08 fz6 as second bike


wait... what goes here?
May 21, 2008
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Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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I've been riding a honda rebel 250 as my starter bike for a few months now. It pasted along from my dad to my mom to me. I want something new because it's just to small I'm 6'1'' and my knees are in the bars. I'm taking my safety course in two weeks and and after that I want to buy an 08 fz6. I already know the whole know your boundarys thing I whipped out on my first ride just a few miles from my house. There was about a half in of gravel spread across the road in a turn and the bike slide out from under me. I had to ride home before i could even got to the ER. It took out a chunk off my elbow and was covered in scrapes and bruces but i was lucky. I just wanted to know what other riders thought of my decision.
slightly used 07 will be the same exact bike (other than color) as the 08 and save you a good bit of coin.

Go for it and just take it easy until you are comfortable on the bike.
For your height and experience, I think it's the perfect choice. No too many bikes fit well and the docile nature of the FZ at lower RPMs allows you to break into it gradually. I'm 6'5" and it was my first bike. No regrets and no desire to replace.
The FZ6 is an excellent choice for you. Corners seem to be the newbees kiss of death.... Most take them too fast and end up losing control. Get your experience in sweeping corners, not tight 90 deg or blind ones. Take it slow at first and practice being smooth, not fast. Being smooth will give you the ability to be fast later on. Not crashing is your primary goal and a factor of experience and patience is a good way to achieve that goal....

Wear gear, be smart and enjoy...:thumbup:

Oh yeah, almost forgot.... get a copy of Defy's plate just in case the police are lurking around....:p
The FZ6 makes a pretty good second bike IMHO. Wear your gear! Is buying used out of the question?

+1 on wearing the gear. This is a very safety oriented forum where most of the members wear almost or full gear. An armoured riding jacket probably would have saved your elbow. Oh well, live and learn. There have been a number of new members and some very experienced members who have gone down, fortunately, most of the members were wearing their gear so they avoided serious injuries. Many of them were able to walk away from the crash. Just for your information, those '08's are having a tough time keeping the rubber side down by the way. Many from inexperience. +1 on a used one as well.

+1 on wearing the gear. This is a very safety oriented forum where most of the members wear almost or full gear. An armoured riding jacket probably would have saved your elbow. Oh well, live and learn. There have been a number of new members and some very experienced members who have gone down, fortunately, most of the members were wearing their gear so they avoided serious injuries. Many of them were able to walk away from the crash. Just for your information, those '08's are having a tough time keeping the rubber side down by the way. Many from inexperience. +1 on a used one as well.

i was wearing a yamaha offroad riding jersey and a light jacket when it happened, the jacket got pulled the whole way up to my shoulder and the jersey was pulled to my mid forearm and ripped a hole in it the size of a quarter which was also the size of the hole in my arm.
The FZ6 makes a pretty good second bike IMHO. Wear your gear! Is buying used out of the question?
if i can find a used one in my area it is an option. I was originaly looking at a used 2004 but my old job cut my hours and it was sold before i got back to them. it's just hard to find used ones that dont sell within days.
i was wearing a yamaha offroad riding jersey and a light jacket when it happened, the jacket got pulled the whole way up to my shoulder and the jersey was pulled to my mid forearm and ripped a hole in it the size of a quarter which was also the size of the hole in my arm.

As a long time rider I can honestly say I am not the one to mimic at times because I do ride without gear (always a helmet, long pants and gloves) but on those occasions my riding style is so totally defensive it isn't even funny. For a newb or short term rider to do this is simply asking for problems as their chances of going down are far greater for certain. When you are a newb things like dropping the bike, missing the hazard on approach, running off the road and all sorts of things just seem to be part of the experience. For this reason alone gear is a must.

The FZ6 should serve you well and it makes a wonderful second bike on the move up....
i was wearing a yamaha offroad riding jersey and a light jacket when it happened, the jacket got pulled the whole way up to my shoulder and the jersey was pulled to my mid forearm and ripped a hole in it the size of a quarter which was also the size of the hole in my arm.

When you go get a proper riding jacket with armour, you want to get a jacket that fits snug and tight. You don't want to get a jacket that is overly loose, as you need the protection to stay in place in case you fall and make contact with the pavement, car, deer or whatever you might hit.