bd43's 07 Headlight Mod Part 2

Well, I finally did the dual headlight mod. I bought the wire from Daryl back in October and had planned on doing the mod soon after I received the wire. But for whatever reason I didn't do it until today. I finally did it mainly so I would have it done before spring. If any of you are having any doubts still, which you shouldn't be having with all the other things said on this thread, just forget them and do it. I would recommend just ordering the wire from Daryl. He does a very professional job with it. Made it plug and play pretty much. The install went very smooth, and the wire just snappped right into place. If all mods were this simple I would do more, and I hopefully will. Thanks Daryl, for all your photos and instuctions, and of course your excellent work in creating this thread. And especially the wire. EXCELLENT!!
Looking to buy a wire. If BD43 is unable to make one, any suggestions where I could buy one?

Not very mechanical other than I use to change the oil in my old Pinto back in the 90s. :)

With BD's steps, I figure I could do it. Have a mechanical buddy coming over my house to install some LED lights figure we could tackle this as well.

Great forum, by the way. Awesome to see so many FZ6 fans!
Just ordered a wire from Daryl. shipped in a week or so and installed super simply. Wire looked better and more professional than I could have ever done. highly recommended.
I just finished BD's mod today after ordering his harness. It only took about a week to arrive here in Cali and like everyone else has said his is a professional job on construction.:thumbup:
The entire job took me about an hour and a half to complete. You can shave 30 minutes off of your own installation if you're not a dolt like me who was removing the airbox, battery box etc. for the first time, but I wanted to take my time and not get impatient. The wiring itself couldn't be easier and BD's nice touches on the harness make it look factory.
Thanks again Daryl, 1st class mod!
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I didnt make an exact pin to fit into the wiring harnes but i did fit the wire in tight and it works great, if your lazy like me you can just cram the wire in and connect it all together and it will work, it might come loose but it made this mod super quick and easy! Thanks for the write up on how to do this!
Chalk up another here.

Ordered from Daryl, arrived in about a week. Took maybe forty five minutes to install. Ran the wire out along the lhs fairing using existing connections as suggested, then under/ around the front beneath the brackets for the lights to the rhs light. Can barely see the wire when looking for it, and what you can see looks factory.

Daryl, fantastic work, man. I can't say it enough. I love pullig up behind a cage and seeing both lights reflecting back at me.

Thanks again.

I purchsed the harness from Daryl last year and finally had a friend install it for me yesterday. I can't wait to try it out tonight! Thanks Daryl! (where have you been, haven't seen you on the forum lately).
order made on 3/26/10 and received today 4/9/10
Grate craftsmanship and speedy service will install Soon
this will be my FIRST of many mods :sinister:
Just received the harness tonight. Took me about 2 hours to get in. Removing the battery was probably the hardest part. Put everything back in and worked like a charm!

I did notice that my bike seems to only have 2 filaments in the right bulb and not the left. Easy fix with a new bulb. Thanks again Daryl!
New member.

Mine is an unmodified 1999 Fazer 600 with, you've guessed it, poor dipped lighting, despite a Calibre Extravision 'blue' H1 bulb on the left (Lo), and a Philips X-teme H4 bulb on the right (Hi). It's a 'second' bike used mainly for commuting, but ocassionally at night. I've read the various installations, and I'm impressed, BUT . . .

Being a spannerphobe I dare not attempt the dismantling/reassembly, especially on an old bike, (which may not have the same connectors?) but I can solder well enough to build amps etc., so an extra lead or two should be no problem.

It occurs to me that a simple solution, which requires no permanent modification, could be to disconnect the main beam lead/spade from the H4 (Hi) bulb connector, and re-route it via a conveniently mounted 'toggle' switch to both filaments, so I can select one or the other, with no additional heat or load on the electrics.

So: position 1 - no change from standard. Position 2 - switching to 'Hi' results in two dipped beams. Switch can be removed and everything back to normal if there's a problem with plod.

Apologies if this has been covered before, but that's a whole load of posts to read through.

Any thoughts? Have I missed something obvious?

any wiring harness still available? I'd like to get one for my 2008.

