Asking a favor from my forum friends

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Blue....looks like you are having a great time in the comment area, LOL. These debates seem to be right up your alley.
voted a second time, from my laptop. much like the upcoming presidential elections here in the states, i have no idea what i am voting for except that it sounds good.
lol Voted Wow there are some pissed off people on there lol oops their winning ;)


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West Shores News Seafarer Seafarer 133 67%
West Shores News 63 32%
Current Total 196
Blue....looks like you are having a great time in the comment area, LOL. These debates seem to be right up your alley.

Hey Vegas, I don't have a clue what I am doing as I am flying by the seat of my pants on this one but some lady from the West Shores news thinks I am Charlie Moore, a resident. I do know one thing, I got her attention and she keeps bighting so I guess I will continue with my fishing expedition...... This is a riot man..... That chick is all bent out of shape.......

Hey J, do you realize this thread has gone 11 pages? This has to be some kind of record for an off motorcycle topic thread. For you folks that voted and left comment, you're awesome. Nothin like a bunch of FZ6 riders with cabin fever to set off a loaded ballot box. You all get an A for effort.... It's 06:00 and I just fired the first salvo of the day in the comments section. If ya get a chance be sure to vote again and again and again. Ain't no stoppin this train now........


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Wow, you guys are starting to scare me. LOL If I ever need anyone to fight my cause I know who to call. Well, I voted for the third time anyway. What a blast! :rockon:
Wow, you guys are starting to scare me. LOL If I ever need anyone to fight my cause I know who to call. Well, I voted for the third time anyway. What a blast! :rockon:

No doubt Bren... These folks are tearing down the house over there. If we ever need to get somebody elected I know where to find the campaign committee. What a bunch of awesome people and driven doesn't begin to cover their purpose.

Thanks for helping to stuff the box.....


Current Score is Seafarer 141 and them other guys 67. I do love a good butt kickin and I'm having more fun than a tornado in a trailer park............
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ok I had to join in the fun!!! think they'll get the Star Trek connection?:D
I grew up in Estes Park, Colorado in the '70s. It's a small town, about 2,500 residents year round. I say year round because in the winter time many people went back to Texas, Florida and other States. The town is at 7,200 feet of elevation, next to Rocky Mountian National Park. The winters are rough. You need a 4 wheel drive to get out of your driveway at times and I've seen it snow as late as July. For three months in the summer our population exploded to about 15,000 as all the people from the "valley" came up to get out of the heat.

The local paper is the Trail Gazzette. The focus of the paper was LOCAL news, not national, not state. It had a lot of ads to cover the costs. It had lots of ads because the local businesses were small and seasonal, the trout fishing pond, the Put-Put golf couse, the real golf course and the tourist shops that were full of crap like Indian head dresses, tee shirts and other junk. The ads were inexpensive because the only people who placed an ad were local.

I downloaded a copy of the Seafarer and it is similar, local. The other paper probably has different target audience so the locals may be comparing apples and oranges here. I couldn't find the other paper on line.

Everett seems to be controversial. If he was not longer in business I bet after a bit they would miss him. Controvery adds color to a small town.
I grew up in Estes Park, Colorado in the '70s. It's a small town, about 2,500 residents year round. I say year round because in the winter time many people went back to Texas, Florida and other States. The town is at 7,200 feet of elevation, next to Rocky Mountian National Park. The winters are rough. You need a 4 wheel drive to get out of your driveway at times and I've seen it snow as late as July. For three months in the summer our population exploded to about 15,000 as all the people from the "valley" came up to get out of the heat.

The local paper is the Trail Gazzette. The focus of the paper was LOCAL news, not national, not state. It had a lot of ads to cover the costs. It had lots of ads because the local businesses were small and seasonal, the trout fishing pond, the Put-Put golf couse, the real golf course and the tourist shops that were full of crap like Indian head dresses, tee shirts and other junk. The ads were inexpensive because the only people who placed an ad were local.

I downloaded a copy of the Seafarer and it is similar, local. The other paper probably has different target audience so the locals may be comparing apples and oranges here. I couldn't find the other paper on line.

Everett seems to be controversial. If he was not longer in business I bet after a bit they would miss him. Controvery adds color to a small town.

I have been to Estes park years ago. Beautiful, though I did prefer Durango over in the 4 corners area.

Back on topic, I have voted 5 times so far.

They would miss Everett, if nothing else he gives the local wags something to talk about.

Oh well, off to vote again.

Oh, and Sportrider, James Tiberious and I share the same last name.:D
Voted again!

I had to go read the post and I cant believe how much Havblue has stirred up, I like how he took on the name of the local resident.

Way to go.:thumbup:
Voted again!

I had to go read the post and I cant believe how much Havblue has stirred up, I like how he took on the name of the local resident.

Way to go.:thumbup:

Hey, you folks are the greatest support team on earth. Ya bunch of FZ6 misfits have loaded the ballot box beyond my wildest expectations. Thanks...

As for me, I don't suffer from insanity here, I'm enjoying every moment of it.....

Hey, you folks are the greatest support team on earth. Ya bunch of FZ6 misfits have loaded the ballot box beyond my wildest expectations. Thanks...

As for me, I don't suffer from insanity here, I'm enjoying every moment of it.....


enjoying it doesnt exclude you from insanity.... I know first hand :p
Hey, you folks are the greatest support team on earth. Ya bunch of FZ6 misfits have loaded the ballot box beyond my wildest expectations. Thanks...

As for me, I don't suffer from insanity here, I'm enjoying every moment of it.....


Charlie you are freaking hysterical! It is so funny to read the running battle. It is amazing to me that people will get sucked into silly arguments like this.

Once the vote is over we need to post the link to this thread on the web site! :D
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