Buy it if its been dropped?

I know this has been on here for a little while but I have got to say I bought my bike when it was dropped. I paid $2000 cash for it out of a dealer showroom. I had to put a little money in it but who cares?! I mean seriously if you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty GO FOR IT!!!! Mine is a 2008 and I had to replace the stator on it and the right side mirror just to get it on the road. So do I think buy it? YES!!!! As long as it rides straight go for it. That is my opinion. Not only that if this is your first bike and it already has a little damage now if you drop it you don't have to worry about hurting it if you drop it. That was my thinking as this bike was my first.
I purchased a wrecked bike recently. Yes there is tank damage and some of the covers are scratched up. But, it is a 2006 with 3000 miles on it. So after doing a headlight kit, I have like 1500 bucks in a bike that will last me thousands of miles. I say go for it.
It would be a good deal at 2k, otherwise walk away. Get a bike for a few more bucks with an after-market exhaust. My 04' was $3200 with lowers, 1200 mile, PCIII and a scorpion exhaust!
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I'm talking pure street bikes, not dual purpose bikes. The old axiom that there are only two types of riders; those who have dropped their bikes and those that will, is nonsense. I know many riders who have not crashed their bikes over many years, and who certainly not dropped their machines in their driveways. No rider should think that it is inevitable that he will drop his bike. That will end up being a self fulfilling prophecy.

Never go riding with the thought that it is inevitable that you will eventually crash. That's a bad attitude.

So after 100k miles on a few bikes, I had my first crash 2 weeks ago, Hit some oil in the road while on the brakes... was that a self fulfilling prophecy? or am i an inexperienced rider? not sure which to blame it on, but one thing is for sure, it was obviously my attitude...

Back on topic now though, that drop has exactly the same damage as my bike, but to a smaller scale and i am 100% confident in mine. I would scoop that bike up for 2k-2500 tops, in perfect condition it is only really worth about 3-3500ish. hard to tell from the pics, but did the engine cover get scraped? frame sliders? this bike has a bad habit of damaging the frame with some sliders, so check the frame around the engine mounts for damage. All in all it looks like a decent ride.
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bought my 07 fz6 couple years ago for $1800 with 5600 miles & it had been down on the right side at about 40 mph. frame was good, only a slight tweak to the fairing stay that was easy to correct. the fairing & right rear plastic was scraped, peg & mirror broken off, both wheels with large dents. i ended up with $2350 in the bike total & been a great ride so far. i prefer it over my 04 zx6r overall, mainly due to riding posture.
Not true in my experience although on this site it seems many FZ6's owners drop their machines regularly, whether on the road or in their driveways. Experienced riders don't drop their bikes.

I've been riding for 27 years and I know more "Experienced riders" than I can count........and everyone of them has a Crashed or dropped it story.... I know a man who has been riding for over 45 years and just lost his left leg in a head on motorcycle crash 4 month's ago...... IF YOU RIDE A MOTORCYCLE eventually you will at some point in your riding en devours find yourself in a situation where no amount of skill or agility will save you from going down. :hijack:
On topic, I think the best route to go is used, but lightly used with no crashes or drops. Obviously brand new works for some people and used/crashed/dropped can work out too. I got lucky and scored a 1 year old bike that was flawless and had only 1,000 miles on it. It's been good to me.

Along the same lines, not too long ago I bought a 5 year old car that was flawless and had only 30,000 miles on it for a song.
It has all pretty much been said but I thought I'd add my 2 cents....

IF you are mechanically inclined and like tinkering on bikes...a dropped bike may be for you.

If you are a new rider a used bike is certainly the way to go for 2 reasons:
1. you are far more likely to drop or crash the bike in the first year of riding than in the following several years of riding if you are like most of us.

2. There is a chance that riding may not be for you and you are not going to loose much if you buy a good used deal and end up selling it after a year.

If I were just now looking for my first FZ6 I would buy a used one.

I bought mine new in 2006 and back then the used 2004/2005's were not much cheaper than what I paid and had the notorious TB brainer.
Thanks for all the replies! Yes i definitely will be buying used, theres just so many good deals out there... Used bike buying is so much nicer than used car buying.... Talked to the guy on the phone and apparently it has frame damage so i walked away from that one... found another bike thats $3100 with 2000 miles on it and 2 bros exhaust on it + some extras, going to give him/her a call tomorrow! Will update when i hear news.