Crazy nieghbors




I have this cat. He is 8 almost 9 years old. He is huge, nuetered, buttheaded, hardheaded, and just basicly doesnt care what anyone thinks, wants, or does, as long as he gets friskies ocean fish flavor dry food, can sleep, and maul you when he feels like it. He has always always been a inside/outside cat. He will disappear for 3 or 4 days, show up, eat and sleep a while get petted, drive me crazy and then go out again.

He does this summer 100 degrees, winter 10 degrees and just doesnt care if you think he should stay inside. If you dont let him out when he wants out he will destroy something, climb on you, meow incessently, scratch stuff, and just make it completely obvious that you need to let him out now. 2AM? he dont care. You go to the bathroom and he will come in and bite your kneecaps, your asleep, no matter, in the shower maybe? OH HEY STEVE LET ME OUT!!!!

Its always been like this and thats just the way it is. I mean when I put a new flea collar, or flea stripe on his back I just have to expect something to get broken.

Ok tonight its 1030 I hear my doorbell ring. Its my same crazy neighbor from across the street that feeds the cat canned food, and God only knows what else. Wanting to know why I let the cat out when its 33 degrees outside.

A. I dont have a choice.
B. Its none of your G.D. business.
C. See A. and B.
D. He has a fur coat that is insane.
E. Why in the hell are you knocking on my door at 1030 at night.

I mean I am real friendly if you have any kind of sense but late at night unexpected guests are met with a loaded gun. Its concealed but still. It makes me nervous.

Seriously WTF is up with people. I dont bother anybody. The cat is tough as nails. He beats up german shepards, kills and eats things for fun, and likes to hunt when the moon is full. He really just doesnt care about the cold, and when he is ready to come in, he will jump on my window and meow untill I get up no matter what.
There is no not letting him in, or keeping him in when he wants to go outside. Its just really not a option.

For a real treat take him on a car ride.

Oh and his way of saying I love you, is to climb up on you, get comfy, purr and knead your skin with razor sharp claws that draw blood, and bite you.

I promise if he wanted in the house he would be in here. Since he doesnt want in and wants to be out he is outside.

Its just the way it is.


Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
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Nov 2, 2008
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I have this cat. He is 8 almost 9 years old. He is huge, nuetered, buttheaded, hardheaded, and just basicly doesnt care what anyone thinks, wants, or does, as long as he gets friskies ocean fish flavor dry food, can sleep, and maul you when he feels like it. He has always always been a inside/outside cat. He will disappear for 3 or 4 days, show up, eat and sleep a while get petted, drive me crazy and then go out again.

He does this summer 100 degrees, winter 10 degrees and just doesnt care if you think he should stay inside. If you dont let him out when he wants out he will destroy something, climb on you, meow incessently, scratch stuff, and just make it completely obvious that you need to let him out now. 2AM? he dont care. You go to the bathroom and he will come in and bite your kneecaps, your asleep, no matter, in the shower maybe? OH HEY STEVE LET ME OUT!!!!

Its always been like this and thats just the way it is. I mean when I put a new flea collar, or flea stripe on his back I just have to expect something to get broken.

Ok tonight its 1030 I hear my doorbell ring. Its my same crazy neighbor from across the street that feeds the cat canned food, and God only knows what else. Wanting to know why I let the cat out when its 33 degrees outside.

A. I dont have a choice.
B. Its none of your G.D. business.
C. See A. and B.
D. He has a fur coat that is insane.
E. Why in the hell are you knocking on my door at 1030 at night.

I mean I am real friendly if you have any kind of sense but late at night unexpected guests are met with a loaded gun. Its concealed but still. It makes me nervous.

Seriously WTF is up with people. I dont bother anybody. The cat is tough as nails. He beats up german shepards, kills and eats things for fun, and likes to hunt when the moon is full. He really just doesnt care about the cold, and when he is ready to come in, he will jump on my window and meow untill I get up no matter what.
There is no not letting him in, or keeping him in when he wants to go outside. Its just really not a option.

For a real treat take him on a car ride.

Oh and his way of saying I love you, is to climb up on you, get comfy, purr and knead your skin with razor sharp claws that draw blood, and bite you.

I promise if he wanted in the house he would be in here. Since he doesnt want in and wants to be out he is outside.

Its just the way it is.


