Atkins Diet Anyone?


Avid 4WD Hunter
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Sep 6, 2008
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South Australia
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Has anyone tried the Atkins diet?

I've been absolutely out of control stacking weight on, due to an illness and the ongoing treatment. Giving up smoking a few years ago didn't help either I imagine. Couple this with the fact that the effects of the illness won't let me exercise properly and this once fit bloke is getting fatter and fatter.

Anyhow, I'm gonna go on the Atkins diet to try to take some weight of my feet to see if it helps the pain when I walk. If I can lose some weight on this diet, I might be able to exercise enough to get it under control, if not reverse it a little. Hope it works with my medication

Anyone else done it? How were the results? Any good tips?

108.6kg/239.4lbs on Thursday 22/04/10. Wish me luck:thumbup:

Atkins diet and all these diets are fads. Don't bother.

Best you can do is:

Eat breakfast - cereal and fruit

Eat healthy - cut out processed foods - limit fat and dairy. Lots of vegies and salad. Jacket potatoes - without being covered in butter - are good.

Leave one day a week - say Saturday - to eat what you want BUT don't go stupid - still take it easy.

Cut back on alcohol - check the sugar content on your raspberry cruisers :eek:

If you have trouble exercising, try swimming or just walking for 1/2 an hour a day - you'll be amazed what you can do.

I've tried every fad diet over the years - they are rubbish. You may lose weight but you put it back on.

I now eat well (chocolate still a problem though....) and drink plenty of water through the day.

Sounds boring, but once you get used to it - it's great.

First thing you should do is check with your doctor - he might recommend meal replacements for maybe one meal a day - such as Optifast - from your chemist. They actually work :D

Good luck and keep us posted
I dont think you ride as much as you say you do...i think you have developed a taste for warm rubber! :spank:

Seriously though, good luck Mikey....

My theory on diets is, whatever it is, if it causes you to change your eating habits, and what you eat for the better, then it is a winner!

A lot of the time, i dont reckon it's the diet that doesnt work, it's the true willpower of the person on the diet...

But yes, there are lots of crap diets out there that dont work as well either...

I've wanted to try the Atkins diet, but I found it was a bit out of my price range. I've tried a version of Sugar Busters to cut things out of my diet and it used to work. Replacing Diet Soda for regular Soda and cut breads and fruit out too.

It was hard but then I turned 30 and it didn't work anymore. I've been losign weight now and try to exercise regularly as well. I have a hard time walking and running has been out of the question for me sense my motorcycle accident. I like to use an Eliptical Trainer, it lets you get cardo exercise without any impact on your joints. I watch what I eat, I've cut all soda, dairy, processed meats, and limited my overall intake. I let myself have a cookie with my lunch because otherwise I get crazy cravings for something sweet and give in to something 'small' only to have another.. till the box is gone. :spank:

Drink Water... It's a big filler and don't add anything to your carb / cal intake. It also helps in losing wieght too.

Some will argue if the Atkins diet is really good for you, some could even go as far to point out the founder is dead. I look at it as being something that has worked for some, but when you look at what is on the plate in the end its less due to restrictions. I've found restrictions that help me. I get pain in my joints and it wasn't until I was talking with a guy that he pointed out it sounded like Gout. I've not be diagnosed, but after cutting processed meats it hasn't be as bad. When I do give in and have a hamburg I feel it in my joints.

I think a key is to find out what works for you. When I wsa 18 I could put a hurt to a buffet and not gain a thing. I can't do that any more. :(
Most of the weight I've put on was during a period of very healthy eating, and copious amounts of exercise (spending nearly all my spare time scuba diving). I didn't bother replacing the flat batteries in either of my first 2 bikes. Just as happy to bump start (Headlights were a bit dim

I don't really drink. My job is very active. I need to change something 'cause what I'm doing isn't

It's a bit of a blokes diet, but it's still gonna take will power. Cold cuts of roast beef etc. are gonna be my

On a side note, How come the supermarkets have "jerkey" that's plump and moist?:confused: WTF? Gonna have to go to the pub and get some real stuff. That's gonna cost
I personally think the Atkins diet is one of the worst to try. You'll definitely experience quick weight loss and enjoy eating all that meat. However, do you really plan to eat like that for the rest of your life? Plus, your blood pressure and cholesterol is gonna go through the roof when you consume massive amounts of red meat. I always hate to hear of people considering this diet!

