Do you wave to other riders??

Do you wave to other riders??

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I wave to motorcycles, mopeds, bikes, tractors, semi trucks, and work vehicles. Cagers if they are cute or have kids inside.
Based on my experiences around Vegas, the Harley's usually don't wave so I never bother waving. However, the riders on sportsbikes around this town are very good about waving, so yes I wave too, and I also wave to the cops on their bikes.
I wave when ever I have the chance. Sometimes a lift of fingers in a curve, sometimes a big wave of hand on an open road. On motorways less often.
:Sport: ya, I wave most of the time. I like the commrodery of motorcyclists. on those cold mornings a wave from another rider makes it not feel so cold.
Does anyone else wave to bicyclist? They are on two wheel too. They have it even worse than we do. At least people worry we will get off the bikes and kick thier asses. Some poor sap in a styro helmet, and spandex doesnt really inspire a lot of fear in a cager. LOL
I used to wave to ppl on Scooters... sometimes they are surprised I wave and almost lose it trying to wave back lol..

Does anyone else wave to bicyclist? They are on two wheel too. They have it even worse than we do. At least people worry we will get off the bikes and kick thier asses. Some poor sap in a styro helmet, and spandex doesnt really inspire a lot of fear in a cager. LOL
I'll wave at kids,but those spandex wearing dudes that ride in the traffic lanes thinking they're a car or something piss me the @#$% off. so NO I don't wave at them.
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Most everyone on motorcycles waves around here. The cool Harley guys just drop their left hand with like a two fingered piece sign out to the side. I can't quite get the piece sign, so I just do the open hand. For some stupid reason, it feels good when you wave and someone waves back!
Here in the UK, it seems the protocol is just a nod of the head to acknowledge the other bikers. I could make an argument that this is because it's safer not having to take hands off the bars to wave. Truth is, us Brits are are still far too reserved :O)

Kids on scooters just don't seem to get it at all!
Yes I wave to most all bikes. You know what I hate is when you wait to the last minute to wave, Trying to see if the other dude is going to wave, and you wave and he doesnt. For some reason I fell used.:(
I waved at custom choper dude yesterday on the road that leads to my house. I threw out my hand and he looked around as if to see if anyone was watching and gave me a quick thumbs up.:thumbup: I had to laugh.
depends on if i feel like it or not. usually not. i dont care, i dont know anyone, and most dont wave back. i dont ride for friendship anyways.
I gave some dude driving an suv a one fingered wave yesturday he completely cut me off on the freeway, I flashed my lights at him and threw my arm up and he just ignored me, so when I knocked on his window to get his attention he looked over so I waved at him :Flip: and throttled up.
I wave to high school girls

I know this is going to sound like I'm full of S**T but girls seem to waive at me now that i ride my bike. I even got a wow from 2 girls on a scooter as I drove out of the dealership the first day. This bike is too much of a chick magnet, I may have to sell her or risk getting a divorce. ;)
Well this begs the question,

What hand signals do you use?

I tend to give the low sideways peace wave. I have seen guys on sportbikes wave with the right hand, can't figure this one out, what about he throttle?

I knock on my helmet if I see a cop in the area.

And of course the HOLY CRAP LOOK OUT FOR THE GUY ON THE GROUND!!!!!! two armed wave if there is a rider down and I want to make sure the cagers notice.