ABC News wants to use one of my youtube videos!


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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Got a cool email this morning! Check it out:

ABC News Calling
My name is Peter I**** and I'm a producer for ABC News based in Los Angeles. I'm doing a story for Nightline about the reopening of the Angeles Crest Highway.

I like your video a lot and would like permission to use it in our piece. Do you have the original video and could I possibly send a courier to pick it up and then send it back to you after I've copied an excerpt?

We're planning to shoot on Memorial Day. Any chance you'll be riding the road yourself?

Best Regards,

email: Peter.*****

323 ****office
310 **** cell

Here is my response:


Good morning Peter!

Thank you for your message!

It would be my pleasure to burn you a copy of the original! You would not need to send it back to me.

I can’t access Youtube from work, so I cannot see exactly what video you are referring to… could you send me the title?

Can you wait until tomorrow? If yes, I will burn a copy tonight and take it with me to work tomorrow (Buena Park, Orange County), so you could have it picked up here. If not, I can run home at lunch and get it ready for you this afternoon (at work in Buena Park).

I am doing a trackday on Memorial day (Willow Springs International Raceway), so I won’t be doing ACH in the next few days, but it’s funny you contacted me because I moderate an online message board and was updating a thread about the reopening of ACH ( Too bad I won’t be available for your shoot, that would have been awesome! I am planning to ride it with a few friends on Saturday 5-30-09 though!

Let me know!


David ******

Cell: 714-*****

Let's see what happens... maybe the video is the one of me following Cali_Rider! John, maybe we'll all see you ride on the news! :D :cheer:
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Ok so I just got off the phone with Peter and the video he was referring to is this one:

It was not Cali_Rider, but mostro and I on our -now gone- FZ6s in March last year...

Peter will send a courrier and pick it up tomorrow... he also promised to get me a copy of the news story after it airs... and of course he will let me know the date and time when it will air.
Indeed... very cool! Are they offering any monetary funds for the video?

Nope, they just need an excerpt from the video, and there are thousands of ACH videos on youtube, so if I start asking for $$, he will probably pick another one instead hehe... I don't care about $$ anyway, I am just proud that my work was noticed :)

Maybe I can get them to mention the FZ6-Forum in their news story though! that would be cool :) (not sure what it has to do with the reopening of ACH, but I'll try anyway)
That is very nice! You are on going to be on TV! Celebrity among us :D. Congrats on the opportunity to show off your work. Are they going to refer to you as Wavex?
ur just lucky they saw your video before they saw mine :p

congrats tho man. putting the logo in there would be pretty sweet. and the audio is disabled in the link to the video unfortunately. any other way for us to watch it?
Not worried they'll spin it to "Coming up next, we go undercover with a local motorcycle gang and obtain video proof from the hooligans who have ruined ACH..."? :D
real cool.. but i dont get abc from la.. maybe someone can tape it and put it up on the forum.. really cool man :)

I think they will send me a copy (on DVD or whatever) after the spot airs... If that's the case, I will for sure post it up :)

if you edit the video real quick, maybe you can put a small logo on the bottom of the vid or just the website link...NICE

I could if I had kept the original editing files... I do quite a lot of personal videos and usually get rid of all the temp editing files after I am done with the movie, so unfortunately it's not going to happen!

ur just lucky they saw your video before they saw mine :p

congrats tho man. putting the logo in there would be pretty sweet. and the audio is disabled in the link to the video unfortunately. any other way for us to watch it?

The audio is gone on a lot of my youtube videos because Youtube recently decided to filter all videos for copyrighted music... It was not the case last year so they let me upload that vid... but 6 months later they sent me an email telling me they removed the audio because I was using Dire Straits, Pink Floyd etc... sucks!

Not worried they'll spin it to "Coming up next, we go undercover with a local motorcycle gang and obtain video proof from the hooligans who have ruined ACH..."? :D

lol If you don't hear from me in the next few days, you know what happened!
That sucks about the audio - I was thinking, "There's no way David didn't edit in some music." That explains it.

Dude, we should have a viewing party in your honor!

:cheer: Way to go man! :cheer:
Definately pretty neat that ABC wants to use your video. I just hope that they are using it in a positive way to reflect motorcyclist. I haven't had a chanc e to review your video, but sometimes the media can take advantage of us and use things, such as your video in a negative way.
That sucks about the audio - I was thinking, "There's no way David didn't edit in some music." That explains it.

Dude, we should have a viewing party in your honor!

:cheer: Way to go man! :cheer:

haha deal Mark... let's do it! I will setup a bbq or something when I get the copy... How are you doing btw? Last time I heard from you you had almost died :eek::D

You never posted all your pics from the LB grand prix btw! There's a sexy pic of you there :D:

Definately pretty neat that ABC wants to use your video. I just hope that they are using it in a positive way to reflect motorcyclist. I haven't had a chanc e to review your video, but sometimes the media can take advantage of us and use things, such as your video in a negative way.

Agreed Kenny... I really don't know what they're going to use from the video... maybe they just want that opening sequence with the wide angle shot of ACH... who knows... This is supposed to be a piece about ACH reopening, and they will be interviewing motorcyclists on ACH on Monday, so I believe it will be a positive thing... time will tell though!

So when are you riding down here again? We should organize an "FZ6-Forum ACH run" soon... would you be down for that?