So if I understand correctly, both sides will function on low AND high? If thats the case, all I need is to simply buy two dual fillament bulbs? I love my FZ6 however my only complaint about the bike so far is the "popeye" headlight look.... If I hear one more person tell me I have a headlight out........... THEY will be the one with a light out :D
88Nightmare - alas, you are not correct: the wiring harness - or any other mod - will not give you Hi beam on the normally dipped side, because it's a single filament 'H1' bulb with a shroud built into the headlight to do the dipping.

What it will give you is twin dipped beams on 'Lo' (by bringing the unused dipped filament on the normally Hi side into circuit) and the standard single dipped + single high on 'Hi'.

Any more than that will risk over-heating the fairing and/or overloading the electrics - NOT recommended by anyone!

For the amusement of anyone who likes a good story - I've spent half a day trying to find 8mm spade connectors (as is standard on the 'H4' bulb) in Perth (Aus), and failed miserably. You can have 4, 5, 6.3 or 10mm, but not 8mm.

Coventrys sell a standard bulb (globe) connector, with three leads about 6 inches long: part number 49894. But do they sell a 'male' version? Do they f*^&!

No matter - All I need is a blown bulb, which I happened to get from the garage round the corner for nothing, so I can remove the glass etc. and access the spades.

Here's the rub - if you're thinking of taking this route, the glass is tough! If you decide to use an adjustable spanner (Mole Grip) to break the glass, it's proabably NOT a good idea to do it whilst standing next to your lunch - it breaks (implodes) with an almighty bang, and showers everything in sight with glass.

If I get the mod to work I'll post details. Meanwhile I've got to make lunch - again.

ExPat Pom
I have made some progress:

Attached (poor quality) pics show front and rear of the box lid, with the switch and butchered bulb base bolted in place. Note that the bulb spades poke through the box, to receive the existing bulb socket (three spades, two wires).

It awaits wiring - i.e. the attachment of the new bulb socket (three wires), and some means of attaching it to the light housing or fairing.

Consider this an academic exercise, or poor man's mod - in prototype. It is NOT professional, like bd43's loom, nor does it do the same thing - it merely allows you to select in advance which filament you want on the RHS bulb when you select 'Hi'.


But it is simple, and - importantly for me - I haven't even touched the bike.

If I were brave enough to take the existing live wire/spade to the bulb from the existing socket/loom, and replace it with two of the new wires/spades (assuming they fit!) the box need contain only the switch and wires.

Alternatively it might be possible incorporate the bike's existing socket into the box with the appropriate additional wire and switch - BUT there is not a lot of room, and the risk would be that the forks come in contact with the box - this one is 15mm deep.

Maybe I'll look at that as a second prototype.

And finally - having had the chance to read through the original posts, my statement to the effect that no mod will give you dual beam on the LHS is, of course, incorrect - my apologies to those skilled enough to do it, and to anyone I've confused on the issue.

But I am cautious - to say the least - and my idea was a stand-alone, reversible mod which gives me one additional dipped beam for occasional dusk commuting, and NO changes at all to any part of the bike.

I think I've achieved this, at least in principle.

Happy riding!
I just did this mod on my 05 FZ6. Along with the FAZR6 fender eliminator, this is one of the first mods I've made to my newly acquired ride. My buddy races an 06 R6 so I was able to grab a spade connector from a spare wire harness he had lying around which made part 1 a snap. Installing the wire wasn't too hard, I had some trouble getting the airbox back on but all and all, it was a pretty easy effort for BIG payoff. I would highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't already done this mod.
Good Afternoon

it took me a while but i decided to do the Mod and boy i'm happy i did.

IT was quick.

The only problem was to put the airbox back.

Overall I'm please with BD3's product.

I recommend everyone to do it.

Enjoy :)
As anyone will discover if they attemp my 'simple' mod, the bulbs are forged in the fires of Mount Doom, and soldering to the butchered bulb base is impossible, even with a gas flame.

For those, like me, who still baulk at dismantling the air-box etc., it's no big deal to remove/insert wires from/into the existing plugs, so there are easier mods.

But bd43's mod is the way to go. Well done bd43.