Death Valley Ca Ride 3/8/09


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May 5, 2007
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A small group from work completed a 300 mile ride today out to Death Valley Ca. 3 sportbikes and 3 cruisers, a nice mix.
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Nice pics. Is that badwater in the background? Did you loop on 190 to 178?

Yes it is. But I don't know the highway numbers, as I mostly followed. We entered Death Valley from Pahrump and stoped in Shoshone and stopped at Furnace Creek to have a soda then we headed east back towards Nevada, and ended up on Hwy 95.
So what was the temperature Vegasrider?

Not too hot with all that gear on I guess

The weather in Death Valley ( Furnace Creek ) was about 80 degrees. Perfect! It was very chilly at the beginning of the ride out to Pahrump, didn't bring my winter gloves.

Followed? A FZ never follows :)

I actually led for about 60 of the 300 miles, on the way home, I can read the signs that say "Las Vegas"

Very nice! How's the riding out there? Just cruising straightaways or twists? I've never been.

A little bit of both, you can go off the beaten path once you go into Death Valley, called Artist Palace, a 10 mile road which is only one way and quite twisty and very narrow, with the walls of the rocks, sediments on both sides, it was a very strange but interesting part of the ride.

And of course you have the two lane desert straight roads where you can really open her up. A CBR600RR and I bolted from the pack for a while, hit 147mph, and he hit 151mph. Came across some dips in the road and we got some was a brown pants moment for the both of us!

Does that camera mount stay put on the windscreen?

I have never had one fall of yet, but if it did, there is no way to save it because it's on the front. But it's on their very tight.

The rider who was riding the Buell Lightning had a video camera and filmed a lot of the ride with a lot of panning, filming us individually. I will post up once I get a copy.