Fixing scuffs with a Question


Does anyone smell blue?
Sep 8, 2010
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So My God-daughter wanted to help me wash my motorcycle... Well, she meant well. She used the hard side of the spung and left some scuffs in the paint. I didn't get mad at her, she is 9, how could she know. So, it was time to learn how to get those scuffs out.

I came accross ScratchX 2.0. It worked great with my regular drill and a cotton buffer.

This is the before.

This is after one application.

After the second application it was barely there. And I couldn't be happier.

My question is, can I use headlight restoration on my black plastic fairings? The don't have the same shine they use to have and I want to wipe out any fogging.

Any input is welcome
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you can use it to buff the panels just be careful at the edges your buffer can create alot of heat and we are talking about plastic.... :rockon: :rockon: Looks like it is working realy good for!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
It is thanks! I will give to plastic panels a soft touch attempt. I'll post pictures so you all can see if i made it better or just create some nice swirl patterns haha
Well, it worked wonders on the plastic front fairings!
I used some standard headlight cleaner with a soft foam buffer for a drill (came with it) and a few passes later this is what I got.

This is before(I know it's hard to see, but it is foggy)


And after with just one soft buff.



I used it on the wind screen too, but that won't really show up on this camera

I guess I should thank my God-daughter. Without her I would know how to do this stuff.
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I have a bottle of that ScratchX I bought to remove a scuff on the tank that came with my bike when I bought it. That stuff is great. I used it to clean the oxidation off my cage's headlights as well as to polish fine scratches out of an old pair of glasses I dropped while wearing in the pool a few summers ago (they slid from the 5ft area down the slope of the deep end and had some nice horizontal scratches right in front of my pupils). I never thought about using it to remove the fine scrathches in my iPad, so +1 on the picture!
This is the stuff I used. You can puck this up at your local Walmart pretty cheap.

Don't forget to get some MiroFiber Towels!:thumbup: