2009 FZ6RC Dragons Tail Meet

I know man. Im jones here!


Yea the same thing happened last year. I was wathing the weather like a month out, an was so excited I couldn't sleep the week before.:D That's why I'm making a week out of it this year. You guys down there have all the good roads.
Yea the same thing happened last year. I was wathing the weather like a month out, an was so excited I couldn't sleep the week before.:D That's why I'm making a week out of it this year. You guys down there have all the good roads.

Yea, there are plenty out here. Dad just came home with a tank bag, a little agreement we had. But I will printing out and laminating some small maps with the local roads and routes for this trip. No one really responded to the routes I made up, and with exams I lost some time to do it?

Is anyone interested in those road? Any input on how long or short they should be?

My girlfriends uncle lives near Silva, NC and knows where many of the nice waterfalls and such are. I am trying to talk to him and get the locations of those.

Yea, there are plenty out here. Dad just came home with a tank bag, a little agreement we had. But I will printing out and laminating some small maps with the local roads and routes for this trip. No one really responded to the routes I made up, and with exams I lost some time to do it?

Is anyone interested in those road? Any input on how long or short they should be?

My girlfriends uncle lives near Silva, NC and knows where many of the nice waterfalls and such are. I am trying to talk to him and get the locations of those.


I use a Garmin 550 o find my way around, but will try an convert the routes to a file. I did the Wayah road route last year by myself, and it was a blast. I think I saw 4 cars in 60 miles. Please post any route you come up with, and I'll try and convert them to a GPS file.
I saw those routes man. They look like a blast if were only a few people. They are just to long for groups not knowing the roads in my opinon.

If its just a couple people long rides work. More than 4 or 5 that dont know each other real well and it seems to cause problems.

I know for me I start to get tired mentally after 3 or 4 hours of riding in a group. Its more difficult for me to concentrate to the people around me, see my lines, make good decisions, and not get caught up in the lets just go a little faster mode.

Thats me though and others may see it differently.

Those roads are hard work, tons of fun, but hard work.

I slid across the oncoming lane to a stop last year. I was hungry, thirsty, tired, distracted, all of us were going at a pretty good pace and had been for two days.

If we all knew the roads, knew exactly where to stop, where to eat, had done it all before it would be easy. Just in a group of people the size we have everything takes longer. LOL

Also ego gets envolved and no one wants to admit hey this past is to fast, or I am tired, or I need a break.

Just my opinions though.

I know I am going to take of me, and do what I want this year. It doesnt seem like Mike is going to make it this year. So I guess Ant, Jay, or I will lead a sedate group, and Tour Guide or Jim K. can lead a fast group.

28 down into GA and SC is a awesome road though, I want to make that run again, just at a lower pace. Also I want to run that road and go thru the corner I crashed in about 3 mph slower, further to the outside, apex later, and not crash. LOL
I saw those routes man. They look like a blast if were only a few people. They are just to long for groups not knowing the roads in my opinon.

If its just a couple people long rides work. More than 4 or 5 that dont know each other real well and it seems to cause problems.

I know for me I start to get tired mentally after 3 or 4 hours of riding in a group. Its more difficult for me to concentrate to the people around me, see my lines, make good decisions, and not get caught up in the lets just go a little faster mode.

Thats me though and others may see it differently.

Those roads are hard work, tons of fun, but hard work.

I slid across the oncoming lane to a stop last year. I was hungry, thirsty, tired, distracted, all of us were going at a pretty good pace and had been for two days.

If we all knew the roads, knew exactly where to stop, where to eat, had done it all before it would be easy. Just in a group of people the size we have everything takes longer. LOL

Also ego gets envolved and no one wants to admit hey this past is to fast, or I am tired, or I need a break.

Just my opinions though.

I know I am going to take of me, and do what I want this year. It doesnt seem like Mike is going to make it this year. So I guess Ant, Jay, or I will lead a sedate group, and Tour Guide or Jim K. can lead a fast group.

28 down into GA and SC is a awesome road though, I want to make that run again, just at a lower pace. Also I want to run that road and go thru the corner I crashed in about 3 mph slower, further to the outside, apex later, and not crash. LOL

Agreed. I started to realize that the routes were getting long and with many people and stops those 6 hour loops would be all day. I was trying to keep it close to 4 thinking that would be a good trip with a few senic shot moments and such.

