Search results

  1. penguinbiker8

    07 Kawi ZX6R

    so i traded in my FZ6 about 2 weeks ago for an 07 Ninja. all i can say is holy cow what a difference in posture! hahaha. that didnt surprise me at all as i knew that before i bought it. but after riding my FZ6 all day and then coming home on my new ZX i felt like my ass was WAY up. it was...
  2. penguinbiker8

    TITANIUM LEO's 4 sale

    i have the titanium leo vince slip-ons and cat eliminator pipe for sale. they only have about 520 miles on them. i have only had them on for no more than a month. they retail about $700 brand new. THEY ARE STILL AVAILABLE PM ME IF INTERESTED. IM OFFERING THEM FOR $480 SHIPPED. feel free to...
  3. penguinbiker8


    so i have been having trouble lately with first gear and neutral lately. out of nowhere my trans is acting up. i would downshift into first and hear the clunk but it would go into neutral not once BUT EVERY TIME for at least 10 stoplights. then at a light i was in neutral and the bike straight...
  4. penguinbiker8

    overseas buying/shipping

    so im looking for a headlight for my FZ6N project and wavex's threads helped alot, along with UK ebay. but it gets me wondering, is it safe to buy from overseas? waht if i pay but dont receive? theres a ton of good stuff out there that the states just dont get. but i dont want to get ripped off...
  5. penguinbiker8

    wheel stripe help

    so i put on some pinstriping around my rim a while back. and now ive just grown out of it. i dont care for it anymore. that being said i tried to remove it but my attempts are futile. i tried scrubbing it with mineral water and a steel brush but nothing seems to work. maybe a hair dryer would...
  6. penguinbiker8

    those who went naked

    i was just wondering about the speedo on and 07 when you go naked. i know for the 06's you can reuse the tach and what not so can you do the same with an 07. i want to be able to use the stock one. thanks
  7. penguinbiker8

    penguins TI LEOs installed (pics soon)

    so i went to go install my exhaust after patiently waiting 2 weeks. installation was easy, the stock exhaust slid right out and the new exhasust slid right in. all i had to do was remove the grabrails and a little plastic but other than that EASY. now i cant seem to figure out how to get my pics...
  8. penguinbiker8

    quick question

    can someone post a link/picture of what A cat elminator pipe looks like. i just need to look at one but cant seem to find any.
  9. penguinbiker8

    got my new exhaust

    so i ordered some leo vince TI and they arrived after one week. the only problem is i cant install it myself cause i dont know how/ want to mess up my bike. how much would it cost for a dealer to install it?
  10. penguinbiker8

    seat conversion?

    does anyone know if you can convert the banana seat on an 07 to like a two piece seat where you can take off just the back. i know it sounds dumb/weird, but if you bought like 2 seats and somehow fabricated a piece so it would work. just looking for some input thanks
  11. penguinbiker8

    good deal?

    i found this website looking for leo vince exhaust 2007 - More Power Racing the first one says its a full exhaust system and its cheaper. i was just wondering what you guys think about this site, its the cheapest ive seen and the titanium one is what i was looking at.
  12. penguinbiker8

    Warranty Void

    hey, i was just wondering: i want to put some exhaust on my bike over the winter but my mom says that it might void the warranty on my bike if i "upgrade" it. thoughts?
  13. penguinbiker8

    hazard mod

    i was just wondering if it would be possible to mod out the hazards to do like a little light show when your just showing off your bike in a parking lot or something. dont know if its would work, just a random thought
  14. penguinbiker8

    Jerk in minivan

    so im riding back from school today on my FZ. pull up to a stoplight in the right lane and theres a dude in a minivan in the left. light goes green and its a merge. i hear him floor his car and look over at him, like whats his problem, so i just get on it and cruise past him before the merge...
  15. penguinbiker8

    brand new 07

    sup just got a brand new FZ6 last week, already got 300 miles on the beast. just wondering if i should hold off on the wheelies till after the engine break in. the highest ive ever revved it was 9k for a short wheelie