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  1. J

    Donate To The Poor?

    I recently developed a gambling addiction on this forum and am in need of some more cash!!! any one willing to donate to the poor!!! [/ATTACH]
  2. J

    Daily Hot pics!! Please add

    We NEED a nice daily pic thread with something nice to see everyday!!:Sport:
  3. J

    Poor quality Foot Pegs and Mount

    I stopped by the dealership today to Check out the bike to get some motivation to start pulling in some money:rockon:which did pumped me up!!! After checking it out I noticed the foot pegs and mount on the fz6 is only held on by two bolts and it seems kind of flymsy and cheap. It evan has a...
  4. J

    Fz6 Home Video!!

    It would be awsome if you guys posted up some home videos of your bikes . One of you guys had posted a video on a track NICE!! It would be great to hear some of the different aftermarket exaust's chosen etc. everyone loves to watch bike videos so post some up or pics and it will get everyone all...
  5. J

    FZ6 Headlights??

    When the lights are on low beams is there just one of the headlights lit up and when the high beams are on there both lit up?? I've noticed this in a few videos... If so its one of the few things I don't like hopefully i'm wrong
  6. J

    Hello and a few questions??

    Hi everyone!! I'm Justin from CT and had a few questions about the FZ6. I've had bikes for many years now mostly enduro's and off road bikes. I'm looking into getting this bike but was wondering a few things. Is it sluggish at all? Does it have fast throttle response? ?(I'm 5'9 200Ib) Am I...