Do you think this is fake?

hhhmm...if you look at the guy in the red, he actually turn around. And plus it happend so fast that no one really noticed it. But then again, CGI now a days is crazy, so anything is possible.
I think it is real, if you watch closely the guy the deer jumps over actually ducks his head.

Yes, he did! and he appears to start swerving toward the white line as well. It looks real enough and is entirely possible.
Could be real... Deer can cover a lot of ground in a hurry. Add that to reaction time when you arn't expecting anything really...
yup think it is real! My salesmen is a retired nys trooper. Was talking to him bout deer and interstates... He said he as seen where they have jumped up and landed on top of tractor trailers and went through the soft top and was uninjured just scared and stuck....
I thought it looked real until the deer comes to the trees - then it looks like a bad cut and paste happening. But then again...
yup think it is real! My salesmen is a retired nys trooper. Was talking to him bout deer and interstates... He said he as seen where they have jumped up and landed on top of tractor trailers and went through the soft top and was uninjured just scared and stuck....

I call BS on that one.
oh, i wasn't questioning the trailer....i was doubting the fact a deer would jump that high under that circumstance.

I'm no expert on deer jumping heights, but deer are a special creature that tend to only look eye level and down. for them to jump they need to look up, and they need to see the object they intend to jump over. Looking up is something they rarely do, which is why deer stands for hunting are so successful.
When they approach a fence they will look up, judge the distance and jump if they can make it. Some reports are 12', most good sized whitetails can easily clear 8' fences.
I really doubt a deer while crossing a road is ever going to look skyward and use jumping as a defence. They're looking at the forest the other side and will run as a defence, bound if necessary, but I do not ever think a deer has the intellgence to use the huge leap skyward as a defence, and then suddenly find themselves by chance crashing thru the tarp.

Just don't think it's a credible story.