Epic California Ride - Now with pics/video!

I'm due to get a new camera (I'm thinking the Sony DSC-TX5), so, eventually I'll try your "hold camera-while riding" technique :thumbup:

I should probably add a disclaimer to my while-riding-camera-holding-techniques... you saw what happened to my iphone lol

I'm still a little skeptical of using the adhesive mounts!!!!

Same here... ebay has a lot of cheap tank filler cap or handlebar cam mounts...

I really enjoyed the video. :thumbup: Especially with the music you picked. Who's the artist in the beginning?

First artist is one of my favorite french one: St Germain I recommend his 3 albums :)

Motogiro, I'm really sorry about your crash and hopefully you'll heal soon both physically and otherwise. I was looking forward to riding with you when I come down hopefully in August.

Yeah we had even talked about you during the trip... :(

I'm in the early planning stages with Wavex to make a trip south. Anyone from NorCal who might be up for a Sat/Sun/Monday ride down and back with me, let me know.

Talked to John about it and he's good, so I just need to check the dates this week and confirm with my wife and we'll be set! Give me a couple of days. :rockon:
I should probably add a disclaimer to my while-riding-camera-holding-techniques... you saw what happened to my iphone lol

Same here... ebay has a lot of cheap tank filler cap or handlebar cam mounts...

First artist is one of my favorite french one: St Germain I recommend his 3 albums :)

Yeah we had even talked about you during the trip... :(

Talked to John about it and he's good, so I just need to check the dates this week and confirm with my wife and we'll be set! Give me a couple of days. :rockon:

:thumbup: Guess it's time for some new 016's..
Thanks Nate! I tried to capture the "zen feeling" of riding beautiful roads more than anything else... man did that trip go by fast... back in the office now :(
Thanks Nate! I tried to capture the "zen feeling" of riding beautiful roads more than anything else... man did that trip go by fast... back in the office now :(

You captured it.

Four day trips go fast. the 6 day trip I just finished felt just right. By days 2, 3, and 4 I didn't want it to end and felt good knowing I had two more days...by end of day 5 I was feeling content...by the end of day 6 I was happy to take a shower at home and see my wife.

Yeah, don't try what Nate did... he's just insane :Flip:

Are you talking abou the 002R/S's? The cords weren't even showing! :D I had to time mounting the tires in between long trips.

After 2300 miles on one trip (loaded up the whole time), my current 16s are pretty much shot in the front and the rear is getting there. Meh.
Yeah I wouldn't have mind another couple of days for sure... 4 is really the minimum for these kinds of distances... maybe next year I'll be able to negotiate (with my wife) a whole week, but my chances are slim hehehe :)

Where are the pics of your 6day trip? still working on it?

Not sure what they were but I remember seeing pics of your rear tires completely bald!!!! you hooligan you! :D

My 016's are pretty much there as well after this trip... wondering if I should try the new Pilot Powers for my next set...

I can't wait, I or shall I say WE will be hitting that same stretch of road in a few weeks. Going in the other direction of course.

Looks like it was real cold along the coast from the looks of John, with the hoody and all.
Yeah the weather surprised us in the morning of our last day... it was "cold" and over-casted and we had to stop after 1hour to add layers of clothing... plus my windshield kept getting fogged up on the inside and covered with water on the outside... That's why we only had pictures of that one spot (elephant seals) on PCH :)

Also, as expected, the traffic was a pain all day on PCH, which made the whole experience less enjoyable than I was hoping for... we even saw a dude in a car pass 2-3 cars over a double yellow... and carry his attempted pass through the whole length of a blind corner! We couldn't believe how long he stayed in the "blind" on-coming traffic lane... idiot!

Ride safe out there...
I have pictures and stuff...just have not written it up. My pictures are on flickr though.

According to Nate as long as the cords aren't showing I'm golden! :BLAA:

Well.....maybe not. :D

I never said that! :BLAA:

Yeah the weather surprised us in the morning of our last day... it was "cold" and over-casted and we had to stop after 1hour to add layers of clothing... plus my windshield kept getting fogged up on the inside and covered with water on the outside... That's why we only had pictures of that one spot (elephant seals) on PCH :)

Also, as expected, the traffic was a pain all day on PCH, which made the whole experience less enjoyable than I was hoping for... we even saw a dude in a car pass 2-3 cars over a double yellow... and carry his attempted pass through the whole length of a blind corner! We couldn't believe how long he stayed in the "blind" on-coming traffic lane... idiot!

Ride safe out there...

That's kinda to be expected in NorCal...especially this time of year. STILL catches me off guard every now and then and I live here! It's rarely warm on the coast, sometimes it's not cold though. Glad it was not too bad for you guys.

At least you weren't blinded by fog as I have been many times. You always have the option of heading 5+ miles inland to escape the cold and the fog but I'm sure you were just digging the Pacific.
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I should probably add a disclaimer to my while-riding-camera-holding-techniques... you saw what happened to my iphone lol

Crap, now you have your back covered!!!!! I already had copies of my camera's receipt, just in case I had to send it your way :rof:

Yesterday I was able to stop by Cycle Gear (BTW, I got a new helmet!!!!!!) and the guy helping us was using his iPhone, I did not want to ask him what happened but the screen was severely damage!!!!!!! either way he was able to use it.
lol what helmet did you get?

And no, it wasn't me :D Guess what though, it looks like I may get an iphone 4 as replacement... depends if my IT guy is in a good mood or not lol
Never get tired of hearing St.Germain - Deep In It

Oh and I love the accent David :blowkiss:.....just as I suspected:

lmao!!! thanks...

And I am impressed that you know St Germain, and even the title of that particular track... u're even cooler than I thought :BLAA:

RF-1000 and a dark face shield

That's one nice RF1000!!! Very cool. I destroyed 2 RF-1000s, so I decided to stay away from them from now on (they're the reason I used to crash all the time lol).
Awesome ride journal, guys. Looks epic!

i've been buried, change is afoot, but i need to get out soon, will try to watch this space for that. i switched out the clip-ons on the monster for the original bars, the bike's a lot easier going now.
Thanks J!

Considering that ride ^ and the fact that I'll be travelling to Europe next weekend, I can't "ride" on Sat., but maybe we can ride down PCH for a beer in Newport or something in the early afternoon... I`ll give you a call!
Signing in reaaally late to this thread, I just checked out the video and pics and..awesome ride guys!..David, I really like that part where you hand the camera to John and then roll between the trees with the huge mountain in the background..i would take that shot and frame it and hang it in my house, its perfect. Oh and funny twist to the bicycle story, I always seen those guys on ACH etc. and wondered, I guess some of them are just there by mistake :D Oh and I like the house music stuff, real european taste :D
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Thanks Mike!!! I was wondering whether I should keep the footage of the "camera transfer while riding" or cut it out, but I thought it was original and funny, so I kept it in... Riding while filming was more difficult than I thought... I could not see what I was filming so I had to point and shoot, which turned out to yield a lot of crap :D (which I cut out of the video of course).

We need to get together for a ride soon brother!