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  1. S

    year difference for bars?

    Does anyone know if the year of manufacture makes a difference on the pull-back for FZ6R bars? (I know, wrong forum, but bear with me) I just received my new FZ6R bars and they look identical to the bars that are on my bike (which I thought was totally stock). Just curious if anyone knew. Thanks.
  2. S

    Is that supposed to be there?

    Okay, I know that's not the best picture ever, but hopefully you can tell that's my chain going over the swingarm. My question is- is that black plastic piece supposed to be there between the chain and the swingarm, and is the chain supposed to come in contact with it? The reason I ask is...
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    Does anyone know the specs on those two bolts that secure the front gas tank bracket up near the steering head? I looked down today and both of mine are gone. And of course it's going to cost more to ship them than the price of the actual part. Anyway, just thought I'd ask. Thanks!
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    Feel so dumb...

    So the FZ6 is my second bike, and this is the first part of my second riding season, and until today I could say that I've never dropped my bike :(. I was stopped on a highway exit ramp, waiting for the light to change. I had my left foot down, my right on the rear brake, so I could relax my...
  5. S

    anybody use these?

    Hey everyone, I've been creeping around reading stuff on here for a bit, but this is my first post. I got my FZ this past winter, so I'm just getting into putting some miles on it recently, and after reading so many tales on here I'm looking into some sliders. I looked into to the T-rex ones...