2009 FZ6RC Dragons Tail Meet

Im fine with that. So those of us that have pre-paid need to submit another 45 bucks to get the other house? I have no problem with that.
I am assuming you will just refund us via paypal if more people sign up?


No need to send any more money. We'll keep it at the original $100 buy in, and seddle up at the houses.
Ok guys,

I just got off the phone with Ron. We've booked the Ridge and the Point for June 5,6,7. I've also added the 4th onto the Ridge for those of us coming up on Thursday. We can work the payment details out for Thursday once we see how many show up. Ron is going to send me out a new contract either Tuesday or Wed of next week. He was headed to NYC for a MC show!:D What a life!

There will be plenty of room man. Now we have even more room for extra people. This is going to rock!
I know you guys need to know asap who's all gonna go. I'm planning on it, but I don't want to prepay until I get those days off work. I'm working on that right now. Pretty sure it'll just be me, as Melissa doesn't want to be the only woman there.

We she go if another woman agrees to go?

She is more than welcome.
I am 100 percent sure that I am going and that I will want to reserve a room. I'm working at my college right now and they only pay once over Winter break, that means I won't have the funds until the 23rd. :eek:
So if there is still room left on the 23rd I'll be paying up for sure.

Its going to be fine man. We will have plenty of room now. Its going to be really very nice and alot of fun.
Yes it is! Any of you guys who haven't been on a forum group ride are in for a real treat. This is like a normal group rideX4. You can ride all day and chat all night! Then repeat the next day.
Once Ron gets back from NY I'm going to see if he can add us to his events calander. The second annual FZ6forum.com meet.

Need to do the same for the Killboy.com events calendar. Just to get some advertising. He normally posts which groups are heading up there.

I can go ahead and do that now, if yall dont mind.

Have to be out by 9 am on Monday.
Check is usually around 230 pm but if there was noone staying the night before they usually dont mind if you get there around noon if you like.
cool, that works out perfect. if I leave here at 8am I should be able to get there right around 2-3pm.
I've gotta stop reading this thread, gets my blood pumping everytime, then I start adding more stuff to my list of "things-to-do-to-my-bike-before-going-to-the-dragon". Dangerous.
Ill probably get there around noon-ish.

I just made my first tank bag map. Used Microsoft Streets and Trips 2009, Microsoft Viso and Photoshop CS2. Ill get some pics of it tomorrow. Need to see about getting it laminated at school.

I will probably leave here around 7:30 or so and be there shortly after lunch.

Grr, is it June yet?

Not quite June yet....Dammit! At least I can ride here in TX year round. Im still researching trailering options and routes in that area for the extra days I am going to be there. Would like to have the suspension (at least the forks) upgraded by that time.
No new news here, just ready for summer to get here. I still have a few mods to get installed before the trip. I have the R6 forks, RyanK fender kit and a couple other things to get too.

Anyone else feeling the recession crunch? My employeer annonced the suspension of bonuses today. That means around a $12,000 pay cut for me!:eek: We are a two part business. He owns around 80 TGIFs and 45 Wendys. Wendys is performing beyond belief and TGIF is tanking beyond belief. I am a TSM (training store manage) for the wendys side of the business and sales are up 20-40 percent on our end. TGIF's side of the company is losing more than we can make up though. I guess it's better than being out of a job.
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Cheap food I suppose. Its easier to get some decent chicken sandwich for a couple bucks as apposed to really small portions of food for 15 bucks after a drink. I am a dollar menu college kid. The more items in that .99 range, the better.

Cheap food I suppose. Its easier to get some decent chicken sandwich for a couple bucks as apposed to really small portions of food for 15 bucks after a drink. I am a dollar menu college kid. The more items in that .99 range, the better.


If I didn't mention I'm on the Wendys side so I know all about the dollar menu. It has gone from 25% of my business to about 37%. That is a huge jump in a year.