I do however recommend Weight Watchers as a good diet to start off with. There are no restrictions about what you can't eat...only choices. You have to decided "Is this item really worth all the points it cost?" Some days it might be and you're able to get the craving out of the way. Eventually you learn to be able to recognize healthy food when shopping just by looking at he nutritional facts. So, it's a life long change that works and becomes easier. There's no crash weight gain because you're learning to make changes for good!

Other tips to dieting - less processed foods, watch the sodium content in diet foods, low fat and high fiber items are the best!

Also, eventually dieting will only get you so must exercise alot (cardio and weight training)!

It's great that you have this motivation to lose weight but please be careful on which diet you choose. Some diets can be just as harmful to your body as the extra fat is. Shoot for something that will allow you to make healthy life long changes!
Some diets can be just as harmful to your body as the extra fat is. Shoot for something that will allow you to make healthy life long changes!

I bet it ain't half as harmful as the pills I'm taking to keep me I know for a fact they're killing me, but what can you do, eh?:rof:

I was eating healthy and exercising when I got
I never liked the term "diet" because to me, it means that eventually, a dieter will return to old habits down the road. People, such as yourself Mike, should think of changing your lifestyle starting with eating habits. Karen is spot-on with her input to this but you need to take to heart and begin to live it, every day, no matter what. Accept it as your way of life. Only then, will you not only get healthy, but remain healthy for the future.

Now, the problems with this is getting rid of old habits, resisting all the temptations of "convenience foods" that are available and money. I've found that the healthier I eat, the more it is costing me. This is a crying shame all on its own. This world is backwards in many ways. It should be the healthiest foods are the cheapest and the unhealthiest foods the most expensive. If health insurance companies want to lobby for something, start with that change.

You've got a double whammy and I am sorry that its as difficult as it is. An illness in the way can be overwhelming but with proper mindset, positive attitude and careful choices, there's no doubt you can overcome that mountain in front of you, conquer it and reach the pinnacle.

Take it one day at a time Mike. Before long, it will be daily habit and the bad habits will be a thing of the past. Sounds like you're a good portion of the way there. I hope that this illness gets progressively better for you!
I agree with the calories in/calories out diet..although if all the calories come in from refined sugar, processed foods, fats, salted meats etc. etc. it is not ideal.

I tried the South Beach Diet several years ago and while I lost some weight initially I felt like I had no energy for sports and activities (I like to mountain bike, lift weights, swim, etc.).

My weight has been up/down over the past few years and what worked for me was finding out how many calories I needed to eat in a day (RMR + exercise calories), figuring out a good balance of nutrients (protein/carbs/fat %) then keeping track using a log to make sure I didn't over-eat. You can really see the impact of some things this way...big lunch, beer, bag of chips, candy, etc. really add up.

Shoot for 0.5-1lb a week of weight loss, its not too hard, especially if you can add in some exercise. 20 min walk every day (~1 mile) is a good place to start, then try to do 2 of these a day, then 3.

I found this to be a great book to read: [ame=] Chris Carmichael's Food for Fitness (9780399151941): Chris Carmichael, Jim Rutberg, Kathy Zawadzki: Books[/ame]

If you find you have gained weight from a med or something I would suggest getting a RMR test done, perhaps it has slowed down your metabolism and you are just eating too much. Its an easy test you sit in a chair with a mask on, the machine measures your metabolic rate which you can use to see how many base calories you burn (and need to eat). Then add in what you burn on the job or from workouts. Then adjust up or down as needed and your weight should follow.

Formulas to estimate are here:
Basal metabolic rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would also add if you have a hard time with weight-bearing activities because of your condition, that biking is a great low-impact workout, I belive many F1 and motoGP athletes do a lot of cycle training these days, fit = fast :)
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A friend of mine did it and lost A LOT of weight... he looks great now and managed to keep the weight off for a few years and is still doing great...

Good luck Mike!
My wife and I did the Atkins thing a number of years ago. I lost 27 lbs and wife lost 75 lbs. Its hard to do but the weight will drop off. BUT you have to change your eating habits forever or the weight will come back. The first two weeks are the hardest. Good Luck. Doc
A friend of mine did it and lost A LOT of weight... he looks great now and managed to keep the weight off for a few years and is still doing great...

Good luck Mike!

