Almost got wiped out by a Cop!

two things..

1) read my post today about getting cut off by a cop on a cell phone who then beeped his siren at me...I wasn't at fault. dick...

2) coming back from Moto GP, I was being passed by cars (while I was in the lane 2 of a 4 lane freeway) and he shined his spot beam on me ... I didn't know what he wanted. 5 minutes later, he got behind me (I'm now going 60mph behind another car merging on another freeway) and I got spot beamed again for no reason. I dunno...cops can be jerks...

**note: I have a friend who is a cop and wouldn't pull this kind of crap. Most people tell me to get car #'s to call them in OR if pulled over to get name and badge numbers to report complaints.
After reading about incidents like this, almost being taken out by a driver that was not paying attention, etc, I'm ready to install a video recording device on my bike and car. That way whenever crap like this happens there's evidence of who is in the wrong.
If I was you and was thinking straight meaning was able to stay calm I would had took both the cops car numbers and called them in. I know it may had done anything but I would had at least gave it a shot. I wish you had had your video camera on the bike lol. If you had it on the bike you should had went straight to the police station show the sheriff. I would had loved to see the cops face when he was called in and seen you sitting there. Don't forget you can also report stuff like this to your local news station. But after all my thoughts glad your okay and safe. Take care.
I remember once while being booked (charge was ultimately dropped) I was told that I'd be released on "OR." Okay, so the officer behind the counter reads off a form questions to which I orally answer "yes," or "no" while she checked off boxes or something. After this, she hands me the form and rudely says "Sign here." Well, before I sign something I usually take a look at what it is that I'm signing off on so instead of instantly signing the form I proceeded to take a look at it. I didn't understand why somebody else would orally ask me questions off a written document and then hand it to me and expect me to sign off w/o even looking at the document. I wasn't even trying to antagonize the officer and I simply wanted to take a few seconds to make sure what I was signing off on. In retrospect, I don't understand why a booking officer would not just simply hand me the form have and direct me insert the appropriate check marks on the form. Anyway, seeing that I didn't instantly sign the form she became enraged and next thing I knew I was told that I'm not being released on OR but am going to a jail cell. I had to bail out! And I wasn't even trying to insult or antagonize the officer.