

Senior FZ6 Advisor
Aug 1, 2008
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I haven't posted here in a while. I apologize for that. For one, I traded my beloved FZ6 for nearly as a great a bike, an FZ1. But most pressing I suffered the greatest tragedy of my life in that my 18 year old son took his own life. It was nearly the death of me as well. Those of you that are on both sites are well familiar with my sad tale. If not I ask your great indulgence and you can read all about it on the FZ1 site.

9 month later I am doing my best to rebuild my life. I posted this on the FZ1 forum:

You have all been very kind to me, allowing me to talk about my tragedy. It helps more than you know. Jake and I were very close. I finally relented to seeing a psychologist. As a physician I always thought the psychiatrists were crazier than their patients. Forgive me for that, its a personal opinion. But I just can't seem to let him go without a fight. I chose to see the psychologist he saw. He has helped more than I can say because he reminds me of all the great things Jake told him about our time together and as Joe said (CrazyJoe) "It had nothing to do with me." Next to him I think Hail (Brad is it? I'm sorry for not remembering) told me the nicest things I ever heard, sharing his thoughts of his cousin, who was like a brother to him. And when he said "this cancerous disease we call depression" he articulated the illness better than any professor, doctor, or otherwise, and I'll never forget it. Thank you again for that!!

But onwards and upwards. It seems that Jake has communicated with me from the great beyond. I had a Doberman Pincher as a child. My parents had her before I was born and she lived to 13 years old; I was 12 at the time of her death. She was one of the most regal dogs I ever had and I've had a number of them over the years. Right before Jake died I lost Gehrig (Sorry, I'm a Yankee fan), a Golden Retriever. He was a prince of a dog, everything you could ever want in a dog. But Jake and I always talked of a time when he went out on his own and was intrigued by Dobe's (maybe because I spoke so highly of them). He said he would buy 2 siblings and give one to me. 9 months after Jake has passed on, almost to the day, it seems Jake has spoken to me in my dreams and told me it's time to get that Doberman.

Now I want one more than I can say. So I'm reaching out to you forum members. I also have a couple of calls in. One woman in Florida, after hearing my tragic tale, and the fact that I'm not new to the breed, put me at the top of her long list for a Dobe, but it could take as long as 12 weeks before they're born, ears cropped, etc. I'm hoping to have one sooner if possible. If any of you have contacts and can help me find a new Dobe soul mate I would be indebted to you.

So that is my Holy Grail, for you Monty Python fans. I hope I haven't brought you down too much with my personal tragedy.
Damn Norm, that's a hell of a burden to bear... :(

Get that Dobie. My ex-GF and her daughter both had them, they are sweet dogs when not trained for guardian duty. And a dog can soothe the human soul like nothing else, and it sounds like thats what you need now.

Good luck, man. :thumbup: