Car hit while parked in front of my house


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Went outside to wash my wife's car, on my lunch break. Noticed random pieces of glass and plastic under the car.. walked around the back.. bumper/reflector/quarter panel smashed up. No note.

Drove around the neighborhood and found the car that hit it (same color plastic and the car is smashed up in the front/side). Took down plate number and called the cops. Waiting for officer to show up.

Stay tuned :rolleyes:
:popcorn: Hopefully those plastic pieces also belong to that other car as evidence. Either a joyride by the owners kids or possible DUI. Maybe one of your neighbors witnessed it?:confused: :popcorn:
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Hopefully those plastic pieces also belong to that other car as evidence. Either a joyride by the owners kids or possible DUI. Maybe one of your neighbors witnessed it?:confused:

Talked to the officer. Gave him the pieces of the other car to see if he can match them up. Let's see how this plays out.
That Sucks! Someone in the hood and the long standing issues that could come from this. Hope it all rolls out clean from here.

Good Luck Eric! And Good eye too! Damn - shame on them! :Flip::Flip:
Officer just stopped by. He confirmed that it's definitely the car I found. He was able to match up the plastic pieces I gave him, which were lying under my car.

BUT.. the driver is an elderly man with Alzheimer's :(

I feel kind of awful now.
I feel kind of awful now.

Nothing to feel awful about. The man's family needed to be notified so maybe they can keep a better eye on him. Next time he may have hit a child or ran his car into oncoming traffic. Feel sorry for him sure, I wouldn't wish that illness on my worst enemy, but awful, no.
I'm in agreement with dschult2. Don't feel bad about it. His driving privileges obviously should be re-examined before something more serious happens because of it.
my grandfather has dementia. We took his car away quickly when he started showing signs. It is sad, but thinking about him hurting himself, or another motorist/motorcyclist, or even a child, you realize it's the right thing to do.

sucks about your car, but you did the right thing.
Officer just stopped by. He confirmed that it's definitely the car I found. He was able to match up the plastic pieces I gave him, which were lying under my car.

BUT.. the driver is an elderly man with Alzheimer's :(

I feel kind of awful now.

well u should not, go ahead...'cause he won't remember anything tomorow :rof:

sorry it's not funny... should brun in hell :spank:
*sigh*.. the officer had a long conversation with the other driver. The man stated that the damage to his car came from hitting a garbage can 3 days ago (you should see the damage.. our cans are plastic.. he could have hit it at 60 and would not have had nearly as much damage).
End result: the officer will file the report and will list the other driver, BUT he cannot assign blame as there are no witnesses and the other driver did not confess to hitting my car.

Looks like I'm out of $500 and the man with Alzheimer's will continue driving.
That sucks, Eric!
Katie had her car totaled in front of our old house by a woman that had her license revoked because of seizures. She had borrowed her friends car, no insurance, no license, and plowed into Katie's car while Katie was having her morning coffee on the front porch.
In that respect, yours could have been waaaay worse. Still sucks tho:(
Man, that sucks. This is reason #191723919 that I refuse to ever live in a subdivision or town-home complex. I complain about no garage for my cars and having to seal my 200' driveway but at least this can't happen! :(

Just my opinion but shouldn't it be pretty obvious to the officer who is at fault? It has to be obvious that the guy did NOT hit a trashcan. He hit the BACK of your car. On public roadways if you rear-end someone you are automatically at fault unless you have eyewitnesses saying you backed up into the other car. Also if you blatantly lie to police you are certainly at fault.

Although....maybe the poor old guy really did think he hit a trashcan....
*sigh*.. the officer had a long conversation with the other driver. The man stated that the damage to his car came from hitting a garbage can 3 days ago (you should see the damage.. our cans are plastic.. he could have hit it at 60 and would not have had nearly as much damage).
End result: the officer will file the report and will list the other driver, BUT he cannot assign blame as there are no witnesses and the other driver did not confess to hitting my car.

Looks like I'm out of $500 and the man with Alzheimer's will continue driving.

I'm guessing if you go after his/their insurance carrier with these facts, they pay your claim. Its hit and run regardless, how can they contest parts of their car being under yours and both being damaged? I'd get their insurance number and call. See where it goes. Good luck!
erci: $500 could have bought you a surveillance camera system... :( maybe for next time? Seriously outdoor security is super affordable these days if you install it yourself. I've even seen motion activated stand alone cameras that you can mount on anything. I've been thinking of getting one to cover my driveway at night next to my motion activated spot lights.
I had the same thing happen to me at my apartment when I was in college. I drove around town and found the offending vehicle, but the police listened to me but really were not going to do anything. At this point it becomes more of an aggrevation, because I did not have any comprehensive insurance coverage and had to cover the repair myself. In fact that may have been the last time I was crawling over cars in a junkyard :eek:. As stated previously it sucks, but at least no one was injured. We love our tangible objects dearly, but most are either repairable or replaceable unlike our loved ones..:rolleyes:
erci: $500 could have bought you a surveillance camera system... :( maybe for next time? Seriously outdoor security is super affordable these days if you install it yourself. I've even seen motion activated stand alone cameras that you can mount on anything. I've been thinking of getting one to cover my driveway at night next to my motion activated spot lights.

/not to thread derail but I might be contacting you! ^^

Rental agency hired crack addict to manage the apt complex. They say they have rights to inspect INSIDE ANY TIME THEY WANT! I say crack addict is security risk with ALL OF MY CREDENTIALS at her finger tips, plus my bank account AND KEYS to all places!!! ((WTF is wrong w/them)) This is going to get ugly before it gets better! Perhaps some cameras will level my odds out forcing the crimes to take place elsewhere....

3 places have been looted sense NEW management came in and she is bragging about goods taken.

/end rant.. .. ..
I had the same thing happen to me at my apartment when I was in college. I drove around town and found the offending vehicle, but the police listened to me but really were not going to do anything. At this point it becomes more of an aggrevation, because I did not have any comprehensive insurance coverage and had to cover the repair myself. In fact that may have been the last time I was crawling over cars in a junkyard :eek:. As stated previously it sucks, but at least no one was injured. We love our tangible objects dearly, but most are either repairable or replaceable unlike our loved ones..:rolleyes:

AMEN!! Sucks, but in the end it's just a bit of coin. I'll get over it. More upset about the upcoming inconvenience of having to take the car in.. and it's never as good as factory after repair, from my experience. But again.. that's just material stuff.. no biggie!
/not to thread derail but I might be contacting you! ^^

Rental agency hired crack addict to manage the apt complex. They say they have rights to inspect INSIDE ANY TIME THEY WANT! I say crack addict is security risk with ALL OF MY CREDENTIALS at her finger tips, plus my bank account AND KEYS to all places!!! ((WTF is wrong w/them)) This is going to get ugly before it gets better! Perhaps some cameras will level my odds out forcing the crimes to take place elsewhere....

3 places have been looted sense NEW management came in and she is bragging about goods taken.

/end rant.. .. ..
That does not sound right!
I'm renting a house and according to renter rights, the landlord has to give 24hr notice to enter the house. While renting an apt. in TX, they still had to ask permission to enter even if you were not home.
AMEN!! Sucks, but in the end it's just a bit of coin. I'll get over it. More upset about the upcoming inconvenience of having to take the car in.. and it's never as good as factory after repair, from my experience. But again.. that's just material stuff.. no biggie!

I'm glad you are so calm about it. Material stuff or not it's the principal of you shouldn't have to pay for stuff that is beyond your control and 100% not your fault. :(

Oh wait, the government makes us pay for stuff that is beyond our control and not our fault every year.