baby rides fz6

I was merely pointing out that one's judgment of what is safe or not for his kid does not necessarily characterize him as a bad dad. How, and where in the world you were raised, your background, etc... are all factors when it comes to safety decision making for yourself and your kids...

The only reason I got involved in this post is because my best friend in France (he still lives where I grew up), has a kid and did that with his young kid in front of his house... he was doing it safely (with no risk at all in his mind), and that was it. I also know he is one of the best dad I know.

Does it mean I would do it myself with my daughter? No, my wife would kill me (she is american), and I wouldn`t feel comfy about it... but that`s beside the point :)
I think the kid was a little young for that, I've given both my kids a ride around the block on my FZ6. my rule was there feet had to be able to reach the pegs and they had to be wearing a helmet,jacket, pants and boots just incase we had a 5mph get off.
When my twins were teething, we rubbed their gums with vodka but they didn't drink it, per-say. Just numbed their pain enough to let them get to sleep.

My youngest boy snuck out of his room one night while we were entertaining some guests and was very sneaky... took and drank three small glasses on wine before anyone caught on. :eek: We monitored him as he sat on the edge of the couch. He ended up passing out with his butt on the couch and forehead on the coffee table. It wasn't funny then but it is now. I FELT like a bad parent for not catching him sooner! I can say it never happened again with any of them though! Lesson learned!

BTW, he wasn't quite 4 yrs old!
:rof: she loved it too!!! (and she slept great that night) :D

EDIT - I've seen you post about this several times over the last few months so now I'm gong to bite. Please don't think that I feel this is a HUGE deal, becuase I don't. It just begs the question, WHY?

But again, what's the point? You think it's cute or funny? "hahha, look she likes it"??? You like to share with your daughter? You like to show her cool/enjoyable things? Posing for the camera? My answer to all of those would be YES and I would have the DESIRE to do the same; nonetheless, somewhere along the line I would think to myself, "meh, what's the point?" as there COULD be a noticeable downside.

In finance you would say, I have a 99% chance of a 0.1% return and a 1% chance of a -1,000,000% return. Generally it all depends how risk adverse you are...but it's your kids life, not yours.

With the motorcycle thing, if the family needed to get around like that, FINE. But in this case there is no point other than selfishness (cute/funny/desire to share). The kid is not going to remember that one ride and it's not like she was having a blast or something. There are enough odds stacked against a child...not need to add more unless it's worth it. Driving on the freeway is dangerous but it's a necessity. Having your kid play football is dangerous but there is an upside.

Putting you kid in danger for no good reason other than your own selfish entertainment is just stupid; however, it's really easy to isolate one situation and say "I disaprove", opinining on whether or not someone is a good parent would take a lifetime of analysis.
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EDIT - I've seen you post about this several times over the last few months so now I'm gong to bite. Please don't think that I feel this is a HUGE deal, becuase I don't. It just begs the question, WHY?

But again, what's the point? You think it's cute or funny? "hahha, look she likes it"??? You like to share with your daughter? You like to show her cool/enjoyable things? Posing for the camera? My answer to all of those would be YES and I would have the DESIRE to do the same; nonetheless, somewhere along the line I would think to myself, "meh, what's the point?" as there COULD be a noticeable downside.

In finance you would say, I have a 99% chance of a 0.1% return and a 1% chance of a -1,000,000% return. Generally it all depends how risk adverse you are...but it's your kids life, not yours.

With the motorcycle thing, if the family needed to get around like that, FINE. But in this case there is no point other than selfishness (cute/funny/desire to share). The kid is not going to remember that one ride and it's not like she was having a blast or something. There are enough odds stacked against a child...not need to add more unless it's worth it. Driving on the freeway is dangerous but it's a necessity. Having your kid play football is dangerous but there is an upside.

Putting you kid in danger for no good reason other than your own selfish entertainment is just stupid; however, it's really easy to isolate one situation and say "I disaprove", opinining on whether or not someone is a good parent would take a lifetime of analysis.

Why did I let my daughter dip her lips into my glass of beer? :rof: hmmm well, I was sitting there in my living room, holding my daughter with my right arm, and drinking my beer... she of course grabbed the glass and wanted to try it, so I let her have a sip (sp?)... sorry but what the hell is the danger of doing this? I see parents let their kids drink soda, eat McDonalds every other day, which in my opinion is way more dangerous than a sip of beer. And again, what is the potential danger of a sip of beer? I might be completely clueless, but to me, there is absolutely no danger at all.
Would I give my baby peanut butter? no... would I give her OJ? no... because I know these things are not good for infants, but a couple of drops of beer? whatever!

Indeed, it is really easy to isolate one single event, and make a big deal out of it, but while you may always make the perfect decision for you and your kid's safety, some ppl looking at it from the outside will always judge and think they know a safer way...
Driving my kid on the freeway is not a necessity... some ppl drive their kids on side streets only.... do they have the right to make a moral judgment on my parenting skills?
Some ppl let their kids play outside in front of their house, some ppl would never let them do that because the street is close by and a car could kill them... who`s right and who`s wrong? should kids be allowed to play outside only when a fence seperates them from the street?
Again, this debate is not black or white... I grew up in an environment where there was no fence between us and the street... was it more dangerous? sure it was... was it wrong? I don`t think so... it tought me lessons about life that my daughter may never learn for example...

Another example: my wife wants to protect every single piece of furniture in the house, every single power plug, everything needs to be protected in case she falls, or in case she does this or that... my opinion was to protect only the necessary stuff (power plugs, cabinet that contains all the cleaning products etc), and give her some room for everything else... who`s right and who`s wrong? again imo there isn`t one answer... you`ll do what is comfortable for you... (and for which other ppl would freak out and tell you you`re crazy and a bad parent). IMO, over-protecting your child against all and every potential risk will give you dependant kids, disconnected from reality.... when I was a kid, there was no protection in my house, and after hurting myself once on a sharp furniture corner, I learnt all on my own to be more careful about furniture corners... if it would have been protected, I would never have learnt that lesson, and maybe later in life in someone else's house I would have opened my head on a sharp corner because I never learnt to watch for them...