I'll keep looking for things. If anything Ill make as many as possible and if some people want to go off in small groups and tackle a longer loop they can.


Oh and Steve, I was just informed your bars came in. Dad is waiting on the rest of the stuff to come in, shouldnt be too much longer.
Like Anthony I am coming in pretty early to get in more time and am not familiar with the area that much so any thoughts on rides for wed and thursday would be appreciated!!!! Local knowledge is always best.
Yea the same thing happened last year. I was wathing the weather like a month out, an was so excited I couldn't sleep the week before.:D That's why I'm making a week out of it this year. You guys down there have all the good roads.

i use to live in Staten Island ANT, and you have some good roads in NJ, and some intense twister's in the area of RT.22 and I-78, and Somerset, and go a little or maybe alot North (bad English) in the mountains toward the GWB and another good place would be toward The ski resorts.
Can anyone tell me a GPS device that i should look into for the ride. Not sure which one's are good and would it have to be mounted on the tank (because i have a huge tank bag) or a hand held to put into my tank bag.
Agreed. I started to realize that the routes were getting long and with many people and stops those 6 hour loops would be all day. I was trying to keep it close to 4 thinking that would be a good trip with a few senic shot moments and such.

I'll keep looking for things. If anything Ill make as many as possible and if some people want to go off in small groups and tackle a longer loop they can.


Oh and Steve, I was just informed your bars came in. Dad is waiting on the rest of the stuff to come in, shouldnt be too much longer.

HELL YEAH!!!!! Do they look cool as hell or what?????

I couldnt believe you guys are able to sell them for 22$ they look freaking awesome in the pictures.

Thanks again.
My fiance wants to know if there are going to be any other women going???

Tourguide, and Alisha will be there but staying in a hotel. Nate and Angela stayed with us last year.

Basicly we will need a woman to commit to going to get other women to commit to going. LOL its a vicious circle. LOL LOL

Right now we are getting to the point where one house is going to be way to crowded. We need three more people to commit and prepay and then we will have the other house as well. The deal is if we dont hurry we will end up not being able to get it, sense it will be reserved by someone else.


We only have 11 people prepaid as of now. That will make for one very very crowded house. I think it will be best if we go ahead and reserve the Ridge along with the point. That puts all of us on the hook for splitting $1603. Rental taxes and $250 food. That will make it $145 each if NO ONE ELSE COMES. Most likely we wil end up around 100 each. This will allow more people to come and all that have prepayed and the next three that do to have a bed.

Anybody against it?
Im fine with that. So those of us that have pre-paid need to submit another 45 bucks to get the other house? I have no problem with that.
I am assuming you will just refund us via paypal if more people sign up?

I'm totally cool with it as well. I'm trying to talk a buddy into coming with me, if I can that will take care of one bed.

So how far apart are the two houses? We aren't going to all split up are we....that's no fun. We should go ahead and designate one of the houses as the party house. I nominate whichever has the hot tub!
I'm totally cool with it as well. I'm trying to talk a buddy into coming with me, if I can that will take care of one bed.

So how far apart are the two houses? We aren't going to all split up are we....that's no fun. We should go ahead and designate one of the houses as the party house. I nominate whichever has the hot tub!

I call house that isnt the party house... Im cranky when I go with out sleep. lol

Its the party Garage man. Its just the place to hang out.
You will see.

I dont party but I love to talk and drink coca cola.
I know you guys need to know asap who's all gonna go. I'm planning on it, but I don't want to prepay until I get those days off work. I'm working on that right now. Pretty sure it'll just be me, as Melissa doesn't want to be the only woman there.
Ok guys,

I just got off the phone with Ron. We've booked the Ridge and the Point for June 5,6,7. I've also added the 4th onto the Ridge for those of us coming up on Thursday. We can work the payment details out for Thursday once we see how many show up. Ron is going to send me out a new contract either Tuesday or Wed of next week. He was headed to NYC for a MC show!:D What a life!
I am 100 percent sure that I am going and that I will want to reserve a room. I'm working at my college right now and they only pay once over Winter break, that means I won't have the funds until the 23rd. :eek:
So if there is still room left on the 23rd I'll be paying up for sure.
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