Big guys on FZ6's?

I am 6'-3'' tall 250 pounds with seat on 7. I have no problems at all and love the bike. It is my first bike though never been on any other bike before. :thumbup:
6'5" here. Wish I had more leg room (at 48 the legs just don't bend as well as they did) but this bike's better than any other 'cept the BMW's, which are pricey.
I will follow up on Jondav's "lowering the pegs" link tomorrow, w00t!
6'4" and 290lbs. The only problems I have are the seat being a little too mushy, and the fact that I can't see behind be in the mirrors when I have my riding jacket on. Bar end mirrors would probably fix that, but it's not that big of a deal.

Hmmm. I am 6'4" and 265lbs. I rode the FZ6 4400kms just to get home. I did it over 5 days and the trip included one 1000km day. At the end of each day I was able to walk, talk and even hear. The FZ is one of the most comfortable bikes I have ever ridden.
Me = 260 pounds, Pillion = 100 gear, another 30 - 40 pounds, Bike takes it in it's stride, only thing noticeable, is front end gets just a little bit light.

Lots of us big boned guys eh? :thumbup:

Thanks for the responses guys, planning to view the bike Saturday morning. If everything is as we discussed, I should be the new owner of the fastest FZ6 offered by Saturday night.

You're but a WEEEEEE little girl! ;) Deb, can you flat-foot the bike?

If not, I'd be curious to see you try my modded seat which I shaved a lot from!

I cannot flat foot, but I can touch with the balls of my foot, I used to be tip toed in my other boots (stiff wouldn't bend at all) with my other seat that is carved out. The yami comfort seat is narrow so it helps a bit.
gooooodamnit! I want my cheezy poofs!!!! lol 6'2 315lbs for me and I love my fz, she gets right up and stomps old guys in corvettes like its nothing. I have rode for over 4 hours constantly and as many as 7 hours in a day with no real trouble. Don't worry about being a big guy get the bike and ride! :rockon:
OK, I'm very heavy - 6'1" and 270 and am having no issues (pain, fatigue, etc.). Though I've never been on a larger bike (so I have no point of reference), the FZ6 doesn't seem to mind that it's new owner is a big boy. I'm pretty sure of the direction I'm heading with bikes and the FZ6 is proving to be much more than a, "starter" bike as I'm nowhere near any of it's limits. BTW, I'm working on the weight!

Great bike (other than the somewhat clunky transmission discussed earlier) - I've been wanting to do this for 30 years and have not regretted the decision at all!
Ok, I,m 5'10" and 155lbs,yeah I know I,m a weed.The only trouble I have is staying in the saddle when I accelerate ,I end up flapping in the breeze !:D
Perfect topic... I'm new around here and got referred from another forum. I'm hoping to pick up an FZ6 in the next week or so and size was one concern. I'm 6' 3" and also suffer from big bones ;) Glad to hear it can take it fine. Mind you I've been on a Yamaha tdr 125 for the past number of years so it should be a vast improvement!
Like Oz I'm 155 lbs. but only 5'8". Yes, I resemble a pennant over 70 miles an hour but my grip strength has increased remarkably from just trying to hang on. Why is this relevant? The reason I got my FZ6 used with just 600 miles on it was the the previous owner was 250+. No problems there but he wanted to ride 2 up with his wife. The problem? She was 235! :eek:
Max load on your FZ6 is approx 400 lbs. This is my first bike and OMG I'm love'n it.
Lots of us big boned guys eh? :thumbup:

Thanks for the responses guys, planning to view the bike Saturday morning. If everything is as we discussed, I should be the new owner of the fastest [COLOR=\"Red\"]FZ6[/COLOR] offered by Saturday night.


Let us know if you get it and your thoughts on the ride.

As for the weight issues, I am 6', 220 lbs., and can ride just fine with my wife who is approx. 180 lbs. I do notice a definite drop in the rear when we both ride. I might look into adjusting the rear.

5 feet 8 inches. and 193 pounds (big?) for asian i guess..

i love my fazer especially when it goes into above 10 k RPM mode
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