Do you ride the shoulder in traffic jams?


Junior Member
Apr 11, 2013
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And if you do, have you ever been pulled over for it?

I've never done it myself, but I see a lot of other motorcyclists in the Philly and NJ area doing it. Seems pretty harmless as long as you keep it slow, but I'm wondering if police feel the same way about it. I think you can get a few points for it in NJ, although they might not even be able to follow you if the shoulder is too narrow for a car and there's a traffic jam :p
They do it here too. I have not as too often motorist turn to rage @ssholes when passed around here. Its sad. I'll add that lane splitting and all that is not legal here.

I wait my turn but I will say its tempting....
you said the shoulder? , last time i checked thats a ticketable offense, i guess risk vs reward.... doesn't seem worth it to me when i can lanesplit in cali :spank:
I did it ONCE at a 4 way intersection ( red light), rode by 4 cars and just as I made my right turn I looked to my left. At the other side of the intersection was a popo.....uh oh, he followed me for 3 miles of one of my favorite roads home from work. I stalled the bike at the next light, he prob realized I was nervous IDK. He made the next left after that and I was in the clear. No more doing that again:thumbup:
I lanesplit if its bad, up to about 10-15mph.

Too much junk on the shoulders, not to mention if some asshat (or emergency vehicle) comes screaming down it, you're gonna get mowed over.
isn't that the emergency vehicle lane in the US?

maybe the first step would be making filtering (when speeds are less than say 20mph) legal. Personally if traffic is over 30 or 40 I don't like to filter anyway, I think the guys who do it on the motorway (usually around london) when traffic is at 70mph are a little bit stupid or crazy.
I have passed on the shoulder before in stopped traffic, but usually just wait it out. The one time I did, it was over 100 degrees on the freeway and no one had moved in 5 minutes. I passed about 500 feet to the next exit. Up here near Seattle, car drivers that see you doing it are likely to try and cut you off, so I tend not to, in fear for my life.
I've done it a few times, as well as picked up a few nails from doing it. All the nails and junk accumulates on the shoulder over time.

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The only time I ever have was on a 2 lane interstate with no exits for miles. There was an accident and everyone was stopped and out of their cars for a few hours. I only went about 3-4 mph with both feet dragging. I waved and was respectful and got no problems. I did jump back in line right before the police could see me though. lol :Flip:
Don't take it personally, but it's a stupid question. If you have or drive a car, ask yourself the same question and you have your answer.

In my opinon, if you're going to break the law, I think you're better to spllit lanes than riding on the shoulder. If you're really curious, look what the penalty would be for riding in the emergency lane versus lane splitting. Yes, at least the surface condition will be much better if you have lanes to split.

By the way, the state of Nevada is soooo close to legalizing lane splitting. Already passed the House, and all it needs to do is pass the Senate. Once one state legalizes splitting besides Cali, others should follow.

We know California is King!
Don't take it personally, but it's a stupid question. If you have or drive a car, ask yourself the same question and you have your answer.
Wtf? How are the two related? A motorcycle w/rider is less than half the width of the average car, and a motorcycle can move off the shoulder much more easily if an emergency vehicle needs to get by. "Hey, lemme drive my 6.5' wide car down this 5' shoulder." Yeah, makes perfect sense :rolleyes:

So far the only valid reason I've seen to not do it is the fact that road debris collects on the shoulder.
Don't take it personally, but it's a stupid question. If you have or drive a car, ask yourself the same question and you have your answer.

In my opinon, if you're going to break the law, I think you're better to spllit lanes than riding on the shoulder. If you're really curious, look what the penalty would be for riding in the emergency lane versus lane splitting. Yes, at least the surface condition will be much better if you have lanes to split.

By the way, the state of Nevada is soooo close to legalizing lane splitting. Already passed the House, and all it needs to do is pass the Senate. Once one state legalizes splitting besides Cali, others should follow.

We know California is King!

Good hope you guys get it passed, would love for NY to add lane splitting but so much is effed up in this state I don't see it getting done in the next 5 years
The only time I've done it is on coastal Hwy 1 in California where there's a ton of constuctution work being done and the Hwy being closed down to one lane. When you're stuck behind 20 or 30 cars (including those family's with their rental rv's) clogging up the coastal hiway I'll do whatever it takes to get to the front of the red light/flagman at the one lane closure. Sure I know it's illegal but no CHP in their right mind is on that stretch of constuction work...
As a rule, no. But I did it once last summer only to get off at the next ramp, only because the bike was overheating sitting idle in 95 degree temps.
Haven't done it on the bike, but I've done it in either my truck or jeep before(can't remember which one lol) just to take the next exit because traffic was so bad. I went maybe like 5-10mph to be "safe" just in case someone got the same idea or wanted to block me. I passed a cop like halfway to the exit and got real puckered but he never pulled me for it. Normally I hate it when people are "that guy" that does that, but it was at the end of a crum day so I didn't feel like dealing with the traffic. Other than that I never do it. I'd rather lane split, too bad it's not legal here in ks. I'd like to just be allowed to filter
I think I have done this at a red light in town to go a few cars up and make a right turn...only if there is plenty of room, but usually I'll just wait and leave it open for bicyclists. It could be illegal here in VA (not sure), but I'm not sure the cops in town would ticket you if you do it slowly. I think they give non-squidding bikes a little room. Definitely have done a u-turn in a traffic jam, to the envy of cagers. Also - the motorcycle police here are nice enough to wave. :thumbup:

You should see the way some of the cab drivers here operate. Annoying...just watch out for them. :spank:
I've done it a few times, as well as picked up a few nails from doing it. All the nails and junk accumulates on the shoulder over time.

I used to live in Philly and have done it but as stated above it is risky because of the debris. I have picked up a few nails this way.