Dumb But Obvious


Junior Member
Aug 24, 2008
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So I've learned plenty of dumb, obvious lessons through my riding and figured that there should be a thread for people to share theirs.

For instance, today my lesson was that if you plan on topping 100mph, then you should probably remember to get into a tuck. What've you guys come up with lately?
If you are going allow the front tire to leave the ground, it is best to ensure that there are no law enforcement observers enjoying the show... :)
never ever ever loan your fz to a "friend" only to find out he ran from the cops on it and wrecked it :( Had to pay impound fees and still trying to repair my baby......yea...i know i'm stupid lol :spank:
Don't unload your bike off of a trailer on a gravel driveway alone. I laid it down before I ever rode it. Luckily it did no damage.
Riding with your faceshield up while wearing glasses is pretty safe.

But the bug will find you on the day that you're wearing contacts.
When coming to a stop, focus on making sure that your boot laces don't get caught on the footpeg, especially after showing off your considerable bike control talents. There's just no graceful way to fall down in full gear.
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When changing lanes, make SURE there aren't major uneven pavement changes between the lanes. If there are, don't change or else try to change perpedicularly as much as possible.

Also, if there are lots of little, bratty children playing in or around a parking lot/space, DON'T leave/park your bike there.
Keep your toll money in your right pocket so you don't accidently release the clutch to go digging in your left one... your grapes will thank you.
When coming to a stop while in a curve in the road, make sure you get the bike perfectly vertical before coming to a stop.

Actually dropped the bike during a test-ride and of course bought it anyway.
If you're going to have a party in your garage after coming home from the bar, remove the FZ from said "party garage" before coming home plowed to avoid looking like an idiot falling over backing it out of the garage when drunk.
If you're going to have a party in your garage after coming home from the bar, remove the FZ from said \"party garage\" before coming home plowed to avoid looking like an idiot falling over backing it out of the garage when drunk.

I have a similar problem.

Give wife keys before said party as burnt rubber and loud aftermarket pipes usually offend occupents of house and neighborhood at midnight. Peer pressure is a bitch.