Colorado fires.....

Well they have started to let some of the evacuees back into their neighborhoods.....I'm very hopeful that we will be allowed back home tomorrow. Fingers are crossed!
Well they have started to let some of the evacuees back into their neighborhoods.....I'm very hopeful that we will be allowed back home tomorrow. Fingers are crossed!

And Toes too! Our thoughts are with your and hubby!
Well they allowed the in laws back into their neighborhood last night and we're hoping we'll be as lucky today. But honestly I had no idea that the utilities company had so much power (pun intended) over who goes back or not. There are grids to each neighborhood and they have to be tested for gas leaks and things before they deem it safe or not! hmmmm

I want to thank everyone for their concern, love, messages, phone calls, and texts. You guys are the best. I never knew that buying a motorcycle could gain me so many wonderful friends. I am a very lucky woman! :blowkiss:
Doe's that mean your house is OK?


I am very confident that my home is not damaged by fire.....I pray that looters didn't get into it. Some very bad people have been breaking into evacuated homes and cars while all this has been going on. :spank:
Good to see that message! ^^
In the mean time, (no pun intended) lets hope for the best!
Thanks Brenda!!!!!!!!
Did they let you return yet? Do you know anything more?
My cousins were never in harms way so I was in error on that one. My friend is all good house is fine and no report on the last one. Soon I hope.
This time lapse video was posted on one of our news stations's kinda long, 16 mins or so, and whoever edited it got a bit dramatic with the music selection (mute is suggested)

[ame=]5 Day Timelapse - Waldo Canyon Fire - June 23rd-28th - YouTube[/ame]

it was Tuesday the 26th when things went bad for can see the AFA Chapel in the bottom right corner...I live just over the ridge from there.
I am very confident that my home is not damaged by fire.....I pray that looters didn't get into it. Some very bad people have been breaking into evacuated homes and cars while all this has been going on. :spank:
I hope your home is safe,
Good luck, when you can give us an update.

I am very confident that my home is not damaged by fire.....I pray that looters didn't get into it. Some very bad people have been breaking into evacuated homes and cars while all this has been going on. :spank:

Like the damage and stress caused by a "natural" disaster would not be enough then we still need to worry about vandalism!!!!!!!

I hope you find every single thing at your house in the exact same place and condition as you left it.

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:cheer::cheer: We will be able to go home tonight at 8 pm :cheer::cheer:

Sounds like we won't have all utilities restored but in the whole scheme of things, that's trivial.
:cheer::cheer: We will be able to go home tonight at 8 pm :cheer::cheer:

Sounds like we won't have all utilities restored but in the whole scheme of things, that's trivial.
Will drink a cool one in honour of the occasion.
