Do you wave to other riders??

Do you wave to other riders??

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I will wave most of the time....

I ride a Harley too.... (nice comment "Scooter trash":Flip:)

I find it amusing that both sport riders and Harley riders have this thing about waving to each other-- whats next only to Yamaha's or only FZ6:confused:

I figure we both have wind in our face and so I wave if it is safe.... I do not bother to wave while in Daytona .... just not safe and TOO MANY bikes to bother.

as to the comment--
"Some poor sap in a styro helmet, and spandex doesn't really inspire a lot of fear in a cager" if that guy is over 6 feet tall and goes about 215 and is full of adrenaline cuz you just nearly killed him ....and he just chased you down on a bike..... He could instill some fear.

Over the years I have done this more than once and think in the future I should supply some toilette tissue to clean the soiled britches of the guys in the cages.

i know this is not super wise to do with all the Guns in cars here in FL.... so I will try to refrain in the future (grin) :p
I wave to everybody on 2 wheels (or 3). I'll wave to a cage if they initiate it. I guess it's a "soutern hospitality" thing.



I wave to anybody.
This is because I am a sad person who has no friends and this helps to fill my empty days.
I just about always wave (drop a hand) to sport bikers. With Harley/Cruiser riders I sometimes wait to see if they will at least look at me first, since they don't often do it. Around here it seems that about 15-20% of the H/Cs wave, 80-90% of the sport bikers. The worst are the OCGWs (Old Coots on Goldwings), their rate is 0%.
I wave mostly at the sportbike dudes they seem to reply more than the others on scooters or 3 wheels etc. When I can't wave I just flash the high beem and most of the time I get a flash back :Sport:
Good Grief!!!!!!

.....,but those spandex wearing dudes that ride in the traffic lanes thinking they're a car or something piss me the @#$% off. so NO I don't wave at them.

hey Danny ------ :Flip:

maybe you should read your freakin motor vehicle code --- they take the lane because they would like to make it home alive --- kind of like when you mix it up with trucks. DO YOU LIKE BEING PINCHED TO THE GUTTER???

and you as a motorcyclist ought to know what is is like to be down on the food chain -

California Vehicle code:
Bicycle Use. VC 21200

Every person riding a bicycle upon a street or highway has all the rights and is subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, including the provisions of law dealing with driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application

Duty of Bicycle Operator: Operation On Roadway. VC 21202

a) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations:

When overtaking and passing another bicycle or motor vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions (including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes) that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane.

and not they are not all perfect citizen's --kind of like motorcylist

respect all of us who are on two wheels... and watch out for cages

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I wave to all bikers, sports and Harleys alike. In Holland almost everybody waves and it doesn't really matter what kind of motorbike it is. At junctions there is a lot of nodding and foot shaking, its quite comical really, but at least I feel like I've got some friends :)
I never wave to cyclists, not out of disrespect but if I did that here in Holland I'd never get a chance to change gear.
Ive found that alot of cruisers/Harley's make no effort to wave for some reason. But yea I try and wave to everyone as long as its safe to do so
I dont wave to riders but I give a nod like they do in the UK by the sounds of it. I nod to anyone on 2 wheels except for Harleys & scooters, only because I got sick of being ignored.

Another good question is do you stop when a rider has pulled over on the side of the road?
Sometimes they have broken down & I offer a hand or a double to where they are goin. Other times I pull up they are just stretching their legs & are up for a chat. Good way to meet fellow bikers, also a good way to meet some strange & freaky people. Take the good with the bad I suppose.
I wave to all riders when it's safe to do so and sometimes a nod is just as good when I can't take my left hand off the handlebar. I wave my left hand about waist high or maybe a little lower. Very few Goldwing guys have ignored the wave, as for Harley dudes... my experience they have returned the wave. I like the brotherhood between bikers when we acknowledge each other on the road and feel sorry for those mutha**** cagers that are on their cellphones not paying attention to the road. Those people deserve some serious beatdown. LOL
I have been trying to get Shelly to reach out and smack bicyclists on the *** as we ride by on the bike.
Does that count?
on the slamming of Harley riders... I am so tired of it

Well, you will be happy to know that 80% of the Harley riders in my neck of the woods always wave. Often, I get a wave from both driver and passenger.

Lately, riders on the other side of the superhighway have been waving (you know 2 or 3 lanes in each direction). I thought that the un-official rule was that if there is a divider or a medium then no-wave. So, on highways, I will always wave back, but I usually will not initiate a wave.
on the slamming of Harley riders... I am so tired of it
+1, there are bad apples in every bunch. I have razzed on the forum a little but I've got a lot of friends who's choice is Milwaukee Iron and there a good bunch of guys. also if you ever ride with me, one of my favorite watering holes is a Harley hangout, everyone there has always been cool and good for a story of a new road.

hey mikey I just noticed you've never voted in our poll??? are you one of those stuck up Harley riders???:Flip:
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