Dual headlight mod in six hours! (New world record?)


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Pete (Hellgate) and I did the true dual headlight mod on his bike. Two high beams, two low beams, the way the bike should have been from the factory.

This involved modifying an H4 bulb to fit the H7 socket on the left side, making Biker Dude's headlight mod connector and wire, and building a new harness off of it to run both headlights through relays. Made a bracket for the relays, turned a spacer for the modified bulb. All connections are soldered and heat shrunk. All wiring runs are covered in Flexo conduit.

We started at 6:00 and went until midnight.

Pictures and details coming later. I'm tired and I smell like the wrong end of a yak. Need shower...
Just rolled in at 12:10, ate a bowl of cereal that happened to have sugar ants in it. I didn't care, I was hungery and whipped, besides they were crunchy....

Fred does have special skills and like the R6 fork mod there is no way I could have done this without his plan, advise, machine shop skills.

I can't solder, I can't understand wiring diagrams (I have a huge mental block on anything electronic, but I can read the heck out of CAD drawings - go figure...), and wouldn't have had a clue as what to buy at the store to make this happen.

All I know is it was GREAT to have 2X the light on the way home, what an amazing difference!

Once again thank you very much Fred! That and you have a great music selection on your MP3 player.
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Can't wait to see it so I can do it to my bike!! Make sure you have really good instructions. Good enough that a 6 year old could do it!
Nice work Fred... Umm, so when are you coming down to Oz and helping me do mine...lol

Get the pics up soon.


Hey just wait in line. Locals first! Actually I bet over the next day or so we will be able to do this ourselves, I'm sure we will have a great write up and I bet they even took twenty seven 8x10 color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

OOOhh you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant........

I love Arlo.
wow 6 hours for a mod...did it twice already for changing sways bars on my car and a friend's and promised myself never again. lol.

PICS! got to see if i can be motivated for it. lol.
my exact sentiments with the six hour job, but right now I'm more interested on how those sugar ants tasted with the cereal??? spicy?? did it have any bite to it?? lol
Pete (Hellgate) and I did the true dual headlight mod on his bike. Two high beams, two low beams, the way the bike should have been from the factory.QUOTE]

I totally agree. Stainless steel brake lines, two low and two high beams, and pods are not mods, they're how the bike should have come from the factory. Seriously, how much money did this save Yamaha by not doing these? I'm sure we would all be willing to pay $100 more on top of the retail price of an FZ6 for it to come the right way.

Good work. :thumbup: As others have said, I'd also like to see how you did it. I had another way to do it, much simpler, but I'd like to see your way before I start cutting up the wire harness.

my exact sentiments with the six hour job, but right now I'm more interested on how those sugar ants tasted with the cereal??? spicy?? did it have any bite to it?? lol

No they didn't really taste like anything at all. I was sitting there eating and my wife screams, "Oh my god, there are ants swimming in your cereal!" I was so tired I just took another bite. She screams again, "No, stop, you can't eat ants!" I took another bite, they were swimming away in the milk. Then she took the bowl away. "So what am I supposed to eat???" So she goes to the fridge and pulls out a foam to-go box. I open it and what is inside???? A slice of Key Lime Pie!!! Woo Hoo! That is why I married her.
No they didn't really taste like anything at all. I was sitting there eating and my wife screams, "Oh my god, there are ants swimming in your cereal!" I was so tired I just took another bite. She screams again, "No, stop, you can't eat ants!" I took another bite, they were swimming away in the milk. Then she took the bowl away. "So what am I supposed to eat???"

spoken like a true soldier :thumbup::thumbup:
Nice work guys! Good wife Pete ;) she rescued you hehe, although I am sure you have eaten worse tasting foods..
Honestly I didn't notice the ants until she pointed them out. They had gotten into the box and I poured them into the bowl along with the cereal. The cereal had lots of grains, and the ants were tiny and a light brown/red colors, translucent, so I didn't see them at all. I was just shoveling the food down.
Fred Did you use the standred bulb 55w ? or higher wattage ? Has anyone tried the h4 mod with the higher watt bulb ? Any switch heat problem.
Since the first modded bulb i have not played around and feel that the 55w bulb is enough , but if you know diffrent please let us know ...
Greg A.