2 up

Full Throttle

Jul 6, 2011
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So I'm at work and I get a text message from my Fiance yesterday saying that she had plans for the evening with a girlfriend but wanted me to come to her house to ride on the back of the bike. Now, I hesitated because she refused to ride on the back since the day I bought it saying I wasn't experienced (very true yet after a year and 3K miles I think a parking lot would have satisfied my request).

So I raced home to fill up my tires (I like to ride with 30 on the back) and headed to her house. We went around for about 8 miles and headed back. No issues other than a fast changing light that I had to a quick stop for (slight over shot).

All in all it was a lot of fun. It was great when she squeezed real tight when I let the RPM climb without shifting. She thought we were flying and we were only doing 30mph.
I agree, it is fun to ride solo and enjoy the bike, but there is nothing better than having the woman you love squeezing into you on the back.

I love it when my wife wants to go 2-up instead of taking her own bike, although it is very rare
I love it when my wife wants to go 2-up instead of taking her own bike, although it is very rare

That's only because I am a control freak ;)

j/k Riding 2-up is a totally different experience than piloting. The trust you have to put in someone is a thrill in itself. Glad you could share that with your fiancee.
Excellent! Take her to a quiet parking lot and practice the same things you would practice on her own (quick stops, swerves, u-turns, etc). It'll be good for both of you.
Excellent! Take her to a quiet parking lot and practice the same things you would practice on her own (quick stops, swerves, u-turns, etc). It'll be good for both of you.


this is the best place and objectives to practice. slow speed, with a little sand/gravel (typical parking lot stuff) will make a believer of you very quickly. 2up is a challenge for seasoned riders and passengers at times. add an off camber hill, strange bump, or neat thing to look at (for the passenger) and you both can be on your butts quick.

practice the slow speed, tight quarters stuff. practice it WITH her. let her be an observer and a critic. she'll gain with you, and respect what it takes to be a good passenger even more.