Thanks mate. Obviously I won't be doing it for ever, but if i can get weight off and keep it off by hopping back on it for a few weeks every 12 months or so and eating healthy in the in between times (not that it helped me much it'll make it more likely that I'll be able to do some more, cardio related exercise.

As for the using the pushy cycle for exercise, I've got it all lubed and the tire pressures are done. Ready to start seeing how far I can push before my heart really want to get some of this weight

I might have to look into the RMR test. I doubt that I'm eating too much though. On weekends possibly, but during the week, I eat very little.
I followed the Atkins plan a few years ago and managed to drop about 20lbs. I kept it off for a while but then crept back up to the start and more. The problem is that, while eating tons of protein is great, it's hard to live with long term.

After this past Thanksgiving I decided to get serious again. I was at an all-time high weight and knew I needed to do something. I started using the online version of mens Weight Watchers as a way to set a goal and track food but quickly found that the whole points system really adds a new dimension. The whole system teaches you to plan well and understand you're food intake - essential for life-long weight management. I'm now down 42lbs and within 5-10 of my goal. It's also not very expensive at all (less per month than 2 lunches out). I highly recommend it!
Made a bit of a discovery, since I've been on the diet. I don't cope well with something I was eating before. I'm pretty sure it's caffeine, but whatever it was that I'm not having now, was drilling me big time. I haven't felt so alive for about 8 years. When I come off the diet I'll be adding one item at a time back into my diet every week or so, just to be sure it's not the culprit. :cheer:

Oh, and I lost 6.0kg/13.2lbs in the first week:rockon::D.
Made a bit of a discovery, since I've been on the diet. I don't cope well with something I was eating before. I'm pretty sure it's caffeine, but whatever it was that I'm not having now, was drilling me big time. I haven't felt so alive for about 8 years. When I come off the diet I'll be adding one item at a time back into my diet every week or so, just to be sure it's not the culprit. :cheer:

Oh, and I lost 6.0kg/13.2lbs in the first week:rockon::D.
Outstanding - 6kg!
Outstanding - 6kg!

LOL..Thanks Kazza. But at the moment the weight loss is just the icing on the cake. The dicovery of my "Allergy?" to something or other just overshadows everything right now. Soooo much energy!:BLAA:

You should see the difference in the shed between Friday night, and lunch time today. Got my FZ6 frame sliders modified to fit my FZ1, and spent the whole night until about 6:30AM building up my old pc, loading windows, and getting everything updated for my bro to use to get him on the internet at last.

My BMX sits just outside the back door, prepped and ready to go. I've got my Geocaches picked out, and I'm ready to start getting started on the cardio game. :rockon:

Once I start extra exercising as well, I wouldn't be surprised to see another 6kg's next

Hanging out for a pizza
It's crazy how you find out about foods that bug you in ways you didn't know. I've been trying to stay away from processed meats and it's helped me out, not as much pain in the joints as I used to have.

Congrats on losing 6kgs, keep up the good work. :thumbup:
Update time. I'm down 14kg/30lbs. The lack of caffeine is making me far more energetic, so I've slowed down in the weight loss department 'cause of exercise building muscle.

I'm out of the induction period now, so I'm eating loads of fish and chicken, and can consume heaps of different vegies as well. This part of the diet is pretty healthy. Basically just no sugar, flour, rice or spuds. I'm staying under the 20grams of carbs a day, but that gives me plenty of room to fit in lots of different stuff. It's a kind of everything in moderation setup:thumbup:.

Every set of pants I own keeps falling down, and today I used my Rjays leather jacket and found I had room to move in that too:cheer:.

I've discovered Flax seed meal. A great source of fibre, and low in effective carbs, and I'm gonna work on making some muffins, cakes and breads:rockon:.

The only down sides are the amount of time I spend in the kitchen now, and having to adjust my suspension and buy new clothes, but I like to cook, so even that's not a drama:D.
well done ozzieboy 14Kg :cheer:
My wife lost loads on the Atkins diet a while back, but I don't think I could manage it :(
I started slimmers world a couple of weeks ago (no refined sugar, unlimited eggs, limited fat and you can choose either protein days or carb days also all the fruit and veg you can eat). I've lost 5 kg's so far, hope to loose a bit more before going on holiday in July :thumbup:.
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Wow! 30 lbs! Good job Mikey! I lost 60 lbs about a year ago, but have stopped losing since then. I have my bike out now too, so hopefully that will help out.
I'm impressed! Keep up the hard work!