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2008
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North Bend ,Washington,USA
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I have cats my hole life I don't currently let myself be owned by one but thats a first in a long while . all of them have been outdoor cats only in really cold temps do we bother to bring them in . and if one of my nieghbors cam knocking on my door at that time they would get the same thing you said from me . they are cats do a better job of taking care of them selves than we do so let them be


custom fz6 foot peg maker
Jul 15, 2008
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modesto, Ca
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your cat sounds evil:spank: if your nieghbor care soo much then tell hime to lock the cat in his house and see what happens. that cat sounds crazy and i would just do what the cat wants or you might get it in the night.. lol.. my nieghbor told me that i need to keep my cat in my house all the time because he eats her cat food.. i just looked at her like se was crazy, and said you need to keep your cat and your food in your house if you are woirred about my cat eating your food. then two weeks later she hand me a bill for some cat food? :rolleyes: she feeds all the cats in my block. for real like 15 cats and wants me to pay for her food off of my one cat or she says keep my cat locked up in my house. you already know you cant keep a cat that can fu%k you up, locked in your house. my cat ant no joke he will kill me:eek: now she is made that my cat kicks her cats @ss all the time. hey thats nature
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Yes that is exactly right.


They have a little dog that he walks around all the time, with a freaking sweater because they keep it shaved. Somedays it is friendly, somedays it trys to bite me.

I am just going to go out a limb here, but somehow, now I just cant figure this out though, but cats, dogs, birds, weasels, squirells, bears, rabbits, mice, and every other thing in the world has lived just fine thru winter before electricity. Oh snap wait a second so did people.


The real kicker to me is they are so freaking concerned they come over here at 1030 at night when all the lights are off except the one in my room where the computer is. Had to of thought I was asleep which I normally am.

Most stuff doesnt bother me, but gooftastic worryworts drive me nuts. If he wants in I wont have a choice in the world, and when he wants out, you just have to let him.

The worst is when its raining and he wants to go out. He has to check every door to make sure its raining all around the house, then he will sulk, then has to check them all again over and over and over.


your cat sounds evil:spank: if your nieghbor care soo much then tell hime to lock the cat in his house and see what happens. that car sounds crazy and i would just do what the cat wants or you might get it in the night.. lol.. my nieghbor told me that i need to keep my cat in my house all the time because he eats her cat food.. i just looked at her like se was crazy, and said you need to keep your cat and your food in your house if you are woirred about my cat eating your food. then two weeks later she hand me a bill for some cat food? :rolleyes: she feeds all the cats in my block. for real like 15 cats and wants me to pay for her food off of my one cat or she says keep my cat locked up in my house. you already know you cant keep a cat that can fu%k you up, locked in your house. my cat ant no joke he will kill me:eek:


You know why cats arent bigger???

They would eat you.

I love them to death but they are a pain in the butt.

I mean he knows he is not allowed on any bed. I keep all the doors closed when I am gone. If I leave a door open while I am in a room he will stealth sneak up and get on the bed and go to sleep. The pretend like he is paralyzed when you try to move him. Its just to agravate. You can see his little cat brain working. Its like yeah so what are going to about it. Put me down? I'll be back. You cant watch constantly.


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
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Lexington, NC
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OMG Steve, Im busting a gut here man. This has really been bothering you hasnt it. I'm sorry, but I cant stop laughing at the whole situation.

Next step: watch the animal shelter come knock on your door tomorrow.



I used to be Jethro
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Next time they rag on you ask them if the #@$!#cat looks underfed or ragged or otherwise mistreated and then tell them to stop feeding your cat or you will report them to the cat-cops for trying to poison your beloved pet. The best defence is often a good offence. Then say:Flip:


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Sounds like the perfect cat to me. As long as he has got access to plenty of food and can come in and out then he should be just fine. They can get ill being out in very cold weather, just like us. But cats do what they want when they want, em just like us.

As he gets older you might want to give him some extra vitamins in his food.


Senior Member
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Dec 2, 2008
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what are you thinking?! cats can't live when the temp drops below 40 degrees!! They'll freeze to death!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!)(*!

okay your neighbor is on crack. and a lot of it.

well maybe there's another explination. you know how your cat acts when he wants out of your house? Maybe he acts like that when he wants IN your neighbor's house... haha so you let the cat out because he's digging his razor sharp claws into your kneecaps and then he walks on over to your neighbors place and starts destroying everything in sight until your neighbor let's him in. That'd probably make your neighbor angry and wander on over to your place at 10:30 at night ;)

somehow I don't think that's the case. I'm going with option a) crazy ass neighbor


Damn Hooligan
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Aug 11, 2008
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OMG if this happens again then just pretend like your cat has been dead for 10 years and that this woman/ neighbor has been seeing a freaking ghost cat. LOL If you really want to sell it get a stuffed cat that looks like yours and leave it on her/his door step.


OMG if this happens again then just pretend like your cat has been dead for 10 years and that this woman/ neighbor has been seeing a freaking ghost cat. LOL If you really want to sell it get a stuffed cat that looks like yours and leave it on her/his door step.



Super Moderator
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Jul 30, 2007
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We have 3 cats and they have stayed outside since the kids were born,5 years since the last one , they don't bother anyone and the dogs don't take any notice of them either .But if I had known that they would have stayed outside when we had kids we would have had kids sooner ,lol
And you reckon you got nutty neighbours...............come look over my back fence !

Edit:can you guess I,m not a cat person :D