close call and glad changed my rear PR4 last month,,,

You can't stop a bike with the rear wheel... you slid right through what would have been the accident scene if that driver had stopped
--gotta use front brake.. rear brakes are for sitting at the light (oh no he didn't :eek:)

Disagree, although the front brake is responsible for most of the braking power, proper use of both brakes will always provide a shorter stopping distance than just using the front brake. It takes a lot of practice, and in my opinion, real live experience to create the proper muscle memory not to grab or slam your controls. Although the rear tire skidded, give credit to the OP for using both brakes, and not grabbing the front brake to a point in which it could have caused a low side on it's own. An obvious mental error by not anticipating the hazard, but a good enough save using the physical skills.

If your mental and physical skills fail, what is the last thing a rider can rely on?
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If your mental and physical skills fail, what is the last thing ....

Final Impact comes to mind.. .. .. Blah

On a slightly different spin; the roads here are presenting MORE of the situation above due to the lack of forethought and/or engineering before decisions are made regarding PED crossings.
In short, people cross anywhere they please and overtime, some fail to cross the highway and are struck. After this happen couple of times (Statistics indicate need for change) and WALLA - A new PED cross walk is added.

The irony (rant if you will), is they foolishly plant bushes and trees and things that obscure the PED from view while in the median. Once that PED clears a direction of traffic through the median, they wait in the middle hidden by tall shrubs and THEN STEP into the highway and BAM - HIT or cars are stacking up FAST!

Its like, WHAT IDIOT THOUGHT IT WISE to block the view of the people crossing??!! :spank::spank: Sadly, I've seen many fender benders since adding PED walks due to poor design.

POINT: keep your distance, because when people step out, others ANCHOR the BRAKES you need space ahead and behind so your not ran over from behind. Yes, cars will pull out it front of you, but ridding someones bumper is a quick means to an end!
Pedestrians always has the right of way at crosswalks and most drivers these days aren't even aware of people trying to cross. I'm very good at giving them the right of way since I often find myself as a pedestrian too.

Drivers forget being pedestrians unless they become walkers themselves, and I'm not talking about getting your daily exercise walking around your neighborhood. More people should take the extra time and walk rather than drive more often then they would understand.
Pedestrians always has the right of way at crosswalks and most drivers these days aren't even aware of people trying to cross. I'm very good at giving them the right of way since I often find myself as a pedestrian too.

Drivers forget being pedestrians unless they become walkers themselves, and I'm not talking about getting your daily exercise walking around your neighborhood. More people should take the extra time and walk rather than drive more often then they would understand.
So very true! I've become more sympathetic with pedestrians since I've been walking more to school now.