Search results

  1. Thorpiticus

    2006 FZ6 For Sale in Atlanta- $4000

    Forum Friends, I've got to clean out some garage space, so the FZ is up for sale. It's been for sale on-and-off for a while, but I'm quickly becoming a motivated seller. The bike is an 06 and only has 950 miles on it. Blasphemy, I know, but I just never got much of a chance to ride it...
  2. Thorpiticus

    Storing Inside?

    Hey guys- It's been a while since I've posted, but I'm glad to be back! I've got a storage conundrum that I could use your help with: I'll be headed out of town for 10 days and, unless anyone in Auburn, Ala. has a garage they want to let me use, I'll be needing a place to leave my bike...
  3. Thorpiticus

    2006 FZ6 W/ 490 Miles

    Price Already Dropped to $5300 For Forum Members Only! Well Ladies and Gents, the time has come. A few short weeks ago, you guys convinced me to keep my baby instead of trading it for a Triumph and boy am I glad you did! Unfortunately, my car has fallen a bit under the weather lately and, as...
  4. Thorpiticus

    Dumb But Obvious

    So I've learned plenty of dumb, obvious lessons through my riding and figured that there should be a thread for people to share theirs. For instance, today my lesson was that if you plan on topping 100mph, then you should probably remember to get into a tuck. What've you guys come up with...
  5. Thorpiticus

    Convince Me Not To Sell!!!

    I've got a big 'ol dilemma on my hands! As you guys know, I bought my '06 FZ with 42 miles on it about two months ago. I've got about 400 on it now and have loved every mile of it! Unfortunately, a gorgeous Triumph that I've had my eye on for quite some time just became available (:spank:)...
  6. Thorpiticus

    Front fairing screw?

    I know this is a topic that has been covered extensively here, but I'd like to make sure I'm ordering the right thing before I waste my hard-earned $1.15. Anyway, the goober that had my bike before me replaced the silver hex head screws pictured here on either side of the gauge...
  7. Thorpiticus

    Just got over 7k RPM for the first time... WOW!

    Hey there, I'm a new guy but I've heard the rumors of how the bike transforms over 7k RPM. I just wanted to say that they're all true! I was accelerating today in 2nd and saw that I was heading toward the magic mark. Being a pretty new rider, I generally try to keep it under 6k, but I...