Guess what today is!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Today is my and sportrider's anniversary. We have been married for 9 years! :steve:
That's great. Many people now a days aren't lasting near that long. My parent's will be married for 26 years on the 31st.

I know what you cousin has been married twice and they both lasted less than 2 years.

Congrats to your parents!

I guess I'm doin pretty good, being 26 and married for 9 years?!?!
Congrats to you both! In today's world, this is a true milestone!

My wife and I have been together coming up on 22 yrs! Married 17 of them. Whew!

I hope you two have a long and continously happy life together!
:confused: um probably not....(I'm not either)

We have never really given gifts.

This will be a huge milestone...I am not a very materialistic person.. but I look forward to mine and I still have 5 years to go. We have been together for 9 year but married for almost 5..

Ten years and a few kids later, you have finally reached that point. Upon your milestone anniversary, you have decided on a fitting gift that will fulfill your 10-year old promise. This year you will finally give her an anniversary ring.

But this is not just any ordinary ring. With an anniversary ring, you are complimenting the existing wedding band that your wife has worn for many years. It symbolizes commitment to your spouse, a partnership that has endured many trials, and a promising future of many years to come. Those aspects in marriage will make this anniversary ring a symbolic reflection of your unyielding commitment to each other. Accommodated with the new anniversary band, your wedding ring will now radiate with that extra sparkle.

What type of ring?

A typical “wedding ring” is that of an engagement ring, joined with a wedding band to complete the “wedding ring” set. Some women prefer that an engagement ring would settle in as the “wedding ring,” upon a bride’s wedding day. This could be as a result of simplicity’s sake for appearance or just to reduce costs. Other women like to keep with the tradition and be presented with an additional wedding band to accommodate her engagement ring on her wedding day.

With an anniversary ring, you can accommodate both situations. Should a wife have an engagement ring only as her wedding ring, you can finally give her that anniversary ring to join her wedding ring. If she already has both bands, then she could wear her anniversary ring on another hand. As the famous saying goes, “the more the merrier.” (from this website article!&id=117356a0
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Please don't think I am materialistic, I'm not. It is just that when I see those bands on ladies fingers I feel like marriage means something to some people these days, and I respect that.
That's pretty cool, but honestly, I don't need another ring that shows his commitment.....he has already shown me his commitment and my rings don't need anything extra. :D

As for you, I hope you get your ring and you must post pics. :D
I will post for sure.. but 5 years is a long time from now. I don't really need the ring as far as his committment goes.. the fact that he has been such a great step-dad is good enough for me... incidentally it is he who is always having me look so he can start saving. :rolleyes:
Congratulations Danny and Janette!!! I hope you both enjoy the hell of it.
Did you get a sitter? or will you enjoy a quiet evening at home? (sorry if these are personal) I have my 5 year coming up on 9/1 so time for ideas.