Ahhh, such a nice feeling!

2nd place maybe? lol

Bike was used and looking pretty sad in the chain area when I grabbed it. Its better now!

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I'm not big on soaking an O'ring chain. Once you dilute the grease locked in with the O'rings I don't feel the spray on junk ever really gets back inside.

Who has a high mile chain in good shape and how did you care for it? What did you use to make it last and Look Nice?

I use dupont teflon spray, Stuff is amazing, it collects no dirt grease or grime, Keeps the chain looking new. I clean the chains on both the bikes every two weeks.


Its like 5 bucks a can and can be used to clean the chain as well as it will break down other crap.

What i do is spray the chain, clean it with a nylon brush really good, wipe it with a rag to get the last bit of everything on it off, then respray making sure to get it on the inside off all the links.
Forgive my laziness if this is in the thread, but are you guys getting the sprocket and chain that clean with the chain still on the bike? I bet that did take a long time.
Forgive my laziness if this is in the thread, but are you guys getting the sprocket and chain that clean with the chain still on the bike? I bet that did take a long time.

I have never removed my chain to clean it....and it does take a while, but like a lot of mundane jobs, you get a bit trance like after a while, and i find the job, sorta therapeutic, like peeling a 20kg bag of potato's!

I couldn't do it. If I really make the decision to clean something I -have- to make it perfect. So I start knowing I'm not going to go all out -- I still clean the chain well, but don't concern myself if the sprockets still have a little stuff on them.

+1 on the Dupont teflon spray, I use that to lube the chain - but I have some other product (name not coming to mind at the moment) that I use to clean it.
i lube my chain 1-2 times a week. just a spritz. i clean the rear sprocket wheel every other time with a dry rag. i take the the front sproc cover off and wipe it out every 2-3 weeks. it looks pretty dirty.

despite the recommendations in the manual i will not be using any type of solvent on my chain. my reasoning is, it would seep past the o-rings to the part of the chain u cant lube or clean thereby "cleaning" (ruining) the factory sealed goodness inside. once kerosene got inside the rollers it doesnt seem like it would ever dry. maybe after you got it hot.

that said, a greasy chain is a happy chain. just wanted to share.