Epic California Ride - Now with pics/video!


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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So Cali Rider and I have been planning a 4 day trip through Northern Cali leaving early on July 6th and coming back late on July 9th.

Here is the itinerary we have so far:

- DAY 1 (Tuesday 6th) - Long Beach/Sherman Pass/Mammoth

- DAY 2 (Wednesday 7th) - Mammoth/Yosemite/Sonora pass/Lake tahoe

- DAY 3 (Thursday 8th) - Lake tahoe/Stockton/Skyline Blvd./Santa Cruz

- DAY 4 (Friday 9th) - Santa Cruz/Coast Hwy./Home

1500 miles of heaven :D

Logistically, it will not be possible for ppl to stay with us overnight or patch along for multiple days, but we would love to see some fellow FZ6 riders join us for a day/half-day or any section of the above links, so let us know if you're interested!

We are planning to ride a mellow pace (+5 above speed limit), but we will keep moving considering the # of miles we want to do (no breaks every 15minutes :)).

I can't wait for this to start and hope to meet some of you along the way!!!!!!!!!! :BLAA:
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That would be nice to check out some of that area. Hmmmmm?!
That's going to be a great ride! :thumbup:
Bump... anyone for any part of the ride? We'll be doing a bunch of mountain passes on DAY 2... it's going to be amazing!

I am at work and I can't stop thinking about this trip next week :D
I'm quite far away :( but that ride sounds awesome!!!!!! :thumbup:

Obviously, no place on earth is perfect for everybody, but around here he have no mountains!!!!!!! and any twisty roads might be more of a mystery!!!!!!

Enjoy your trip :rockon:
I'm in for the afternoon of day 3, your point C on the map is about 10 minutes from my house. :thumbup:
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Great! Pm me ur cellphone # and I'll be in touch with you about the details (meeting location, time, etc... :)

Wavex, Cali rider,
I have a set of soft cortex saddlebags & tailbag. If you guys need them your more then welcome to use them.
I rode from Oceanside > Big Sur > Yosemite> home last May 1,243 mile in 4 days. Had a blast and the bags work awesome.

let me know
Thanks Dave but I am packed and ready and John will have saddle bags on his FZ so I think we're good :)

Used the stock Buell SAE connector under the seat to plug a standard Powerlet SAE => cigarette lighter converter cable. I used that to plug a Belkin car charger for the iphone... that's the only thing I'll need to charge on the trip... music, googlemap, internet... etc :)

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John, here is my checklist... I figured I'd post it here :)

Tank bag:

- 1 pair of Levi's
- 3 t-shirts
- thermals (in case, and they don't take any room)
- underwear/socks
- pair of puma's

Tank bag left pocket:

- HD video camera
- ear plugs
- music headphones
- aspirin
- windshield wiper cloth

Right pocket:

- knife
- torx set
- multi-head screwdriver
- small wrench
- zip-ties
- extra strap
- hex set

Passenger seat bag:

- SLR photo camera + extra lense
- GoPro Camera (snaps into my helmet mount) + batteries

I also got a $20 "camelback" backpack so I can carry 2 Liters of water with me (plus a rolled up flees...in case) :)

John, unless you think I am missing something, I would just need room for 1 QT of Royal Purple oil in one of your saddle bags plzzzz :D
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Hey David,
I just did Skyline Blvd. up to Hwy 9 today and other than getting out of the house and away from the in-laws that are staying with us for 10 days it was pretty nuts. Bicycles, cars (slower than slow) cops and idiot bikers passing over double yellows in corners. It reminded me why I usually avoid that area during the weekend, especially holiday weekends. It will be a completely different experience next Thursday when you and Cali roll through and I'm looking forward to a weekday ride through the hills with you guys. :thumbup:
Happy 4th and have a safe ride up to NorCal.
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Thanks for the update... That week may be a bit busier than usual, but I hope we'll be lucky :)

Will call you on Tuesday evening or Wed. evening latest.

I can't wait.......
Ahh... Sherman pass. Don't forget the fixodent, she's got a few bumps. Also remember the High Sierra's are know for afternoon thunderstorms you may get a bit wet for short periods of time. If you were north of Tahoe I could have shown you some of our tasty roads up here. Have fun but watch for the bozo's over the center line.
Wavex: I'm game for joining up in South Lake Tahoe (would ride up from Sacramento). From there, at least until Stockton. Where can we meet at SLT?
Have fun my friends. I'm about to set up camp in the NW corner of CA on day 5 of my trip. 1750 down...another 500 will get me home via good roads tomorrow.

BT016 were new at the beginning of the trip. Rear lokks good, front is getting close to the wear bars.

Hopefully ill see you in santa cruz.
