A little help, please

Oh yea, price. They charged me $155 front, $185 back, and $50 for the labor. Best I could knock them down to.

Chapperal Motorsports over in San Bernardino quoted me at about $65ish for the rear tire change and $40ish for the front. Thats just for labor. You got a good deal :thumbup: I was looking at getting the Battle Axe B21 (I think thats right).
I just ordered the Pirelli deal from Cycle Gear, as I noticed my tread wear indicator on the rear is fully exposed and starting to get ground down (ie, is flush with the top of the tire). The front is in better condition.

I know this would be bad for rain, since there wouldn't be a way to channel water out. But is that dangerous on dry surfaces? I don't think tread has any advantage except for channeling water off (race tires are slicks, right?). I'm wondering if I should stay off the bike till the new tires come in, which will be about a week or two. My gut feeling is that as long as I know it won't rain, there is probably plenty of rubber left to avoid a blowout or puncture. But it's making me a bit queasy.

What is the proper technique to ride a new tire to "break it in"? Much talk of them being slippery, and I saw a YouTube of a Gixxer spin out in the tire shop parking lot for apparently no reason at all, looking like someone had put Crisco on his new tire. Is it just a matter of taking it easy in the turns, or something more? For how long must you do that until your tire is "broken in"?