Would this help?


May 31, 2008
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Seattle, WA
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I think publicity on billboards of images like these would help make auto drivers more aware and careful, no?
Translation: "You just forgot your turn signal, He is just a little dead"
yeah, that would probably help....where's the petition? :cheer:
Additional motorcycle awareness is ALWAYS a good thing. :thumbup:

Yeah....or if they made all the billboards into big screen tv's and put this on it;

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o-u0RFtyGY"]YouTube - Think! Look twice for motorcycles[/ame]
theres a group called think-bike that goes around trying to spread awareness. theyre a solid group. google for their homepage.
I think that americans are a bit too uptight for shock advertising (no matter how effective it would be) there would be lawsuits for sure for exposing children to images of blood...
They've taken those exact same ads and redone them for ads here in Florida. I occassionally see them run.

Really??? That's great! I haven't seen anything like that here....definitely would like to, though.
I think that americans are a bit too uptight for shock advertising (no matter how effective it would be) there would be lawsuits for sure for exposing children to images of blood...
Well theres no blood, just a shattered 2 wheeler with engine fluids all over...Well i guess its the2 wheelers "blood" :D
They've started a billboard campaign here in Utard, probably because of the big increase in biker deaths this year. Two examples:
Asphalt: the ultimate tattoo remover
All motorcycles have an airbag; it's called your windshield.

Simply banning cellphones while driving would fix 65% of the problem (my estimate) but that hasn't happened yet. :(
Simply banning cellphones while driving would fix 65% of the problem (my estimate) but that hasn't happened yet. :(
People already make driving mistakes when not on their cell phones...In CA they just passed the law stating you need a hands free device, but its still distracting. In Europe its plain outlawed to use your phone while driving. If you need to talk you call pull over.
...In CA they just passed the law stating you need a hands free device, but its still distracting.
And some people don't care about the law and still talk on the cell phone.

On my way home a few days ago, there was some dude driving a Mustang in the slow lane, me in the fast lane.... he's laughing on his phone while talking to someone (not hands free)....I kinda match speeds with him and look over at him and just start shaking my head. He went from :rof: to :tard: in about a second as he put his cell phone down...and he just stared at me. :ban:

Where's the damn cops when you need 'em?!?!?!?!

Sorry :hijack:
This sort of campaign might help a little, but IMHO most of the brain-dead drivers in the USA would respond to nothing less than a severe beating before becoming more considerate drivers. It seems that more and more people suffer from a syndrome some call "oppositional defiance" whereby they defy many sorts of "expected" behavior in an attempt to boost thier low self esteem and sense of worthlessness. The more we insist on conformity (which is essential to safe roadways)- the more they will balk. This is a problem for cars, trucks, pedestrians, and bicycles as well as motorcycles.

There are a lot of people out there who would be very pleased with themselves to ruin my day or yours. . . . . . many bad drivers aren't simply distracted or absent minded- they are inconsiderate assholes.

The problem seems to be getting worse by the month- and it probably doesn't help that driver education in the USA has gone the way of education in general.

It's too time consuming and dangerous (and illegal) to beat the hell out of everyone who offends us in traffic, so I really don't have a solution- except to say be really careful out there. If you don't know what in the heck I'm talking about, try reading the "face plant" section of ADVRIDER.com sometime.

I drive about 50,000 miles per year in a very large and visible 18-wheeler and see some driving idiotics that make me believe people are trying to commit suicide with my truck- or at least work an insurance claim on me. If they aren't bright enough to behave in front of my great big truck, they sure as hell aren't bright enough to behave in front of my motorcycle, or yours.

However, if any of these "cycle awareness" campaigns save even one life (or maiming) they are well worth it- and with the sudden increase of cycles on the roadways because of fuel economy, things should get interesting pretty soon.