Do you let anyone borrow your vehicle?

Do you let anyone drive your vehicle/bike?

  • Yes, I or we will let them borrow knowing that they are respnsible

    Votes: 39 29.5%
  • Yes, but not my Bike!

    Votes: 52 39.4%
  • No, I or we wil not let anyone borrow our vehicles. Sorry just our policy.

    Votes: 41 31.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think it has to do with ones personality. I myself believe everyone else is evil and not worthy of operating my vehicles.

I'm the exact opposite and try to see the good in people. If you're asking to borrow my vehicle then I odviously know you, and consider you a friend. If I think your evil then I won't associate with you to begin with.

I't's really a personel choice. No right or wrong answer, just up-tight people!:D:D
The only guy I would let borrow my bike would be danny (SPORTRIDER) he will treat my bike as his, as I would do the same.
I voted no, but I have let family members drive my vehicles
before. I used to let my friends joyride in a vehicle I used to have until I saw how they were treating it. I will let a fellow motorcyle/ friend ride as long as they agree to take care of any damages. I guess I should have voted yes.
I have and continue to let others drive my vehicles and ride my motorcycles. I have borrowed and driven/ridden possessions of other people and will do so again. Provided they have earned my confidence, I don't think twice about it. I am well insured.

I don't seem to regard material things with as much importance as a lot of you appear to. But, it is a great subject for discussion.
You can also look at this question from the opposite side, would you ask to borrow someone car/bike? For me the answer is no, unless I was really in a jam. If I borrowed anothers bike I'd be afraid I'd drop it and damage the friendship. Now if they hurt my stuff no big deal.

For instance yesterday my son accidently broke a custom made Waterford crystal glass that belonged to my grandmother. He was playing and accidently knocked it over. I wasn't mad as my wife had displayed the glasses in the open and his toy hit it. I figure kids are kids and things happen. I sent him to his room to think about what he had done. I didn't have to say a word and he felt about one inch tall. My wife on the other hand was very upset. I asked her not to worry about it, its just a glass. Granted it can't be replaced but my son is much more to me important than a glass.

I've always been inclined to help people, that is what life is all about. :thumbup:
You can also look at this question from the opposite side, would you ask to borrow someone car/bike? For me the answer is no, unless I was really in a jam. If I borrowed anothers bike I'd be afraid I'd drop it and damage the friendship. Now if they hurt my stuff no big deal.

Yes, in a heartbeat. Especially if they have a spare, or multiple vehicles. Of course, if I have to ask, it's only because I'm in a jam. If for some reason my Fizzer won't start when I go to work, I will ask to borrow my roomates R6, as he also has offered to do so if for some reason my bike beomes out of service. Fortunately for him, he also has a nice truck.

My other roomates have offered to loan me their vehicles when they saw that the weather was miserable, such as rain, or recently with the snow. But I just geared up accordingly and rode my bike.
its just a machine. a dangerously awesome machine, that I really enjoy, but only a machine.

I let Lucas ride mine. I have let two of my friends ride it as well. Lucas has one just like it, and my friends have been riding for a long time, so its no biggy.

Some random asshat on the other hand :Flip: no bikey for you.
From my perspective there are two dimensions to letting someone borrow your bike.
1) The material (the bike)
2) the safety (their health/well being)

for #1, I have insurance. Even if I did not, I would never put money before friendship.

for #2 It is not wise to let those without the necessary skills/experience/training jump on your bike. It could be lethal. So in this respect safety takes priority. Better to have a live friend put-off with you, than to have a funeral to attend.
I love both my truck and my bike. My truck is way too expensive to just let anyone drive it. Sure, it's just made out of metal and plastic, but expensive metal and plastic. I would only let those that I completely and totally trust borrow my truck. I could easily count on one hand those who I would let use it.

However, my bike is another matter entirely. Only those who I consider both trustworthy AND have substantial riding skill take my bike out for a spin. At this point, only my brother has taken my bike around the block. And I was nervous about it when he did.
would not let any ok bigger ride my
Bike, but if any of my close riding mates, who's ability to ride a bike properly I trust, and who I know would ride someone else's bike with real respect, then no problem.

Thing is, I offer them a ride on my bike, and they generally decline, unless it's out of neccesity.

Thing is, I offer them a ride on my bike, and they generally decline, unless it's out of neccesity.


Yep. I normally would not accept another's M/C. Especially if I am not familiar with the bike. I'd feel bad if something went wrong. Not really worth the risk. I just admire their ride and slap 'em on the back... "You luck fellow you!"
I like my bike sure, but I don't love my bike. I'd let someone with m/c experience ride it. Cars are the same thing. My main concern is whether they will get hurt driving/riding and the second concern is whether they can replace/repair it if they funk it up. I would hate to see my bike twisted up but I would hate to see a friend twisted even more; car or bike.
Cars I will let other borrow and so will hubby, bikes: Hubby can ride mine and I can ride his and My dad can ride either.

The only way I'd let anyone drive any of my vehicles is in case of emergency. To avoid hard feelings due to damage or whatever it is best to not let anyone drive our vehicles.

About 15 years ago my brother and I borrowed my brother-in-law's Jeep and 4-wheeler. My brother accidentally cracked the engine case on the 4-wheeler and didn't pay for the repairs, there were hard feelings because of this. My wife and I paid for it since I was the one who asked to borrow them. Because of this I will no longer ask to borrow anyone's vehicle or let anyone else borrow mine.
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My wife will sometimes loan our Summer car to visiting family members. Our daily drivers, my boat and motorcycle are strictly off limits. I'm too much of a neat freak to allow anybody else to operate my stuff.
The car and truck, I'll let just about anyone borrow.

But the FZ6 is one that I will only loan out to certain people. And the big qualifier is that I have to see how they ride their own ride first.
The car and truck, I'll let just about anyone borrow.

But the FZ6 is one that I will only loan out to certain people. And the big qualifier is that I have to see how they ride their own ride first.

Agree with this. I switched bikes with a friend who had an FJR1300AE (that's a cool bike to ride with ridiculous power) and a friend who had a 1995 Honda Pacific Coast. I had ridden with both of them a number of times and knew they knew what they were doing. I love my vehicles but I'll loan them to friends that I know will treat my stuff like their own and know what they're doing. I'm a little different than the rest of the respondents in that if something happened I wouldn't expect them to pay. I figure I took the risk by letting them use it. I know this is hugely controversial because I've seen it discussed at length on other forums but that's the way I feel. I do think that all the people I would lend it to though would offer to pay.
I'd happily let anyone borrow the car but not my bike. Frankly, only for injury reasons - it's much easier for someone to seriously injure themselves on my bike than it is in my car.
Only a couple people can drive my car. If one of my close friends really needs it, like crisis, and they can drive a stick decent, I'd let them because I'd hope they'd do the same for me. But, just my dad other than that.

I'd probalby let my dad ride my bike if he asked, but he's an experienced rider, and my dad. I MIGHT let my friend who got me into bikes when I was 11, since I first rode his dirtbike, but those are a little different. We'd see. Other than that, nobody. I'd let my girlfriend but she can't reach the ground on it... LOL!
Rob and I frequently offer our vehicles to visiting family memebers, whent hey are all functioning properly and we have some to spare. Also, I would offer my car or bike to friends, because I know my friends well enought o know that they would take care of other people's things better than their own. That's just how we are.

If I wouldn't trust them with my car, then I wouldn't be good enough friends with them to be coming to me for a vehicle.