, a Schwinn, (unless you count rug burns, but that's a story for another day, MITG)
Don't just replace your face shield... any impact of that magnitude calls for a NEW helmet.

There could be unseen damage to the chin area of your existing helmet that could potentially fail during (god forbid) the next crash.

+1 on replacing the helmet if its taken an impact. The material in the helmet absorbs the impact and hence renders it unsafe for further use.
Today I was making a slow turn and noticed some gravel on the road so I stayed off the throttle still I felt both tires slip. Most of the time this has happened, the only thing that saved me was not being on the throttle hard.

But yes frame sliders work, I've had the pleasure of highsiding before so I know what you went through. Gear and sliders save the day.
I'm glad to hear that you are ok. I too had first hand experience in which both my gear and frame sliders saved the day. I got spooked for a while after my spill in the rain, but after playing the crash over and over in my head, I was able to learn what I did wrong and be a better rider for it. Take care man and my condolences on your loss.
I'm glad to hear that you are ok. I too had first hand experience in which both my gear and frame sliders saved the day. I got spooked for a while after my spill in the rain, but after playing the crash over and over in my head, I was able to learn what I did wrong and be a better rider for it. Take care man and my condolences on your loss.

So far today I'm physically not feeling too bad. There were some unusual muscle aches this morning when I got up, obviously I turned and twisted in some unusual ways as I tumbled down the road, but after a hot shower it's no worse than a strenuous workout. the knee scrapes seem to be healing well. Becasue they weren't caused by the actual road they were not real ripped up and no dirt got in. They really do look like rug burns. I don't even think they will scab over.

Mentally, I'm a bit more shook. I re-enacted the whole scene a number of time as I slept, each time realizing how much worse it could have been. There could have been a car in the other lane, there could have been a car right behind me, and both sides of the road had large trees that had I not slid down the middle of my lane could have been real problems. As helpful as going back over it and figuring out where I went wrong can be, I hope I'm not over thinking it to the point of making myself tentative to ride. I guess it's part of the natural progression and will all pass as the slide is less fresh in my mind ( and body).
Sorry for your loss... I cannot imagine the pain of loosing my wife. I am glad you are ok and the bike is ok too.

I never thought about motorcycle insurance covering your gear. Is it common or standard for companies to cover riding gear?