Dropped it today...


Junior Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Battle Creek, MI
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I guess it was bound to happen, but at least i had my sliders installed.

I was in a small town just cruising, when i decided to go the other way. I was on a 2 lane road, which wasn't busy at all. I decided to turn left onto a side street to then turn around and make a right.

While turning, i went a bit wide (I still constantly have to remind myself to look through the turn, it makes a world of difference).

At about 5-10 mph, I almost got to the right side curb (turning left to the street). There was a bit of soft mud/wet leaves near the edge of the road, and i was not going to avoid it. I was also still turning. I was careful not to hit the front brake, but as soon as I hit the mud, i went down in a low-speed low-side.

Had all gear on, (except i wear sneakers, not boots), including gloves, leather padded jacket, and my bohn under-pant armor. I had a little road rash under the thigh armor, and a bit more of a cut on my left shin. Got up, picked the bike up via the method you guys showed videos of, and checked for damage.

Left frame slider looked really bad, strings of plastic everywhere. Left mirror had a scratch, and a small piece broke off my left fairing.

It was hard to tell which damage came from my fall, becuse the bike had been dropped in a garage before i bought it. All in all, very minor damage. Probably would have lost a turn signal, but my front ones are flush mounted. I think I'll buy a new left fairing.

Quite a few cars passed at about 30 mph when the bike was still laying down, but no one asked if i was ok. i guess I'm happy about that, I was embarassed enough.

Anyway, got up, dusted off, and kept riding but with a bit more caution.

And I'm VERY glad I invested in the frame sliders just 2 weeks ago (Sho-gun).

Thought I'd share! Ride safe everyone!
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I was hoping to get a ride in today (in your area), but work prevented it. There is tons of sand around this year from the terrible winter we've had and the roads are even more broken up than usual.

It was nearly 70F today and it's the first time I've seen bikes out this year (other than mine). There were lots of guys around on HDs and I spotted a couple riding an R6 this afternoon....wearing only sweatshirts and SHORTS (SHORTS?! in Michigan? In March!? Are shorts and sandals REQUIRED squid gear at all times?!)

Anyway, glad to hear you're ok.
glad to know you are ok...as many said live and learn...to be honest..the same thing happened to me last week..only difference is I was quick enough to put my foot down ...it was just a reflex im sure..bcoz next time when it happens I dont trust my foot would be there again:(..but after that hit in the nutt..I have learnt a lot..again..glad to know u r ok ...ride safe!
Glad to hear that you're ok and that the bike isn't too beat up; a new slider, sharpie on the mirror, if it's the plastic that scrathed ;), and a new upper in the future.

Sucks that none of the cagers at least checked if you were ok, but all in all glad that the spill wasn't worse.
Wow, glad to hear you're okay and the bike is relatively unscathed. Sounds like you're very conscious of your riding. That's good, take it slow and keep looking through the turns! :thumbup:
I too am glad to hear you're OK and if you can pick the bike up and ride it it's not too bad. Good on you for wearing the gear:thumbup:.

There were lots of guys around on HDs and I spotted a couple riding an R6 this afternoon....wearing only sweatshirts and SHORTS (SHORTS?! in Michigan? In March!? Are shorts and sandals REQUIRED squid gear at all times?!)

Anyway, glad to hear you're ok.

ATGATT for squids?...LMAO.

I can just see them taking off their boots to put on sandals before they ride...lol.

Depending on which part of Battle Creek, you're probably lucky nobody stopped while you were down. They were liable to steal your whole dang bike from you and leave you there with nothing. (I live in Kzoo and am in the area often)

Glad you're alright
Thanks for all the support guys. i'm still kicking myself a little, but your words help. Especially thanks for the iea to sharpie in the mirror!

Vegas, I probably could have made a U-turn, but it was a very small two lane road, and as I'm still working on getting my slow turns together, I thought I'd wait for a road to come up. Sucks because that ended up being a much worse outcome.

For you Michiganders, I was on the emergency 94 alternate, in Galesburg (the back route between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek).

I still go to college in Kalamazoo (until April 25th!), so all you guys in the area, let me know if you're going riding. I need a riding partner who I can learn with. PM for phone number.

Thanks again guys!
Sorry to hear about your drop, pleased to hear you didn't have much other damage than to your foot, it sounds like the bike wasn't too bad either.

....It was nearly 70F today and it's the first time I've seen bikes out this year (other than mine). There were lots of guys around on HDs and I spotted a couple riding an R6 this afternoon....wearing only sweatshirts and SHORTS (SHORTS?! in Michigan? In March!? Are shorts and sandals REQUIRED squid gear at all times?!)

Anyway, glad to hear you're ok.

I saw a guy out on his R6 today in his sneakers and jeans, and he was riding really fast :confused:
Soory to hear about the drop but glad all is ok!

I just put my Motovation frame sliders on today - glad I did too because our roads are covered with sand. :(
Glad you're ok. Dropped mine 3 days ago.At least i was not on the bike. Had it parked on the side stand with no gear on :spank: and it rolled front. Thank god the slider saved it. Just 2 scratches one on the slider and one on the bar end. Be safe out there. :thumbup: