A bit of introduction


Junior Member
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Belgrade, Serbia, Europe
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Hello everybody.

My name is Djordje in my native language which is pretty much similar to George in English. I'm from Yugoslavia (since I was born in Croatia and now living in Serbia) and (tomorrow I'll be) 31 years old.

Last year, on June 26th, I have bought my first motorcycle, and if you cannot guess which, I'll help you - Yamaha FZ6, naked, MFY 2005. Bike had 4022 km when I bought it, and now it has some 300 under 17k km... All those kilometers have been ridden throught all seasons, including winter.

I have managed to fell of during my trip to Croatia, last year, when I had only 1500+ km under my behind. :D Nothing serious, but enough to teach me a lesson I needed, obviously.

Here are some pics of my ride (there is a gallery behind the link):



I'm quite happy and satisfied with my bike. It fits me perfectly and I don't need stronger, quicker or "better" in any way bike. The relationship we have I might caracterize as symbiosis. I take care of it and it takes care of me... Recently I gave it new set of tires - Michelin Pilot Road 2. And we're very happy about those. Both of us.

Before this riding season started, I wanted to sell this bike to buy new one, the S2 model, midnight black, 'cause it ripped the heart out of me when i saw it (I'm a "bit" weak on black). But, that didn't happen - I spent the money on buying some gear (BMW Rally 2 Pro, which in the last ride of 825 km in 3 days with rain all the time, has proven worth of the money given) and decided to stay put.

Now I'm planning to save the money for Two Bross exhaust and to pray to Gods for two things: the first is to get the money on time, and the second is to be able to use the group buy that Admin has organized...

Well, that's it for now. If you want some more info - ask... I'll be glad to answer...

Kind regards and good roads to all of you...

Welcome to the forum! Happy B-day! Love the bike even though I am partial to black also. But yours is easier to clean. Well good luck on the 2 Bros. and post loads!
Recently I gave it new set of tires - Michelin Pilot Road 2. And we're very happy about those. Both of us.

Well written intro. I enjoyed your festive manner of speach.

Welcome to the forum. Your bike is a beauty!

Thanks guys for warm welcome. I have been wandering around the forums for quite some time now, but just today I've noticed the 'New User Intro' section and immidiately decided to introduce myself.

I have found many new things and interesting topics here, so thanks to everybodu for contributing to this mission.

Cheers... Hope to see you on road... Someday... Somewhere... ;)
:welcome: to the forum! Thanks for the great introduction and letting us get to know you better. Your bike looks great, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy many more miles/kilometers on it.


Hello and welcome! Happy birthday too. Please be sure to visit and post often.

What are the roads like where you live? I assume there are lots of mountains with nice twisty roads.
Thank y'all for welcome. And for reading this thread also...

Until I find some time (I'm building a garage for bike and cars, and a small room for me) to write down our little rafting trip to river Tara (Tara is not just a river - it's a whole national park), I'll post just one pic for you to see where have we been riding:


And this is NOT smoke or something similar, these are CLOUDS! :thumbup:

But, I feel obliged to write some more information for you people that have never (or almost never) heard of our region.

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro are in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe. These states are leftovers from sometime big and famous country - Yugoslavia (link, link). But, politics are not by any means part of this little "education" (let's call it that way). Now, a struggle for living because of many factors which are purely political... :(

Like I sad in first post, we (5 bikes) went to rafting on river Tara and during our trip that lasted three days (our relentless souls and butts wanted some more riding than we had planned in start). Rafting course is on borderline between Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Friday was starting day and from the very start of ride - rain was imminent. Also, it was more relentless than 6 of us together. It poured down almost like in that scene from "The Matrix" where Neo wanted to get out of the car stopped under the bridge. It was washing us inside out whole three days. But we never felt better, and the ride itself was like a drug - we always wanted more, no matter the cost (regarding the rain).

Now, a little about picture. Picture was taken on mount Durmitor in Montenegro. Just to say, it's also a national park... ;) A friend of mine that arranged this ride, rafting and enjoyment, has been on that road on picture just 20 days before we went, and that was macadam, i.e. there was no asphalt. I don't know what the road looked like before, but now, when asphalted - it's a DREAM TO RIDE! And I mean it... But, you beter believe it...

If you want some more pics, tell me and I'll post a link to our local forum where we put pictures. Not all, of course, but enough for our local forum buddies to :drool:... :D

Now, so long. I have to work under cover to earn those bucks (dollars and euros) for brothers for my bike... :D

:hug: to y'all...


PS1: Just for the record, I have been with you folks for more than 7 months now (since Feb 10th, 2008)... :rolleyes: :thumbup:

PS2: Could someone let admin know that I (and I hope I'm not the only one) need more than 10 images (Error occurred: You have included 11 images in your message. You are limited to using 10 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again. Images include use of smilies, the BB code
thanks for posting about what its like over there i honestly always wondered what the roads were like :thumbup: