baby rides fz6


Jun 15, 2008
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not sure what year it is

[ame=""]YouTube - pére et fils en fz6[/ame]
Uggghhh. Wheres DYFS. When u need them?

There probably isn't one, it's France. Not trying to be controversial but if they want to do that it's their business - not ours. That's one of the problems today. Everyone thinking the know how everyone else should do everything - drive, raise kids, eat, educate their kids, etc... </rant>
There probably isn't one, it's France. Not trying to be controversial but if they want to do that it's their business - not ours. That's one of the problems today. Everyone thinking the know how everyone else should do everything - drive, raise kids, eat, educate their kids, etc... </rant>

I agree with Doorag. I mean, what are we going to do with all the excess Darwin Awards we'll accumulate if parents aren't allowed to kill and maim their kids in accidents that could have been avoided?

Nah, my real fear is that Fils will fall and Pere will sue Yamaha for not providing a baby seat on the bike. If you think that can't happen - tell me why my bicycle has a sticker that says "For daytime use only." Or why my cup of McDonalds coffee has a warning that says "Hot coffee can cause burns." Who do you really blame for this cr@p? If you don't want babyseats as standard equipment on MC, make sure fils is wearing a DOT approved baby helmet while you ride around with him flopping around on the tank. :spank:
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There probably isn't one, it's France. Not trying to be controversial but if they want to do that it's their business - not ours. That's one of the problems today. Everyone thinking the know how everyone else should do everything - drive, raise kids, eat, educate their kids, etc... </rant>

No its wrong...they can do what ever they want but its bad parenting when it comes down to it.
big deal, the guy takes his son on his bike for a ride at 5mph through a parking lot... sure there's a risk... there's always a risk no matter what you do... I throw my daughter up in the air and catch her back... yes it's risky and she doesn`t wear a helmet for it...
What if a car backed out into them?

Poor choice for the parents and it's not looking out for the best interests of the child who has no say in the matter. Pi$$-Poor parenting. Bad judgement. Utter lack of concern. To top it off, a selfish display of false confidence that nothing will happen.

"Train dem Squids YOUNG!"

My effing opinion and a strong one at that!
I'm not really stating my opinion either way on whether or not this was a good idea, but... what if they were walking along pushing the baby in a stroller and a car backed into them?

Scott: Only way to "eliminate" risk to your children is to not have kids. What we're trying to promote is "reduction of unnecessary risk". Like Michael Jackson hanging his kid, Prince Michael Jackson II, AKA Blanket, out to dry on the 7th floor balcony in 2002.

OOPS. (poster heard muttering "I gotta come up with better material... and slinks off)
I totally agree, I'm just saying if the risk you're concerned with is someone backing into you, then the motorcycle is irrelevant.
I didn't see any problem with it. There are way to many parents putting there kids in a bubble. The problem with putting your kid in a bubble is they will turn out to be wussies and will not be able to take care of themselves. Yah there was a lot of things that "could of" happened but no one is truly safe at anytime. If you always talk of the maybes, could of, or what ifs you are not living life and worst of all keeping your kids from living there life.....
I'm not really stating my opinion either way on whether or not this was a good idea, but... what if they were walking along pushing the baby in a stroller and a car backed into them?

Well? Being a parent of three myself, I wouldn't be pushing a stroller behind parked cars. ;)

There's enough danger with just trying to keep up with a toddler and keep them out of trouble. I just wouldn't add this type of factor into the equation if it were my kid. I'm just a better parent than they are.... that's my point. I went through 20 years of rasing kids to protect them not increase their chances of being hurt. I'm a GOOD Dad!
Eric, then the question becomes "how far do you take it to protect your kids?"... to some ppl, driving on LA freeways with your baby in your car is suicide and stupid, to others it`s their normal routine... you protect your kids to a certain degree that makes you comfortable, other ppl protect their own kids differently... does it mean you`re a better parent than they are? I don`t think you can judge so easily by watching a 10 sec video on youtube... imo parenting is much more than that and blankly stating that you`re a better parent because you would not ride your bike at 3mph in a parking lot with your kid sitting on the tank is pushing it a little bit imo (whether you actually are a better parent is irrelevant, and I am sure you are!)...

I drive on LA freeways with my baby in the car... am I a bad parent?
I throw my baby in the air and catch her when she falls... am I a bad parent?
I gave my baby a sip of beer the other day... am I a bad parent?

I know some ppl would never do such things with their kids, because "it's soooooooooo dangerous", but on the other hand I can tell you they suck at parenting, and I know their kids will be little monsters...

Anyway, my humble opinion as usual :D :cheer:
I'll chime in... I as well have three children, (one off to college this fall) the other aren't far behind!

Decisions, that is really what is in question, we now today have more ways to protect our children than our parents ever had, It is a choice to use them or not.

Children do not instinctively know how to protect themselves they must be taught, they remember what they are taught. We teach them, In the example of the OP, the Father clearly made a bad choice along with Mom.This would leave one to extrapolate that the decision making process is already flawed. Leading to more of the same( decisions) being made.

To simply chuck this off as a memorable video clip is to miss the point! We already too much write things off as someones choice, so we can't say anything, I am by no means a perfect parent however never would I jeopardized the precious gift(s) that God has granted me (three times) in this manner. Why is it ok to make a bad choice for a child that can not even defend/protect themselves??

The simplest little things I've screwed up on in my children's life has given me pause to re-evaluate my choices I've made for them especially when they have become obvious after the fact or someone has pointed out the error of my ways, or I've witnessed by example.

"The nuts never fall far from the tree"

rant off...Eric
David, I went every step of the way to be sure that the risks they took were of their own choice and I was there to make them as safe as possible. I kept them out of harms way when they couldn't make their own choices. I made choices for them when they did not understand the danger and consequences. I helped guide them and teach them how to limit their exposure to danger. Because of this, I've raised three responsible adults without any of them ever breaking a bone. Did they do things that were dangerous? Of course, but we were there as parents to see they did it correctly and safely. :thumbup:

I understand your point of view and respect that. My point is, I wouldn't put my child in that position. In my own opinion, it is senseless and dangerous. The child has no say and doesn't/couldn't understand the consequences should something go wrong. If something did go wrong, the child has no way to protect him/herself. :eek:

There are necessary risks such as putting your child in a car on the LA freeway because you live there and travel just as we do here. Then there are unnecessary risks where I, as a parent, feel I can minimize my child's exposure to risk. This is an example and in my opinion, makes them bad parents :spank: because they did this without the child's best interests and safety in mind.

I threw my kids in the air, but it was typically in the water where if I didn't properly catch them, no harm done. Minimized the risk.

I put my kids in car seats and entered freeways, highways, etc. I did this with the safest car and car seats possible (not that you or anyone else wouldn't ;) ). Minimized the risk.

I taught them to ride bikes. I padded them up, did it on a lawn and not pavement, made them wear helmets and each parent covered both sides in case of a spill or possible collision. Minimized the risk.

I hope this helps you to see my point and why, based on this short video, my strong opinion is these parents are bad because they did not minimize the risk. I can't change that opinion even if I try hard to think of it in any other light. :don'tknow: :D

We're not perfect either. We had a few mishaps. We had all three at the playground and all at once, the three went in different directions. Only two of us to chase them so the one we didn't quite reach in time took a header off a platform at 3.5 yrs old. Thankfully, he was just scared, bruised and a small cut. When they were all teens, and I wasn't home from work yet, the oldest thought it would be cool to drive the neighbor's 4-wheeler.... right into a tree! Totalled the wheeler but he was smart enough to put on a full face helmet. He still put both front teeth clean through is lower lip and was quite bruised and battered. The owner of the 4-wheeler got into big trouble for letting his boys ride the thing unsupervised.

This point is, we cannot always be there to protect them, to minimize the risks. They will make their own choices without regards to the dangers. But, this example video is not one of those choices yet the parent did it regardless.

Kids that small are extremely unpredictable. The child could have simply decided to bail and start squirming to get off. Too many variables... too much risk.

Wow... I ramble on and on. Maybe I'm just too sensitive to things like this hence my strong opinion. :Flash:

And FWIW David, I believe you're a FINE parent, because I know you care too much about her to let harm come her way. :cheer:
I read in the AMA magazine this morning that MA is trying to pass a law that would make it illegal for kids under 14 to ride dirt bikes.

I'm pretty confident that between me and my future wife, my kids are going to be the rough and tumble type. That said, I wouldn't do what that guy did...what's the frickin point?

What would everyone be saying if the kid had started to slide, the Dad tried to catch him/her while going over the bump, and they went down or the kid fell off? Do you know how soft that kid's head is? Would you all be saying, no big deal, **** happens?

Unnecessary risk IMO. I don't think their should be laws against it and I don't get mad watching that video. I just consider it stupid and wouldn't do it myself.
Having an infant sit with you on the FZ for a photo is one thing but I'm not comfortable with the riding thing. I've seen people do this with loved pets as well.

I'm sure the pilot of the bike didn't think much about the "what if", heck I remember as a child standing up in the back seat of a car unrestrained as my folks drove down the road... maybe we're to quick to judge.

I didn't see any helmet or protective gear so there's a big hint on what to expect.
heck I remember as a child standing up in the back seat of a car unrestrained as my folks drove down the road... maybe we're to quick to judge..

Funny you say that...I was just thinking about the same thing. My two brothers, my sister, and I used to ride in the back of my Dad's '78 Chevy pickup on 6 hour I-90 rides to Cape Cod in the summer. We'd be back there horsing around with the bikes, beach chairs, etc. for the entire ride. I wouldn't do that with my kids, in fact it's probably illegal these days, and I asked my old man if he would do that with kids again, he said no and smiled. Struck me as really odd looking back, especially since he's a safety freak (investigates accidents for a living).