exposed front sprocket


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Tacoma Wa.
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Is there any danger involved in having an exposed front sprocket? are there any special parts to make it work? or do I just take the cover off? I saw it on this website and it looks awsome. insert input here _______ Go!:thumbup:
you just take the cover off, but you have to keep it clean,and some oil,grease may fling on your pants alittle.

My buddy has an R1, and he had to take the cover off to GP shift.
Edited: My previous response might have been a bit gruff.

A few days ago I opened up the front sprocket cover to find chain wax residue, dirt and gravel in it. So to answer your question, no, I don't think there is any danger involved in removing the cover. The only thing I would worry about is the gunk being flung around that area, and especially on the engine cover and your feet. As far as I know, the cover does not serve any other purpose.

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I apologize for my previous reply jmerch. I changed my reply now, and like I said, I don't think the cover serves any other purpose except collecting all the gunk instead of flinging it around. And no, there is no special tool involved, just allen screws that hold the cover in place.

I apologize for my previous reply jmerch. I changed my reply now, and like I said, I don't think the cover serves any other purpose except collecting all the gunk instead of flinging it around. And no, there is no special tool involved, just allen screws that hold the cover in place.


:rockon:it's cool man, I got the thickest skin in the world. LOL, I didnt take it that seriously, but thanks.
I don't think the cover serves any other purpose except collecting all the gunk instead of flinging it around

I don't know for certain - not being a Yamaha engineer - but I would suspect that it also is intended to keep shoelaces etc from becoming entangled in the sprocket and posing a safety hazard.

But, that's just my conjecture... :thumbup:
Now what you should do, is use a holesaw to drill a large hole in it and fill that with glass. Then you can see the sprocket and it is still protected.

Other examples below (my favourite is the bottom one):-


