Been in an accident?


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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Anyone been in an accident on your motorcycle in which your insurance company has been involved, and willing to answer a few questions?

Sorry to seem somewhat insensitive, just trying to get the perspective of people who have actually been involved in an accident and the behaviour of the insurer and other parties involved.
Been party to both actually.

Had a nasty one on the freeway with half a dozen cars on my old GPX250. Was lucky to walk away from that one. Cops were involved and collected all the details.

Had to take my bike to a dealer so it could be assessed and sure enough it was a write off. Insurance company (alliance) were ok. Just had to get them the accident report which proved difficult. Seemed one of the cops didnt fill it out properly.


Arrived back to where I parked my bike after I finished work to find it 3m further down the road and on its side.

No note and no one there to give a hint to WTF happened. Fortunately no major damage.

Wolfman helped straighten the bars/forks and the rest is history.
Did you get that PM I sent JayJay, for some reason nothing ever gets saved in the sent folder and I can never tell whether I sent stuff here or not :S
I had some fun with my insurance after the 'roo accident.
They where really quick to pick the bike up and assess it as a write off,but getting them to payout was a nightmare,especially on my gear . Even though I did everything correctly.
They dont have my insurance on the replacement bike !
Gday Kris,
A few yrs ago I got side swiped by a car at a very low speed (Always shoulder check when in a car or for that matter, on a bike!)
The other party was very happy to assist with details and was upfront and honest. Witness was very cool (Stopped on the other side of the road @ peak hour, emergencies on, holding up most of Sydney, and rushed to my aid. Also saw it all. Nice bloke!)
I was (and still am insured) with Insure My Ride.
Excellent customer service over the phone. Were happy to explain things very slowly to me. This is important. :D They were very quick to pick up and send away to get fixed.
Important: Make sure you ask for genuine parts from the fix it shop put on as I heard that some cost cutting measure can take place :rolleyes: Didn't happen with mine (Did get it checked) but it can happen.
Was pleased with the fix. Cosmetic damage only.
Speedy delivery with cheque for gear cover.
Recommended in my opinion. (Feel free to argue! :D)
Did you get that PM I sent JayJay, for some reason nothing ever gets saved in the sent folder and I can never tell whether I sent stuff here or not :S

Kris, when you send a PM, tick the box that says SAVE SENT ITEMS before you hit send.


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I know the situation i the US is probably different than in Australia, but here's some info that everyone may find interesting:

My son laid his 1986 Honda Nighthawk down. It was a really nice one, and we didn't want it totaled. The insurance adjuster's first estimate was to use all brand new parts, and the bike would have been totaled that way.

I told him I was OK with some used parts, and I gave him some prices I got from eBay. He used them in the estimate, and got the cost down to where the bike wasn't totaled. I think we're going to be able to repair the bike for about the cost of the check he sent us, even though we have $500 deductible.